Larry Weick presented on the latest developments of Zilkha Black pellets. The presentation discussed how Zilkha Black pellets are made through a thermal conditioning process, which produces a hard pellet that has benefits over traditional white pellets such as being grindable, low-dust, and water-resistant. This allows Black pellets to be used in existing power plants and handled similarly to coal. The startup of Zilkha's Selma plant was also discussed, which proves white pellet plants can be converted to produce Black pellets and accelerate their availability to buyers.
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Argus Biomass London 2015 April_v1 web
1. Latest Developments for Black Pellets:
Benefits for Heat & Power Plants
in Europe and Asia
Larry Weick, SVP Business Development
Argus European Biomass Trading 2015
April 15, 2015
2. 2
Zilkha Black速 PelletsA Real Option for Heat & Power Producers
Advanced wood pellet that is:
Can be burned in existing
steam turbine power plants
Co-fired up to 100%
Reduced capital required
Certified sustainably harvested
Carbon neutral compared to
traditional fossil fuels
3. 3
Argus Biomass and Trading
How Black pellets are made
Selma: construction status, conversion scope, pellet
transport & storage at port
Safety in Operations: Advantages of Black vs. white
5. 5
What Is a Black Pellet?
Zilkha Black速 pellets are thermally conditioned biomass pellets
100% wood with no natural or artificial additives. NONE.
The thermal conditioning process is well known. NOT TORREFACTION
The pellet itself has mechanical and physical properties which are highly desirable
for use in power plants to replace coal
Specifically, Black pellets are harder than white pellets because when pelletized,
the abundant free lignin melts and acts as a water resistant glue
As a result Black pellets have reduced fines and very low dust compared to
conventional white pellets. Not zero. But greatly reduced.
Black pellets can be shipped, received, stored, conveyed, and milled just like coal
6. 6
Zilkha Technology at a Glance
Manufacturing of Zilkha Black速 Pellets is
similar to the production of standard
white pellets, with the addition of our
patented thermal conditioning step.
Sawdust, wood chips, and
first thinnings
Reduce moisture content
from ambient (~50%)
to 6-10%
Patented Zilkha
Milling & Pelletizing
Feedstock is resized then
passed through dies to
create Zilkha Black速 pellets
7. 7
Making Black Pellets
Wood is chipped, sealed in a pressure vessel, and pressured with steam
After cooking briefly (5-15 min) the pressure is quickly released and the
steam pressure blows the material into a receiving tank
The conditioned material moves by conveyor to a standard pellet mill
Wood is composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin (~1/3-1/3-1/3)
The thermal conditioning frees the lignin
Lignin is a natural waterproof glue which melts at ~125+ C, a temperature
which is reached inside the pellet die
Results in a tight, hard pellet bonded together with a natural, waterproof glue
No additives are used. Of any kind.
8. 8
Thermal Conditioning Before and After
Hammer-milled wood
particles before thermal
The result AFTER
thermal conditioning:
the wood is more easily
pelletized and is glued
using abundant lignin
10. 10
End Result: A Direct Replacement for Coal
How do Black pellets stack up vs. white pellets ?
Harder and more brittle
Fewer fines
Less dust
Water resistant
Just Like Coal
14. 14
Selma Rebuild = General Improvements + Black Conversion
General improvements:
New chip yard (scale, truck dump, radial stacker, chip reclaim, scalper,
green chip resizing, new green feed delivery conveyors)
Dryer island (dryers reconditioned, new fuel system)
Pelleting (reconditioned pellet machines, aspiration, pellet conveyors)
Outloading (more storage, de-dusting, truck loading station)
White to Black conversion:
Black pellet island (thermal conditioning and blow tank)
Post conditioning (dry grinding, delivery conveyors)
18. 18
Pellet Trucking from Selma to Mobile, Alabama
173 miles
Selma to
25 Metric
Tonnes per
36 Trucks
per Day
216 Trucks
per Week
936 Trucks
per Month
11 Hours of
per Day / 6
Days per
Wood Chip
Truck Loading
19. 19
Terminal Operations in Mobile
Pellets received using
truck dump dedicated
to Black pellets
stored in
20. 20
Barges Fleeted Prior to Mid-Streaming Onto Ships
21. 21
Reduce White Pellet Safety
Risk by using Black Pellets
Plus Operational Benefits from
Use of Coal Handling Methods
22. 22
White Pellet Risk Factors
Key areas where Black pellets have a storage
and handling advantage:
Self Heating
23. 23
Dust = very real explosion risk
Explosion mitigation takes capital
beyond that required to handle coal
Off-gassing of CO, CO2, and CH4
require venting during storage and
Pellet pile self heating can lead to fires
White Pellets Taught Safety Lessons
Source: Staffan Melin.
Safety in Handling Wood
Pellets. 2008.
24. 24
University of Nottingham: Self Heating Not Present
University of Nottingham
2 thermally conditioned
piles and 2 wood chip piles
6 month storage test
Thermally conditioned
Black pellets, both indoor
and outdoor, saw no
distinct increase in
temperature. No evidence
of self-heating.
25. 25
UBC: Dangerous Gas Emissions Greatly Reduced
Less methane:
Less carbon monoxide:
More oxygen:
Zilkha Black速 pellets tested at UBC
were far less reactive than white
pellets. Black pellets were found to
have significantly reduced oxygen
Oxygen depletion is a significant
operational issue. Extra workers
and other special safety restrictions
are required for workers entering
white pellet storage areas
These results @ 25 C. but
similar results @ 45 C.
26. 26
Minimal Dust from Conveyor Drop
Pellets drop
several feet
from final
discharge at
Crockett plant
No visible dust
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Parking Lot Drop Test Shows Minimal Dust
Pellets stored
outside in Europe
Urban location
sensitive to dust
Pellets were
exposed to a few
days of rain
Operator test was
looking for dust
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Black Pellets are Water-Resistant which Means
Zilkha Black速
compared to
white pellets
after brief
exposure to
30. 30
Black Pellets Can Use Established Dust Suppression Technology
Water is a very effective, widely used method of
dust suppression for coal. The same methods can
be used for Black pellets. Just like coal.
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Water Spray on Coal at Transfer Points & Hoppers
Transfer Points
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Licensing Overview
Adding equipment to white pellet plants allows plant owners to make Black
pellets in both existing and new plants
Zilkha provides the technology under a license which includes continuous
improvement of the technology
Black pellets have transportation cost savings that support making Black pellets
Black pellet buyers benefit through significant capital and operating cost savings
due to reduced dust and improved safety
Black pellet producers can expect to a return on their capital investment to make
Black pellets at existing or new white pellet plants
35. 35
Zilkhas Selma plant constructed, commissioned, and startup underway with
trucking operations beginning this week
Selma proves conversion of white pellet plants to make Black pellets is
White conversions to Black will accelerate Black pellet availability
The combination of conversions and new build Black plants provide geographic
diversity as well as multiple suppliers through licensing
Cooperative backup relationships and agreements will form a robust supply
Zilkha Black pellets offer a low capital solution for power producers
Black pellets handle, store, and can be managed just like coal
Black pellets are a lower risk, cost effective option for heat and power plant owners