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数据库设计思路是尽量做垂直分区,没有 Sharding。不过在反范式(denormalized)方面做得比

M. Tim Jones is an embedded firmware architect and the author of Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach,
GNU/Linux Application Programming (now in its second edition), AI Application Programming (in its second
edition), and BSD Sockets Programming from a Multilanguage Perspective. His engineering background ranges
from the development of kernels for geosynchronous spacecraft to embedded systems architecture and
networking protocols development. Tim is a Consultant Engineer for Emulex Corp. in Longmont, Colorado.


使用 qemu 建立简单的 ceph 分布式文件系统测试环境

1. 下载代码并编译
git clone git://ceph.newdream.net/git/ceph.git
git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/sage/ceph-client.git

2. 配置服务端环境并启动服务
2.1 添加 use_xattr
在/etc/fstab 中,找到服务端所在文件系统的位置,添加 use_xattr 选项。比如
UUID=c0fb46f4-6b8d-41a3-b026-5850b9f51865 / ext3
relatime,user_xattr,errors=remount-ro 0 1

2.2 建立文件夹
mkdir -p dev/osd0
mkdir out
mkdir log

2.3 启动 ceph 服务, ip 地址可以根据自己的环境选择
./vstart.sh -n -d -m

3. 测试服务端配置
./csyn --syn makedirs 2 2 2
./csyn --syn walk

4. 编译 linux 客户端
4.1 配置
make menuconfig , 在文件系统中选择 ceph

5. 启动 qemu 加载 ceph 文件系统
mount -t ceph /mnt/ceph
touch abc
6. 验证
./csyn --syn walk
应该可以看到刚刚建立的文件 abc


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Architect Document

  • 1. 数据库设计思路是尽量做垂直分区,没有 Sharding。不过在反范式(denormalized)方面做得比 较彻底,不用表连接(JOIN)方法者复杂的查询。 M. Tim Jones is an embedded firmware architect and the author of Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach, GNU/Linux Application Programming (now in its second edition), AI Application Programming (in its second edition), and BSD Sockets Programming from a Multilanguage Perspective. His engineering background ranges from the development of kernels for geosynchronous spacecraft to embedded systems architecture and networking protocols development. Tim is a Consultant Engineer for Emulex Corp. in Longmont, Colorado. http://ceph.newdream.net/2010/04/v0-20-released/ 使用 qemu 建立简单的 ceph 分布式文件系统测试环境 1. 下载代码并编译 git clone git://ceph.newdream.net/git/ceph.git git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/sage/ceph-client.git 2. 配置服务端环境并启动服务 2.1 添加 use_xattr 在/etc/fstab 中,找到服务端所在文件系统的位置,添加 use_xattr 选项。比如 UUID=c0fb46f4-6b8d-41a3-b026-5850b9f51865 / ext3 relatime,user_xattr,errors=remount-ro 0 1 重启系统 2.2 建立文件夹 mkdir -p dev/osd0 mkdir out mkdir log 2.3 启动 ceph 服务, ip 地址可以根据自己的环境选择 ./vstart.sh -n -d -m 3. 测试服务端配置 ./csyn --syn makedirs 2 2 2 ./csyn --syn walk 执行后,应该可以看到很多文件夹和文件 4. 编译 linux 客户端 4.1 配置 make menuconfig , 在文件系统中选择 ceph 5. 启动 qemu 加载 ceph 文件系统 mount -t ceph /mnt/ceph touch abc
  • 2. 6. 验证 ./csyn --syn walk 应该可以看到刚刚建立的文件 abc http://www.docin.com/p-44802740.html