The document provides an overview of the key steps and transaction codes for accounts receivable and accounts payable processes in SAP, including creating customer and vendor master data, raising invoices and payments, cash discounting, interest calculation, dunning, down payments, and credit and debit memos. It lists the relevant transaction codes for creating accounts, master records, entering documents, periodic processing runs, and configuration steps for accounts receivable, accounts payable, interest calculation, dunning, and down payments.
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Account Recievable and Account Payable
1. Sl.No. Particulars & Path Transaction Code
Account Receivable
I Creating Customer
IMG- Fi A/c- AR& AP- Customer A/c- Master Data-Prprn for Creating
customer Master data Define A/c groups with Screen layout
Create No Range for Customer Groups XDN1
Assign No Ranges to Customer A/c groups OBAR
Create Ledger Sundry Debtors (031 & G067) Posting with Customer FS00
Create Customer
Sap- A/c-FI A/cg-A/c receivable-Master Records-FD01 Create
Raising Sales Invoice
SAP-A/cg-FI A/c-A/c rcvble- Doc Entry-Invoice
FB70 &F-22
Checking the Balance
SAP- A/cg- FI A/cg-A/c Rcvbles-A/c- Display Balance
Incoming Payments
SAP-A/cg-FI A/cg- A/c rcvble- Doc Entry- Incoming Payments
Define Tolerance Group for Customers
IMG-FI A/cg- A/c Rcvlbe & payable- BT-Incomg Payments-Mannual
incomg payments- Define tolerance group for Customers
Partial Payment & Resedual payment F-28
Create GL A/c Discount Allowed FS00
Maintain terms of payment
IMG- Fi A/c- A/c Rcvble & Payble- BT-Outgoing Invoice/ credit memo-
Maintain Terms of payment
IMG- Fi A/c- A/c Rcvble & Payble- BT-Incoming payments-Incmg
paymnt Global Setting-Define A/cs for Cash Discount Granted
Modify Customer Master data with Discount term FD02
Incoming payments F-28
Interest Calculation
Create GL A/c Int Rcvd FS00
Define Int Cal types
IMG-FI A/c-A/c Rcvble & Payble-BT-Int Cal- Int Cal Globl Setting-
Define Int Cal type
Prepare A/c balance Interest Calculation OBAA
2. Define ref Int Rates
IMG-FI A/c-A/c Rcvble & Payble-BT-Int Cal- Int cal- define Ref Int Rates
Define Time Based Terms OB81
Enter Interest Value OB83
Interest posting
IMG-FI A/c-A/c Rcvble & Payble-BT-Int Cal- Int Posting-AR Bal Int Cal
Print Option
IMG-FI A/c-A/c Rcvble & Payble-BT-Int Cal- Print- Assign forms of Int
Modify Customer Master data with Interest indicator FD02
Raise Invoice F-22
Running Interest Scale
SAP-A/cg- FI A/cg-A/c Rcvble-Periodic Processing-Int Cal-Bal Int Cal
Down Payment
Create GL A/c of Down Payment rcvd under CL FS00
Define Reconciliation A/c for Customer Down payment
IMG-FI A/c- A/c Rcvble & payble- BT- Down Payment Rcvd
Down payment request
SAP-A/c-FI A/c-A/c Rcvble-Doc Entry- Down payment- Request
Receiving Down payment
Spl Gl Indicator A
Checking the balance FD10n, FBL5N
Raising invoice F-22
Clearing Down Payment F-39
Clearing Balance Amount F-28
Define Dunning Procedure
IMG-FI A/cg- A/c rcvbl & Payble- BT-Dunning-Dunning Procedure-
Modify Customer Master data with Dunning Procedure FD02
Raise Invoice F-22
Running Dunning Notice
SAP- A/cg-FI A/c-A/c Rcvble-Periodic Processing-Dunning
Credit Memo
SAP-A/c-FI A/c-A/c Rcvble-Doc Entry- Credit Memo F-27 &FB75
3. Account Payable
Creating Vendor Groups
Img-FI A/c- AR & AP- Vendor A/c-Master Data-preprn for creatg vendr
mastr data- define a/c grps with Screen layout
Creating No ranges fro Vendoe A/c
IMG-FI A/c-Vendor A/c-Mastr dataprpn for creating vendor master
data- define a/c grps with Screen layout
Assaign No ranges to Vendor A/c group OBAS
Create ledger of Sundry Creditors
Reconciliation, Vendor- Sort key 012 & g067
Create Purchase a/c FS00
Creating Vendor
SAP- A/c-Fi A/c- AP-Master records- Create
Raising Purchase invoice
SAP-A/c-AP-Doc Entry
FB60 & F-43
Checking Balance FK10N, FB03
Outgoing Payment
SAAP-A/c-Ap- Doc entry- Outgoing payment
Partial Payment & Residual payment
Cash Discount
Create GL Discount rcvd under II
Maintain terms of payment
IMG- Fi a/c- AR AP- BT-Incomg invoice & Credt Memo-maintain terms
of paymnt
Outgoing payment
IMG-FI A/c-AR AP-BT- outgoing payment-Out going payment global
setting- Define A/c for Cash discount
Modify Vendor Master data
SAP-A/c-FI A/c- AP-Master record
Raise invoice F-43
Interest Calculation
Create GL A/c Interest paid under IE FS00
Define Int Cal Type
IMG_Fi A/c- AR AP-BT-Int Cal-Int cal globl seting- define int cal type
Prepare A/c Balance Int Calculation OBAA
4. Interest calculation OBAC
Define time based terms OB81
Enter Interest Values OB83
Interest posting OBV4
Print Option
Assign terms of Int indicator
Modify vendor master data with int indicator FK02
Raise invoice F-43
Running Interest Scale
SAP- A/c-FI A/c-AP- Periodic processing- Int calc-Balance
Running the Session SM35
Down Payment
Create GL A/c Down payment Under Current Asset 012 & G067 FS00
Create Vendor with Cash Mgt Group A1 FK01
IMG-Fi- AR AP- BT-Down payment made- define alternative Recon A/c
for Down payment
Select Down paymnt on C.. Asset with SPl GL A
Down Paymnt Request with SPL GL F
Down Payment Request
SAP-A/c-FI A/c- AP-Doc Entry-Down Paymnt-Request
Checking Balance FBL1N (Click noted)
Receiving Down Payment F-48
Check Balance FK10N
Raise the Invoice F-43
Clearing the down payment F-54
Debit memo
SAP-A/C-Fi A/c-AP-Doc Entry- FB65 & F-41