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Romanian Association of Biomass and Biogas
2012 2013 2014 2015
Romanian Association of Biomass and Biogas
Number of Members
2012 was foundedwas founded
National and International
Feasibility Study:
Available resources for Bioenergy projects
in every Romanian county
14 presentations
in events / meetings with authorities
Proud members
of European Biomass Association
2013 Proud members
of European Biogas Association
First resolution of a problem
that a member of ours had
(6 problems resolved in total)
2014 Biomass: the only priority that Romania
has in the Renewable Energy sector in the period
2014  2025, according to the set of principles
for Romanias Energy Strategy 2014  2035,
published by the Ministry of Energy
ARBIO Inauguration event
Impact Study:
Implementing 500 MW
of Bioenergy in Romania
Strategic Partnership
with the Romanian Association
of Pellets and Briquettes Producers
Members of the
National Farmers
Federation PRO AGRO
Present in all major events of
AEBIOM and EBA so as to represent
Romania and our members
19 presentations in events /
meetings with authorities
Partnership / collaboration with
25 Associations / NGOs /
Chambers of Commerce/ Municipalities
The Inauguration
Refusal to stop Bioenergy
projects, as the other
sectors have proposed
Working Group for the Biomass Law,
with 4 ministries, ANRE
(the National Regulator) and ARBIO
Tens of declarations by officials
who confirm the importance
of Biomass and Biogas
for the Romanian economy
New Environmental Tax for un-processed waste,
delivered to Landfill (Landfill tax),
80 Ron (18 Euro) / ton in 2016,
120 Ron (27 Euro) / ton in 2017
Participation in the Working Group
for the National Forestry Strategy
ARBIO Biomass & Biogas
Resolution of 17 problems
that our members had
Partnership / collaboration
with 47 Associations/ NGOs /
Chambers of Commerce / Municipalities
Elected member of AEBIOM Board /
Romania enters in the board of the biggest
European Organization in the
Renewable Energy sector
31 presentations
in events / meetings
with authorities
Partners in the
European project
Bioenergy for Business
Extensive Study on the actual status
of Heat / District Heating sector
in Romania and the Biomass potential
New members in
Private Services Employers
in Romania
Through PRO AGRO,
members of UPR and
CNPR Confederation
Through PRO AGRO,
members in COPA  COGECA
B i o g a s
B i o g a s
B i o g a s
2016 - 2017
With 50+ investors from Romania
and South Eastern Europe
Implementation of the Biomass and Biogas Law

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Arbio 2012 - 2015

  • 1. arbio.ro Romanian Association of Biomass and Biogas
  • 2. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2 27 48 72 www.arbio.ro Romanian Association of Biomass and Biogas Number of Members
  • 3. 2012 was foundedwas founded National and International Legitimization Feasibility Study: Available resources for Bioenergy projects in every Romanian county 14 presentations in events / meetings with authorities Proud members of European Biomass Association 2013 Proud members of European Biogas Association
  • 4. First resolution of a problem that a member of ours had (6 problems resolved in total) 2014 Biomass: the only priority that Romania has in the Renewable Energy sector in the period 2014 2025, according to the set of principles for Romanias Energy Strategy 2014 2035, published by the Ministry of Energy ARBIO Inauguration event Impact Study: Implementing 500 MW of Bioenergy in Romania Strategic Partnership with the Romanian Association of Pellets and Briquettes Producers Members of the National Farmers Federation PRO AGRO Present in all major events of AEBIOM and EBA so as to represent Romania and our members 19 presentations in events / meetings with authorities Partnership / collaboration with 25 Associations / NGOs / Chambers of Commerce/ Municipalities The Inauguration
  • 5. Refusal to stop Bioenergy projects, as the other sectors have proposed Working Group for the Biomass Law, with 4 ministries, ANRE (the National Regulator) and ARBIO 2015 Tens of declarations by officials who confirm the importance of Biomass and Biogas for the Romanian economy New Environmental Tax for un-processed waste, delivered to Landfill (Landfill tax), 80 Ron (18 Euro) / ton in 2016, 120 Ron (27 Euro) / ton in 2017 Participation in the Working Group for the National Forestry Strategy ARBIO Biomass & Biogas FORUM Resolution of 17 problems that our members had
  • 6. Partnership / collaboration with 47 Associations/ NGOs / Chambers of Commerce / Municipalities Elected member of AEBIOM Board / Romania enters in the board of the biggest European Organization in the Renewable Energy sector 31 presentations in events / meetings with authorities Partners in the European project Bioenergy for Business Extensive Study on the actual status of Heat / District Heating sector in Romania and the Biomass potential New members in Private Services Employers in Romania Through PRO AGRO, members of UPR and CNPR Confederation Through PRO AGRO, members in COPA COGECA
  • 7. 2016 Conference Biomass B i o g a s HEAT Biomass B i o g a s Biomass B i o g a s HEAT ConferenceConference 2016 - 2017 With 50+ investors from Romania and South Eastern Europe Implementation of the Biomass and Biogas Law