Information Communication and Technology Sector in The Republic of MacedoniaJsurna
The document summarizes information and communication technology developments in the Republic of Macedonia. It discusses initiatives to provide laptops to students and teachers, the ratio of students to computers, the development of e-government services, opportunities for startups through app development programs, market statistics for the electronic communications sector, and upcoming opportunities for investment through an auction of 4G LTE spectrum licenses. It concludes by thanking the audience and providing contact information for the minister.
This document summarizes the accuracy of rainfall estimates from an X-band Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) installed in Leuven, Belgium and its application for hydrological modelling of the 48.17 km2 Molenbeek/Parkbeek catchment. Different adjustment techniques including range dependent adjustment, mean field bias adjustment, and Brandes spatial adjustment were applied to raw radar data, improving the mean absolute error by 47% and root mean square error by 45% compared to original radar estimates. Two rainfall-runoff models, VHM and NAM, were used to simulate streamflow in the catchment, showing similar performance and greater accuracy simulating more uniform winter storms than summer storms.
20 x 80 Frame Tent Installation Instructionscelinatent
This document provides instructions and safety warnings for installing a 20' x 80' Classic Series Frame tent. It emphasizes that the installer is responsible for anticipating weather conditions and using proper securing methods for the site's soil and wind conditions. Failure to properly install the tent could result in injury or structural failure. Common sense and caution are necessary to safely set up the temporary shelter.
G20 Meksika 2012 Toplantısı: Küresel Ekonomi, Öncelikler, Hedefler, Beklentil...Aykut Kibritçioğlu
Ankara, 05.06.2012.
Konferans Hakkında Ek Bilgi:
Aykut Kibrtiçoğlu'nun bu sunumla yakından ilgili bir makalesini şu adresten indirebilirsiniz:
You may download a paper of professor Kibritçioğlu on the same issue at:
Bomba el niño de la Jungla en la inolvidable Colección Robin Hood ( Ed.Acme) ARGENTINA. visite el blog Comic y Deportes
Prevalence of Chronic Pain and Its Effect on Functional Independence in Spina...iosrjce
A cross sectional study of 100 people with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) was performed to
determine the prevalence and severity of different types of pain (musculoskeletal, neuropathic) at 6 months
following SCI. In addition, we sought to determine the relationship between the presence of pain and FIM score
related to the injury such as level of lesion, completeness and clinical SCI syndrome. The study demonstrates
that pain after years of SCI is common problem with prevalence of 80%. It was found that 36% had only
neuropathic pain, 18% had only musculoskeletal pain, while 26% people had both neuropathic and
musculoskeletal pain. The minimum age was 21 years and maximum was 72 years and mean of 41 years.88%
were male and 12% were female. The mean years of SCI injury was 14 years. L1 level of injury was the highest
with 21%; D8 to D12 was the least injured level with 2%.Mc Gill pain questionnaire was used 34 % had mild
pain, 46 % had moderate pain, and 20% severe pain. Neuropathic pain was present in 58% of the SCI subjects.
Musculoskeletal pain was present in 54 % of SCI subjects. The minimum FIM score was 38 and maximum was
121 with the mean of 88 and the standard deviation 28.16.Correlation is significant at the level 0.01 between
neuropathic pain and FIM score (Pearson correlation 0.553) Correlation is significant at the level of 0.01 level
between musculoskeletal pain and FIM score (Pearson correlation 0.459). When compared between
neuropathic and musculoskeletal pain it was found there was significance in difference in FIM score. The study
revealed that musculoskeletal pain had more impact on FIM score when compared to neuropathic pain. Those
with neuropathic pain early following their injury are likely to continue to experience on going pain and the
pain is likely to be severe. In contrast, chronic musculoskeletal pain is more common but less likely to be severe
and cannot be predicted by the presence of pain in the following injury.
This document outlines instructional objectives for a lesson about the experiences of free blacks in mid-19th century New York City. Students will explore the experience of Maritcha through reading her biography and comparing her life to their own using a graphic organizer. They will also evaluate the extent of change in New York life for young people during this time period. Teachers are provided with scaffolding strategies like using graphic organizers, modeling, and fishbowl discussions to support students in meeting the objectives.
Lewis Barbe Expert Witness - Guidrey CaseLewis Barbe
Lewis Barbe is a professional engineer who is focused on safety in the workplace. He also works as a consultant and is a recipient of Emeritus Status from the HFES.
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Prevalence of Chronic Pain and Its Effect on Functional Independence in Spina...iosrjce
A cross sectional study of 100 people with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) was performed to
determine the prevalence and severity of different types of pain (musculoskeletal, neuropathic) at 6 months
following SCI. In addition, we sought to determine the relationship between the presence of pain and FIM score
related to the injury such as level of lesion, completeness and clinical SCI syndrome. The study demonstrates
that pain after years of SCI is common problem with prevalence of 80%. It was found that 36% had only
neuropathic pain, 18% had only musculoskeletal pain, while 26% people had both neuropathic and
musculoskeletal pain. The minimum age was 21 years and maximum was 72 years and mean of 41 years.88%
were male and 12% were female. The mean years of SCI injury was 14 years. L1 level of injury was the highest
with 21%; D8 to D12 was the least injured level with 2%.Mc Gill pain questionnaire was used 34 % had mild
pain, 46 % had moderate pain, and 20% severe pain. Neuropathic pain was present in 58% of the SCI subjects.
Musculoskeletal pain was present in 54 % of SCI subjects. The minimum FIM score was 38 and maximum was
121 with the mean of 88 and the standard deviation 28.16.Correlation is significant at the level 0.01 between
neuropathic pain and FIM score (Pearson correlation 0.553) Correlation is significant at the level of 0.01 level
between musculoskeletal pain and FIM score (Pearson correlation 0.459). When compared between
neuropathic and musculoskeletal pain it was found there was significance in difference in FIM score. The study
revealed that musculoskeletal pain had more impact on FIM score when compared to neuropathic pain. Those
with neuropathic pain early following their injury are likely to continue to experience on going pain and the
pain is likely to be severe. In contrast, chronic musculoskeletal pain is more common but less likely to be severe
and cannot be predicted by the presence of pain in the following injury.
This document outlines instructional objectives for a lesson about the experiences of free blacks in mid-19th century New York City. Students will explore the experience of Maritcha through reading her biography and comparing her life to their own using a graphic organizer. They will also evaluate the extent of change in New York life for young people during this time period. Teachers are provided with scaffolding strategies like using graphic organizers, modeling, and fishbowl discussions to support students in meeting the objectives.
Lewis Barbe Expert Witness - Guidrey CaseLewis Barbe
Lewis Barbe is a professional engineer who is focused on safety in the workplace. He also works as a consultant and is a recipient of Emeritus Status from the HFES.
Follow us at:
Website :
Twitter :
1. 517715580645<br />Vücudumuzu hastalıklardan korumak için ne gibi önlemler alırız? <br />Ellerimizi sabunla yıkamalıyız.<br />Vitamin almalıyız.<br />Egzersiz yapmak.<br />Meyve ve sebze yemek. <br /><br /><br />495808041275<br />Bilgisayarımızı virüslerden korumak için ne gibi önlemler alırız?<br />Anti –virüs eklemek ve güncellemek<br />Değişik virüslü internet sitelerine girmemeliyiz<br />Güvenlik duvarı koymak<br />Düzenli olarak bilgisayar hastanesine baktırmak<br /><br /><br />Eren ÖZBAKAN<br />22.03.2011<br />