The document announces a special session at the upcoming CIB World Building Congress 2013 in Brisbane, Australia focused on improving societal performance of architectural design through better integration and collaboration using information technology and knowledge management. It calls for abstracts on this topic related to integrated architectural design, design process integration and collaboration, and improving societal performance. The session is organized by CIB commissions W078 on IT for construction, W096 on architectural management, and W102 on information and knowledge management in building.
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Architectural Management & IDDS call for abstracts
1. June 2012
Forthcoming Meeting
CIB World Building Congress 2013: Construction and Society
Congress Session on Architectural Management & IDDS;
Improving Societal Performance of Architectural Design through
Better Collaboration and Integration with the Aid of Information
Technology and Knowledge Management
Brisbane, Australia, 5th - 9th May 2013
Call for Abstracts
W078 - Information Technology for Construction
W096 - Architectural Management
W102 - Information and Knowledge Management in Building
Core Group CIB Priority Theme: Integrated Design and Delivery Solution (IDDS)
Architectural Management and IDDS societal performance of architectural design through
better integration and collaboration by means of
New information, communication and knowledge information, communication and knowledge
management technologies are drastically influencing management technologies. The three main themes of
architectural design. The way architects collaborate this special session are:
with other parties, how they exchange information and  Integrated architectural design
share knowledge increasingly is changing traditional  Design process integration and collaboration
procedures and roles. This is enforced by a range of  Improving societal performance.
societal pressures directed at delivering buildings with
proven and guaranteed quality and performance Themes
throughout the life span. This asks for better
integration of knowledge in the process, better Abstracts are invited concerning improving societal
collaboration, whether or not forced by integrated performance of architectural design through better
procurement, resulting in better societal performance integration and collaboration by means of information
in its widest sense. communication and knowledge management
In this special session of CIB’s World Building Congress processes, techniques, and technologies. Theoretical
2013 the organisers will explore the issue of improving models, practical approaches, case studies and
2. CIB Newsletter
recently completed doctoral work are welcome. CIB W078 Information Technology for
Abstracts should address one or more of the following Construction
sub-themes (specified sub-themes are for guidance
and should be interpreted widely): The scope of W078’s work is broad in terms of the
 The integrated architectural design design, construction and occupation and occupancy of
- The concept of design integration constructed facilities, but primarily it relates to the
- Evidence and measurement of design product integration and communication of data, information
integration and knowledge in the facility’s life cycle. Information
- Integrating architecture with technology, and and Communication Technologies (ICT) are relevant to
construction all aspects of the workplace and are seen as a major
 Design process integration and collaboration enabler of productivity improvement as well as more
- The concept of design process integration sophisticated and integrated design and construction.
- The concept of design collaboration. Against this background the Commission focuses on:
- Improving design collaboration through  Development and application of integrated IT
Knowledge Management throughout the life-cycle of the design,
- Design collaboration improvement by means construction and occupancy of buildings and
of ICT. related facilities
- Big BIM and Little BIM, effects on integration  Demonstration of capabilities developed in
and collaboration collaborative research projects on Construction
- Changing roles by implementing IDDS IT.
 Improving societal performance
- Design integration through collaboration
- Sustainable design integration
- Creating, Sustaining, Reusing and
Disseminating Knowledge for Sustainable
- Supply chain optimisation through design CIB W096 Architectural Management
- Lean design through better integration and
Since its formation in 1993 Architectural Management
(AM) has developed into a well-established domain.
- Life cycle integration of architectural design
Early years were focused on defining the scope of the
commission, since which time the majority of the work
has been centered around the theme of creating value
through design, or more specifically through the
effective management of design. In April 2009 the
commission published its first state of the art book,
(Architectural Management: international research and
practice) providing a number of theoretical and
Abstracts Submission practical applications of architectural management.
Now, the commission’s aim is to look in more detail at
Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be
specific methods, tools and techniques for helping to
submitted here. All abstracts are due by 30 June
deliver better-integrated designs within the boarders
2012 and should be no more than 300 words in
of the changing contemporary developments in
length. If you like to be involved in this stream of the
conference, please indicate that you are submitting
your abstract to this special session, by selecting CIB W102 Information and Knowledge
AMIDDS as the option under the ‘CIB Commission Management in Building
number’ drop down box at the submission page of the
WBC. The Objective for the Working Commission is to cover
concerns that are related to information and
The paper submission time schedule is as follows: knowledge management, both theoretical and
Call for Abstract closed 30 June 2012 practical. Special points of attention are the following:
Notification to Authors 23 July 2012  interface between general information and the
Full Paper due 5 October 2012 building process and especially the dysfunction
Reviewing Decisions due 7 December 2012 in the flow of information between researchers
Final Papers due 22 February 2013 and practitioners. The questions why research
results are not put into practice, and how
research results and feedback information can
be converted and refined to be of practical use
will be considered
Info Section: Forthcoming Meetings
CIB Area of Scientific Interest: Design of Buildings and Management, Organisation and Economics
CIB Theme: Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions
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3. CIB Newsletter
 contemporary information systems bearing on Prof Charles Egbu
the information needs of the building industry.
and Dr Malik M A Khalfan
CIB Priority Theme: Integrated Design Delivery, Joint
Solutions Coordinators CIB W102 Information
and Knowledge Management in Building
The focus of the Integrated Design and Delivery
Solutions CIB Priority theme is on pursuing a vision of Bob Owen senior research fellow
a revitalised sector through the rapid adoption of new Joint coordinator CIB
processes, developing a workforce with enhanced skills Priority Theme: IDDS on Integrated Design
and supported by information and knowledge Delivery Solutions
technologies. The goal is a sector where people with
traditional and new skills practice more collaborative Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ir. Matthijs Prins
and communicative processes supported by pervasive, Coordinator W096 on
but nearly transparent, knowledge and information Architectural Management
based technology. These professionals will be working
towards continuous improvements across every phase You can find more information on the activities of CIB
and significant task of the project: conceptual planning W078 here, CIB W096 here and CIB W102 here.
and making the business case; all parts of design,
supply chain, construction, commissioning; operation;
retrofit; and even decommissioning and carrying the
lessons learned into subsequent projects.
Additional Information
The full Call for Papers, of which this News article is a
brief summary, can be downloaded here.
If your need more information please don’t hesitate to
contact the organisers via:
Prof. Robert Amor
Coordinator W078 on Information
Technology for Construction and Joint
Coordinator CIB Priority Theme IDDS on
Integrated Design Delivery Solutions
Info Section: Forthcoming Meetings
CIB Area of Scientific Interest: Design of Buildings and Management, Organisation and Economics
CIB Theme: Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions
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