The Archbishops' Council was established in 1999 to strengthen central policy and resource decision-making in the Church of England and help it face future challenges. The Council's role is to coordinate, promote, aid and further the work and mission of the Church. It has 19 members including 6 appointed positions, and the Archbishops are seeking a new member focused on youth or children's work who can contribute to the Church's mission and ministry with a commitment of at least 3 days per month.
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Archbishops' Council Appointment
1. Most of the work of the Church of England is carried out in the dioceses and parishes.
But there are important functions which can only be carried out effectively at a national
level. The Archbishops’ Council was established in 1999 to strengthen the effectiveness of
the Church’s central policy and resource decision-making, helping the Church face the
challenges of the future. The Council’s statutory object is ‘to co-ordinate, promote, aid
and further the work and mission of the Church’.
MeMbeR oF The ARChbishops’ CounCil
From 1 January 2012 for a period of 5 years
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York wish to appoint an individual who will be part of the leadership of the
Church at national level. As one of its 19 members (6 of whom are appointed), you will help develop the Council’s
strategic direction and goals and promote its policies. The Archbishops have chosen to run an open recruitment
process to encourage applications as widely as possible from committed members of the Church of England or
Churches Together. Membership of the Archbishops’ Council also brings with it membership of the General Synod.
The Archbishops are especially keen to appoint someone who is closely involved with youth work or work with
children and able to take a broad overview of the Council’s range of activities. You will have a lively Christian faith,
be expected to contribute to the mission and ministry of the Church and be able to commit at least three days per
month. The post is unpaid, but expenses associated with attending meetings will be reimbursed.
Currently women and people from a minority ethnic background are under-represented on the Council and
applications from within these groups would be warmly welcomed. This appointment is subject to an
occupational requirement that the holder be a communicant member of the Church of England or of
a Church in communion with it under Part 1 of Schedule 9 to the Equality Act 2010.
For further information about the Church of England, please visit
To apply, please visit
Alternatively call 0844 880 5154 quoting Ref: C2216-246-1.
Closing date: 08/04/2011. First interviews: 05/05/2011.