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Are Women
Better Marketers?
What do
Tami Erwin
of Verizon
of General
Reardon of
Have in Common?
They are among
the Top Chief
Marketing Officers
in the world... And
they are women
So, what makes
Women special
when it comes to
see, Marketing
is all about
If you know
what is going
through your
mind, you
have a distinct
Social Scientists say
that when it comes
to empathy and
love, women have
a slight edge
Social Scientists also
say that we all fall in
Love in Three stages
Stage 1 is called the
Attention Stage
This is where you come
across this beautiful person
who mesmerizes you and
leaves you breathless.
The Second stage of Love is
the Attraction Phase.
Truly a love-struck phase, because
you can think of nothing else. You
lose your appetite and you sleep
less, spending hours at a time
daydreaming about your lover.
Finally, comes the
Attachment Phase
This is the deep phase where
commitment and bonding come into
play and determines how strong and
long your relationship is going to be
Once I learned about the 3 Stages of
Love, I thought to myself:
What if I used it in Marketing?
I thought: I dont
have the natural
empathy that a
female marketer has,
so let me try the
3 Stages of Love on
my marketing and see
what happens
The results were
We got 50,000 Social Media Fans and 900 New Sales!
You can read all
about it in this
book, which you
can download
for Free here
The book is available
on Amazon for
$8.97, but we have a
promo going on and
you can download it
for free
Just be quick about
it because we
might stop the free
promo any time
Yes, you read that right. You
can download this $8.97 book
for FREE by Clicking the Link
You can also download this
$8.97 book for FREE by
Clicking the Button Below:

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Are women better marketers