A global Fortune 500 company needed an experience marketing platform that would support any number of business units marketing any number of products to any number of customers across multiple channels with an unknown mix of static and dynamic content and complex personalization yet to be determinedbecause the company knew it was in transition, the platform would need to evolve without any new development. How do you design a sustainable information architecture when organization, labels, navigation, and metadata are guaranteed to change? Hear lessons from designing this and other flexible organizational systems, and learn approaches to use when architecting sustainable, complex, enterprise platforms.
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Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Organizational Change
1. Architect Taxonomy
Systems to Support
Lessons from designing flexible organizational systems
Approaches for architecting sustainable, complex,
enterprise platforms.
Austin Govella
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
Washington, DC
2. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
Stay in touch
4. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
Knowledge Management
Employee Experience
Cross-Channel Marketing
Customer Portals
Work鍖ow Applications
5. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
The ask
A global Fortune 500 company needed a platform.
Support any number of business units marketing any
number of products to any number of customers across
multiple channels with an unknown mix of static and
dynamic content and complex personalization yet to be
Because the company knew it was in transition, the platform
would need to evolve without new development.
6. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
The context
Some business units deliver products. Others deliver
Some market to businesses owners, some to engineers,
some to consumers, some in first world, some in
developing world.
Some business units or markets are very mature, chasing
slowly. Some are very young, changing quickly.
Some business units have personnel and budget to support
websites and catalogs and metadata. Some dont.
7. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
The needs
Supports simple or complex organizational needs
Maintains itself when theres no one to maintain it
Easy to change organization, labels, metadata, and
Easy to leverage organization, labels, metadata, and
8. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
Navigation is marketing,
not wayfinding.
The taxonomy is less important than
what the taxonomy will become.
10. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
Properties of sustainable
taxonomic systems
1. Make it easy for content authors to see the impact.
Ask for the same metadata they see in the search filters or navigation.
This lets them see value of using, as well as impact of changes.
2. Make it harder to change more controlled vocabularies.
Force content authors to leverage existing categories.
3. Make it easy to change less controlled vocabularies.
Let content authors tag things with whatever they want.
4. Enable use of specialized dialects.
Let groups use specific, siloed taxonomies that apply only to them.
5. Increase the spread of the most useful taxonomies.
Enable global, shared vocabularies that any object or system can
11. Example
1. Make it easy for content authors to see the
Tags appear in search and browse
2. Make it harder to change more controlled
Business rules require some constants.
3. Make it easy to change less controlled
Add a new tag whenever you want.
4. Enable use of specialized dialects.
Let groups use specific taxonomies that
apply only to them.
5. Increase the spread of the most useful
Enable global, shared vocabularies that
any object or system can leverage.
12. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
Organizations need a family
kitchen, a place to cook, eat,
pray, fight, and love.
14. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
People Change
Missing elders:
When the people who know the words are no longer
around to tell you.
Angry elders:
When you dont know what it is or why its important, so
you dont touch it for fear of messing something up.
15. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
Use Changes
Over time, a term begins to refer to more and
more objects.
Organization applies term to fewer and fewer items
because of forgetting, difficulty, or fatigue.
Over time, a term begins to refer to fewer and
fewer objects.
16. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
Meaning Changes
Over time, meaning slowly changes, so term begins to
refer to different objects.
Sudden event substantially changes meaning of
existing term.
Sudden event introduces new groups of terms.
17. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
Taxonomic thoughts
Terms begin defined to refer to specific, definable, useful
groups of items.
Taxonomies imagine conversations with people who exist at
other points in time: ghosts.
The more terms are used, the more useful they are, until
theyre not.
As relevance between a term and a specific object increases,
relevance between the term and all objects decreases.
Taxonomies are how the organization talks about itself.
19. Architect Taxonomy Systems to Support Change by Austin Govella Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017
People use the taxonomies
to talk about the organization.
As language, taxonomies allow or foreclose
different kinds of conversations.
Todays taxonomy is the language you use to negotiate
how the organization will evolve.