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語  螻給 AR tool 覿
豕煙, 蟾蟲, れ
1. AR?
2. AR tools
3. Vuforia?
4. Vuforia 5.5 SDK(android sample)
 Image targets
 User defined targets
 Cloud recognition
5. Vuforia license & target manager
6. 覿蟆郁骸
7. Reference
 Augmented Reality (讀螳 )
 (豺覲 + 豺覦 + 蠍一瑚鍵) + 豌襴
殊豺覲  GPS
朱豺覦  讌蠍 殊
手鍵瑚鍵  企(螳) & 譴(螳)殊
殊豌襴  AR tool
AR tools
AR tool - Vuforia
 the detection of several kinds of targets (including objects, images, English text)
 target tracking
 2D and 3D recognition
 scanning real objects for recognition
 virtual buttons
 mapping additional elements via OpenGL
 Smart TerrainTM, a capability to reconstruct a terrain in real time, creating a 3D geometric
map of the environment
 Extended Tracking, a capability that delivers a continuous visual experience even when the
target is out of view
 ARToolKit supports(blue text)
Vuforia5.5 SDK (android sample - 1)
る誤 企 焔 危殊 螳讌螻 伎 語
Vuforia5.5 SDK (android sample - 2)
 豺企 觀郁 .
 豺企朱(讌谿蠍)覯殊 襯碁.
 豐 企語襯 覦伎 伎
augmentable 螳  target image  
襦 ロ.(豕 5螳)
 豺企 觀  ル target image螳 覲
企 企 觀一 譯殊 texture襯 企.
 覃 讌 ..
Vuforia5.5 SDK (android sample - 3)
觀壱襴 企殊磯 蠏狩 焔 伎 語
Vuforia license & target manager
Vuforia license & target manager
Vuforia license & target manager(cloud)
Vuforia license & target manager(cloud)
Rating : augmentable
Vuforia license & target manager(device)
Vuforia license & target manager(device)
Vuforia license & target manager(device)
 豐 企語襯 蟆企語襦 襷 螻殊 vuforia cloud襯 伎
蟆螻, 覦伎 伎 蟆企語襯 襷   覯 ロ 蟆
   觜蟲螳 .
Vuforia Web Service API覿 
Vuforia cloud  企語 覿螳 螳覲企 る蟇碁.
1000 recognition/month   覦(?)
蟆磯朱  覯蟲煙  ..
 Vuforia Developer
 Top 5 AR tools
AR tool - Vuforia

More Related Content

AR tool - Vuforia

  • 1. 語 螻給 AR tool 覿 (Vuforia) 豕煙, 蟾蟲, れ
  • 2. Contents 1. AR? 2. AR tools 3. Vuforia? 4. Vuforia 5.5 SDK(android sample) Image targets User defined targets Cloud recognition 5. Vuforia license & target manager cloud device 6. 覿蟆郁骸 7. Reference
  • 3. AR Augmented Reality (讀螳 ) (豺覲 + 豺覦 + 蠍一瑚鍵) + 豌襴 殊豺覲 GPS 朱豺覦 讌蠍 殊 手鍵瑚鍵 企(螳) & 譴(螳)殊 殊豌襴 AR tool
  • 4. AR tools AR tool - Vuforia
  • 5. Vuforia? the detection of several kinds of targets (including objects, images, English text) target tracking 2D and 3D recognition scanning real objects for recognition virtual buttons mapping additional elements via OpenGL Smart TerrainTM, a capability to reconstruct a terrain in real time, creating a 3D geometric map of the environment Extended Tracking, a capability that delivers a continuous visual experience even when the target is out of view ARToolKit supports(blue text)
  • 6. Vuforia5.5 SDK (android sample - 1) る誤 企 焔 危殊 螳讌螻 伎 語
  • 7. Vuforia5.5 SDK (android sample - 2) 豺企 觀郁 . 豺企朱(讌谿蠍)覯殊 襯碁. 豐 企語襯 覦伎 伎 augmentable 螳 target image 襦 ロ.(豕 5螳) 豺企 觀 ル target image螳 覲 企 企 觀一 譯殊 texture襯 企. 覃 讌 ..
  • 8. Vuforia5.5 SDK (android sample - 3) 觀壱襴 企殊磯 蠏狩 焔 伎 語
  • 9. Vuforia license & target manager
  • 10. Vuforia license & target manager
  • 11. Vuforia license & target manager(cloud)
  • 12. Vuforia license & target manager(cloud) Rating : augmentable
  • 13. Vuforia license & target manager(device)
  • 14. Vuforia license & target manager(device)
  • 15. Vuforia license & target manager(device)
  • 16. 覿蟆郁骸 豐 企語襯 蟆企語襦 襷 螻殊 vuforia cloud襯 伎 蟆螻, 覦伎 伎 蟆企語襯 襷 覯 ロ 蟆 觜蟲螳 . Vuforia Web Service API覿 Vuforia cloud 企語 覿螳 螳覲企 る蟇碁. 1000 recognition/month 覦(?) 蟆磯朱 覯蟲煙 ..
  • 17. Reference Vuforia Developer https://developer.vuforia.com Top 5 AR tools http://cases.azoft.com/top-5-tools-creating-augmented- reality-apps/

Editor's Notes

  1. 螳 螳 螳
  2. 豕 5螳 焔伎 5螳襦 蟇語企螻, 5螳螳 願覃 螳 る 蟆企語
  3. 豕 5螳 焔伎 5螳襦 蟇語企螻, 5螳螳 願覃 螳 る 蟆企語