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Submitted To: 
Mrs. Aiza Hussain Rana 
Head of dept. of business administration 
Submitted by: 
Fizza Durrani 
7th Semester UET(A) 
Lahore Garrison University November 12, 2014 
Are Leaders Born or Made?
Lahore Garrison University 
Are Leaders 
Are They 
 Some individuals are born with 
leadership qualities 
 some learn to become great 
 Most of the successful leaders 
develop and enhance their skills 
in their life. 
It means even a person with 
leadership qualities need to refine their skills before 
reaching their full potential. 
Lahore Garrison University 
Born Great 
Lahore Garrison University 
Born great has two possible meanings: 
 either being born to a great position, such as that 
of a hereditary monarch, 
 possessing natural talents and/or virtues of an 
exceptional kind. 
Clearly, not everyone born to a great position is 
worthy of it, and relatively few having the qualities 
of a great leader.
Lahore Garrison University 
Alexander the Great was born to kingship and 
inherited a strong army. With Aristotle as his tutor, 
he was perhaps the most privileged person  
educationally  that there has ever been. 
Nevertheless, what he achieved in his short life 
was beyond anything that could remotely have 
been expected of him.
Achieve Greatness 
Lahore Garrison University 
Some achieve greatness denotes, above all, 
those whose greatness is self-made. But all of the 
really great leaders must be regarded as 
achievers, whatever their advantages of birth and 
Lahore Garrison University 
Napoleon is the supreme example of the utterly 
self-made leader the man who achieved 
greatness by his own unaided efforts 
And Napoleon was not a millionaires son.
Statistical conclusion 
Born believe that 
traits are more 
important than 
Made believe that 
experiences are 
substantially more 
important than are 
Lahore Garrison University 
Researchers conclusion 
Lahore Garrison University 
Researchers concluded that the answer is yes- 
leaders are both born and made. Leaders are 
likely to possess a common gene and have 
similar brain wave patterns. However, what nearly 
all leaders have in common is that the will have 
improved their skills over an extended period of 
Leaders are Made 
No one is born a leader. you may start with a gift for 
leadership, but you have to work hard to develop it 
10 Lahore Garrison University
Are Born to be Made 
Lahore Garrison University 
Lahore Garrison University 
Leaders become leaders in 3 ways: 
1. A crisis or event pushes them into leadership 
2. Their personality leads them into it 
3. They choose to be a leader. 
If they choose to become a leader, they also 
choose the depth of their training (some deep, 
some shallow).
Without initiative, 
Leaders are simply workers 
in leadership positions. 
13 Lahore Garrison University
14 Lahore Garrison University

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Are Leaders born or made?

  • 1. Submitted To: Mrs. Aiza Hussain Rana Head of dept. of business administration Submitted by: Fizza Durrani 11073 7th Semester UET(A) Lahore Garrison University November 12, 2014 1 Are Leaders Born or Made?
  • 2. Lahore Garrison University 2 Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made?
  • 3. Some individuals are born with leadership qualities some learn to become great leaders. Most of the successful leaders develop and enhance their skills in their life. It means even a person with leadership qualities need to refine their skills before reaching their full potential. Lahore Garrison University 3
  • 4. Born Great Lahore Garrison University 4 Born great has two possible meanings: either being born to a great position, such as that of a hereditary monarch, or possessing natural talents and/or virtues of an exceptional kind. Clearly, not everyone born to a great position is worthy of it, and relatively few having the qualities of a great leader.
  • 5. Lahore Garrison University 5 Alexander the Great was born to kingship and inherited a strong army. With Aristotle as his tutor, he was perhaps the most privileged person educationally that there has ever been. Nevertheless, what he achieved in his short life was beyond anything that could remotely have been expected of him.
  • 6. Achieve Greatness Lahore Garrison University 6 Some achieve greatness denotes, above all, those whose greatness is self-made. But all of the really great leaders must be regarded as achievers, whatever their advantages of birth and training.
  • 7. Lahore Garrison University 7 Napoleon is the supreme example of the utterly self-made leader the man who achieved greatness by his own unaided efforts And Napoleon was not a millionaires son.
  • 8. Statistical conclusion Born believe that traits are more important than experiences Made believe that experiences are substantially more important than are traits. Lahore Garrison University 8
  • 9. Researchers conclusion Lahore Garrison University 9 Researchers concluded that the answer is yes- leaders are both born and made. Leaders are likely to possess a common gene and have similar brain wave patterns. However, what nearly all leaders have in common is that the will have improved their skills over an extended period of time.
  • 10. Leaders are Made No one is born a leader. you may start with a gift for leadership, but you have to work hard to develop it fully. 10 Lahore Garrison University
  • 11. LEADERS Are Born to be Made Lahore Garrison University 11
  • 12. Lahore Garrison University 12 Leaders become leaders in 3 ways: 1. A crisis or event pushes them into leadership 2. Their personality leads them into it 3. They choose to be a leader. If they choose to become a leader, they also choose the depth of their training (some deep, some shallow).
  • 13. Conclusion Without initiative, Leaders are simply workers in leadership positions. 13 Lahore Garrison University
  • 14. 14 Lahore Garrison University

Editor's Notes

  • #8: Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. He was the second of eight surviving children born to Carlo Buonaparte (1746-1785), a lawyer, and Letizia Romalino Buonaparte (1750-1836). Although his parents were members of the minor Corsican nobility, the family was not wealthy.