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Crash Course on Creativity
Observation Lab

Before you enter the store:

Does the store draw you in? If so, how?
Not much,light-special display of the product-large signs of good prices
Is the door open or closed?
Some close some open
How does this make you feel?
Open welcome  largeness
How big is the sign lettering and in what font?
What does it tell you about the store?

The famous and the style of the brand itself


What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?
Green & yellow-make you feel fresh about the product blue mean quality and style

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment?
White clean shiny ceramics , clean and large space

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel?
High more feeling of space and open environment

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?
High light make you feel the good qualitie of the product

How loud is the environment?
Calm &open environment

What is causing the noise?
People & music

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?
Yes, fit the environment and the product and the event

Is the store warm or cold?
Better than outside
Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse?

Does the store have a distinctive smell?

Where is the cash register located?
At the door corner

How visible is the store security?
Not visible

How long do you want to stay in this store?
(open)Long time

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?



How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?
Few moments and then make contact

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer?
Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?
All the same

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?
Constant to the salespeople

What age and gender are the employees?
Mainly Males middle ages

Are the salespeople using the store products?
Not much

Do the salespeople have a uniform?

Do the salespeople match the stores image?

No not very much

What is the first product that you notice?
Hot offers

Is there a central display table with featured products?
Where are items that are for sale located in the store?
Allover the place

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color?

Are there free samples or demonstrations?
What products are at eye level?
Middle prices

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?
Not constant

Where are the most and least expensive products located?
Expenseve high level and leastlow level

Are the prices of the products easy to find?
Are there impulse items near the cash register?

Kids attracting things


Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?
Groups, family

What is the average age and gender of the customers?
All ages and types

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?
Directions not constant

How long do customers stay in the store, on average?
At least 1 hour
Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?
Yes its ok
Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?
Most of them

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  • 1. Crash Course on Creativity Observation Lab Before you enter the store: Does the store draw you in? If so, how? Not much,light-special display of the product-large signs of good prices Is the door open or closed? Some close some open How does this make you feel? Open welcome largeness How big is the sign lettering and in what font? Huge, What does it tell you about the store? The famous and the style of the brand itself Environment: What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you? Green & yellow-make you feel fresh about the product blue mean quality and style What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? White clean shiny ceramics , clean and large space How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? High more feeling of space and open environment How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you? High light make you feel the good qualitie of the product How loud is the environment? Calm &open environment What is causing the noise? People & music Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? Yes, fit the environment and the product and the event Is the store warm or cold? Better than outside
  • 2. Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? Spares Does the store have a distinctive smell? Yes Where is the cash register located? At the door corner How visible is the store security? Not visible How long do you want to stay in this store? (open)Long time Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise? Yes Personnel: How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? Few moments and then make contact Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? no Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? All the same What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? Constant to the salespeople What age and gender are the employees? Mainly Males middle ages Are the salespeople using the store products? Not much Do the salespeople have a uniform? Yes Do the salespeople match the stores image? No not very much
  • 3. Products: What is the first product that you notice? Hot offers Is there a central display table with featured products? no Where are items that are for sale located in the store? Allover the place How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? Function Are there free samples or demonstrations? no What products are at eye level? Middle prices What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? Not constant Where are the most and least expensive products located? Expenseve high level and leastlow level Are the prices of the products easy to find? yes Are there impulse items near the cash register? Kids attracting things Customers: Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? Groups, family What is the average age and gender of the customers? All ages and types When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? Directions not constant How long do customers stay in the store, on average? At least 1 hour
  • 4. Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Yes its ok Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? Browsing What percent of customers purchase products in the store? Most of them -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------