1. The document is a foreword written by Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne, the founder and president of the Sarvodaya Movement of Sri Lanka, for a book by Dr. Rudi Maier analyzing the Sarvodaya Movement through an alternative development paradigm based on religious values.
2. Ariyaratne praises Maier's research methodology, which goes beyond traditional Western development thinking to understand development in Sri Lanka through Eastern and Buddhist philosophy. Maier conducted extensive interviews and research over 22 years to gain nuanced cultural and religious insights.
3. The book provides valuable historical, cultural, economic and religious context for Sri Lanka and analyzes how the Sarvodaya
This document summarizes the historical perspectives and present socio-economic situation of Dalits in Punjab, India. It discusses how the term "Dalit" emerged and came to represent those who are oppressed and economically exploited. It then outlines the historical oppression and exclusion of Dalits in Punjab in terms of occupations, religious practices, and political representation. Currently, Dalits make up over 30% of Punjab's population but still face discrimination. Movements like Ad-Dharm and conversions to other religions provided some Dalits with new identities and social mobility, but caste hierarchies and economic inequalities persist.
Indianness in Padmanath Gohainbaruahs Srikrishnaijtsrd
The term Indianness is not easy to define as it includes various dimensions. In simple words, Indianness is the feeling of oneness or it is a feeling of unity among the Indians irrespective of caste, religion, sex or status. Though it is a newly developed perspective, but its existence can be felt from ancient times. In this research article, an attempt has been made to grasp the idea of 'Indianness' as showcased by Padmanath gohainbaruah through his projection of numerous facets of the central character Srikrishna in his creation 'Srikrishna'. Srikrishna can be considered that momentous work of the third decade of the twentieth century, which features the character of Srikrishna as a man of action covering his birth and family lineage up to his death. Dr. Neeva Rani Phukan | Arnab Sarmah "Indianness in Padmanath Gohainbaruahs Srikrishna" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd30339.pdf Paper Url :https://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/other/30339/indianness-in-padmanath-gohainbaruah%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%98srikrishna%E2%80%99/dr-neeva-rani-phukan
Relationships between Men and Women in Islamic Organizationsijtsrd
This document discusses relationships between men and women in Islamic organizations. It begins by outlining the theoretical framework, which is based on Islamic sources and theories regarding interactions between the sexes. It then examines how Islam explains such relationships, noting they are to follow Islamic teachings and principles. Women are seen as having a special, legitimate place in Islamic organizations. The document also explores women's roles in decision-making and management in Islamic organizations, citing examples from the Quran and influential Muslim women. It concludes by noting the most important psychological differences between men and women and how these influence interactions, especially in organizational settings.
The emergence of new mosques mapping islamic institutions, middle east donati...Dr. Yoyo M.A
This document summarizes research on the emergence of new mosques in Indonesia constructed by Islamic institutions using donations from Middle Eastern countries. The researcher conducted interviews over six months in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The study found that: 1) Mosque construction in Indonesia has resulted from Indonesian alumni connecting Islamic institutions to Middle Eastern donors; 2) These institutions receiving foreign donations have diverse orientations, including "Salafi" approaches; 3) Recipients' responses to new mosque construction vary, including full acceptance, modified acceptance, and rejection. The researcher analyzes the motivations and interpretations surrounding this phenomenon.
Vibhuti patel book review anirban das social change vol. 45, no. 1VIBHUTI PATEL
This book provides an in-depth analysis of key issues related to democracy, sustainable development, and peace in South Asia. It includes essays from leading scholars and experts in the region on topics such as inclusive growth, environmental challenges, regional cooperation, and cultural traditions. The editors hope the book can help shape processes to ensure democracy, economic prosperity, and environmental protection in South Asia by drawing on the region's traditions of sharing, caring for communities, and seeking unity in diversity.
Islam Nusantara: Religion Dialectic and Cultural for Pluralism-Democratic Soc...Ali Murfi
This document discusses the concept of Islam Nusantara and its relationship to pluralism and democracy in Indonesia. Islam Nusantara refers to Islam as practiced in the Indonesian archipelago, which blended Islamic values with local cultural traditions in a moderate, tolerant, and inclusive way. It aims to provide a solution that is not extreme, can live in harmony with other religions, and accepts democracy. The characteristics of Islam Nusantara support pluralism and democracy by respecting diversity and finding peaceful resolutions to conflicts.
This document summarizes a research paper about socioeconomic development and gender inequality in India. It discusses how patriarchal traditions have historically disadvantaged women in India by limiting their access to education, employment opportunities, and control over their own lives. Four major themes are identified from the literature: (1) the pervasive influence of patriarchy established by ancient Hindu texts, (2) women's restricted access to labor and employment, (3) low literacy rates and barriers to education for women, and (4) some government initiatives to promote women's rights and development. The document analyzes how these factors intersect to influence the socioeconomic status of poor women in India.
Political Fields and Rligios Movemnets. The Exclusionsof Ahmadiyya Community ...muzaffertahir9
This document summarizes a paper that examines the shifting policies of the Pakistani state toward the Ahmadiyya community, a heterodox Muslim sect. It argues that the state's rejection of demands to declare Ahmadis non-Muslim in 1953, but acceptance of the same demand in 1974, was due to changes in the political field in Pakistan. Specifically, the increasing dominance of political discourse referencing Islam, the shift toward electoral politics, and the reframing of the anti-Ahmadi religious movement's issue as a national question pertaining to democratic norms transformed the political field and led to the exclusion of Ahmadis. The document provides background on the Ahmadiyya community and outlines how it will analyze the two time periods through the lenses
The document discusses 6 hypothetical photographs and asks a series of questions to analyze each one. For photograph 2, it describes Hitler shaking a young boy's hand at what appears to be a picnic. It raises questions about what message the photographer intended to convey about Hitler and whether the people in the photo believed he was good. It suggests the photo shows Hitler was a family man. The photo is important for understanding how a leader commonly referred to as evil was seen as a good man. It could provide insight into German views of Hitler during this time period.
'Coaching for High Performance'
We are delighted to share our National Conference 2015 Brochure with you! Take a peek at our speakers and do sign up for this inspiring event.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemilikan tidak langsung dan mutual holding. Pemilikan tidak langsung adalah investasi yang memungkinkan investor untuk mengendalikan perusahaan lain secara tidak langsung melalui kepemilikan saham anak perusahaan. Mutual holding adalah bentuk kepemilikan tidak langsung dimana perusahaan saling memiliki saham satu sama lain. Dokumen ini menjelaskan berbagai contoh struktur kepemilikan tidak langsung dan
Karthik is a senior test engineer with over 4 years of experience in mobile application and web application testing using Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. He has extensive experience in test automation using Selenium and Appium, as well as manual testing. Some of Karthik's skills and responsibilities include developing hybrid test frameworks, test case design, test execution, defect reporting, test automation including page object modeling, and working in agile environments. He is looking to leverage his skills and experience in software quality assurance and testing.
This document summarizes the key points from a lecture given to eighth grade students about persevering through high school. It encourages them to use the Cs of commitment, compassion, courage, culture, control, consistency, and curiosity to help them complete high school despite challenges. It also advises students to ask for help when needed, finish strong, grow as people, and make the world a better place.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemilikan tidak langsung dan mutual holding. Pemilikan tidak langsung adalah investasi yang memungkinkan investor untuk mengendalikan perusahaan lain secara tidak langsung melalui kepemilikan saham anak perusahaan. Mutual holding adalah tipe khusus kepemilikan tidak langsung dimana perusahaan saling memiliki saham satu sama lain. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan berbagai struktur kepemilikan tidak langs
Bakso meteor adalah variasi bakso pedas dan besar yang diciptakan untuk menarik pelanggan. Bakso populer di Indonesia dan lokasi usaha direncanakan dekat pabrik sepatu untuk menyediakan makan siang bagi pekerjanya. Rencana bisnis menjelaskan bahan baku berkualitas, biaya operasi bulanan Rp3,9 juta, dan harga jual Rp15.000 per porsi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan Rp3.600 per porsi. Promosi dire
Risk Factors for Suicide in Bipolar I Disorder in Two Prospectively Studied C...Abby Kriener
The document summarizes two studies that examined risk factors for suicide in patients with bipolar I disorder. The first study prospectively followed 288 patients for up to 30 years, while the second matched patient identifiers to national death records. Both found that a history of suicide attempt was a robust risk factor for future suicide. However, the studies differed in suicide rates and other risk factors identified. Differences in how subjects were recruited and followed up can impact findings on suicide risk factors. [/SUMMARY]
This document discusses debates around regulating journalists' free speech. It notes that some argue regulation could increase security by limiting reports that encourage terrorism, while others argue regulations infringe on free speech. The document also discusses countries that have arrested or killed journalists for reports seen as threatening. Overall, it weighs the benefits of regulated speech in preventing violence against the risks of limiting free expression.
This document summarizes EY's captive insurance services. It discusses how EY can help clients navigate risks through identifying business risks across an organization, assessing risk transfer options like a captive insurance company, and allowing more effective risk control. EY provides services including advisory, actuarial, tax, risk management, and compliance services to establish and manage captive insurance arrangements. The goal is to provide options to improve cash flow, reduce expenses, increase returns, and make informed decisions on alternative risk transfers.
This document describes an unmanned gun control mechanism that uses computer vision and automation to detect targets and fire a weapon. It uses a camera to detect objects in an uncolored environment and fire at a specific detected color. The mechanism uses inexpensive hardware like a microcontroller, RF transmitter/receiver, encoder/decoder, stepper motor, laser pointer, relay switch and camera. It is intended to safeguard boundaries in places like high altitude and cold regions, and could be mounted on helicopters. Diagrams show the components and their connections. Advantages are low cost, ability to operate in extreme conditions, and use of high-performance MATLAB coding. Disadvantages include difficulty in mounting and need for special cameras in low light.
Laughter & Silence Spiritual Retreat and Laughter Yoga Summit in New YorkLaughter Yoga University
World renowned Laughter Guru & Founder of Laughter Yoga Dr. Madan Kataria is coming to New York to offer a 3 Day Laughter & Silence Spiritual Retreat and Laughter Yoga Summit from August 10 14, 2016 at Stony Point Center.
During the spiritual retreat you will learn what spirituality is, how the mind works, how to meditate, how to work smart not hard and what are the 5 spiritual laws of life and 5 rooms of work-life balance.
In the Laughter Summit you will acquire new knowledge and skills about Laughter Yoga methods, learn 100 new laughter exercises and cultivate 4 elements of joy through singing, dancing, playing and laughing, new fun games, new brain gym exercises with seniors, children and finding business opportunities with Laughter Yoga.
We have noted psychologists, psycho therapists and university professors as guest speakers.
For more information please click here: http://laughteryoga.org/spiritual-retreat- with-dr- k-in- usa/
This document provides an overview of the PIC-18 microcontroller. It describes the PIC-18's features such as its 8-bit architecture with 16-bit instruction sets, memory sizes including 256 bytes of EPROM and 2KB of SRAM. The document also discusses the PIC-18's addressing modes, memory organization with separate program and data memory spaces, and instruction pipelining capability.
Daniel Kong - Sustainable Cities Fall 2014 - Final PaperDaniel Kong
This document is a student paper analyzing the long-term sustainability of Lower Manhattan using economic, social, environmental, and composite indicators. It will use New York City's sustainability plan PlaNYC as a framework to evaluate Lower Manhattan's trajectory. PlaNYC was created in 2007 to prepare NYC for 2030 by addressing climate change, economic growth, and aging infrastructure for 9.1 million residents through coordinated efforts across city agencies. The paper will examine select indicators from PlaNYC, particularly in the housing sector, to assess Lower Manhattan's economic sustainability.
George Waters welcomes students to the 2015-2016 school year. There are 3 levels of "Sharkdom" and 4 Rs that students are expected to respect: themselves, property, others, and the environment. The document provides guidelines for beverages, cell phones, lockers, bussing, allergies, hallway passes, entry/exit times, the bell schedule, the lunch program, the bike cage, crossing the street, headphones, the vending machine, and making others' days better. Students are expected to follow school rules at all times and respect themselves and others.
The third meeting of GRFDT was held on February 12, 2012 at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. Prof. Brij Maharaj from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa attended as a guest and provided feedback to scholars working on various issues related to diaspora and transnationalism. Some of the key research topics discussed included the human rights perspective on the Indian diaspora in Malaysia, religion and diaspora through a study of the Hindu diaspora in the USA, and forms of caste relations among the Indian diaspora. Prof. Maharaj emphasized the importance of high-quality research and argumentation. The GRFDT will continue
The Study on Psycho-Social Analysis of Religious Impact on Muslims Behaviour...inventionjournals
: The paper illustrates the role of religion in shaping the educational behaviour of people, especially Muslims, in rural Karnataka. Rural society is relatively much influenced by religion. Religious ethos plays a significant role in determining the social conditioning of human beings. The paper draws attention towards the educational trends among rural Muslims in the State of Karnataka in India. The paper is empirically rich where it explains the demographic profile of sample villages of Davanagere district. Five villages of five sub-divisions have been studied and an interpretative understanding has been attempted of Maktab (Muslim religious educational institutions) at the village level. It brings to light the educational behaviour of rural Muslims. The paper briefly aims to arrive at two points. First, parents realize the importance of modern education which is the need of the day, but at the same time they are not ready to leave their religious education. Rural Muslim population is inclined to adopt the curriculum which is the combination of both modern and traditional elements. Muslim religious educational institutions that have introduced modern subjects have attracted larger chunk of students although government schools have offered several incentives in various forms.
Reflection Essay On Decision Making Reflective Example - PHDessay.com. Reflection Essay on Decision Making - 1121 Words - NerdySeal. Integrating culture and diversity in decision making essay. Sample Report on Business Decision Making By Instant Essay Writing. 5 introduction to decision making methods. 鏝 Decision making essay pdf. Consumer decision making behaviour. 2019-02-07. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Essay Example | Topics and Well .... Essay about Decision Making Process Free Essay Example. Decision Making Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... Reflection Essay: Decisions essay. Archaicawful Decision Making Essay ~ Thatsnotus.
This document provides a summary of a seminar presented by Prof. Shobhita Jain on perspectives on transmigrant women in the Indian diaspora. The seminar discussed how transmigrant women actively build networks and communities abroad while maintaining family ties across borders, exercising agency despite structural dependencies. It also reviewed debates around studying return migrants and future generations of the diaspora. An interview with Dr. Denison Jayasooria assesses the popularity and mobilization of the HINDRAF movement among Malaysian Indians around issues of marginalization, religious freedom and political representation.
The document discusses 6 hypothetical photographs and asks a series of questions to analyze each one. For photograph 2, it describes Hitler shaking a young boy's hand at what appears to be a picnic. It raises questions about what message the photographer intended to convey about Hitler and whether the people in the photo believed he was good. It suggests the photo shows Hitler was a family man. The photo is important for understanding how a leader commonly referred to as evil was seen as a good man. It could provide insight into German views of Hitler during this time period.
'Coaching for High Performance'
We are delighted to share our National Conference 2015 Brochure with you! Take a peek at our speakers and do sign up for this inspiring event.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemilikan tidak langsung dan mutual holding. Pemilikan tidak langsung adalah investasi yang memungkinkan investor untuk mengendalikan perusahaan lain secara tidak langsung melalui kepemilikan saham anak perusahaan. Mutual holding adalah bentuk kepemilikan tidak langsung dimana perusahaan saling memiliki saham satu sama lain. Dokumen ini menjelaskan berbagai contoh struktur kepemilikan tidak langsung dan
Karthik is a senior test engineer with over 4 years of experience in mobile application and web application testing using Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. He has extensive experience in test automation using Selenium and Appium, as well as manual testing. Some of Karthik's skills and responsibilities include developing hybrid test frameworks, test case design, test execution, defect reporting, test automation including page object modeling, and working in agile environments. He is looking to leverage his skills and experience in software quality assurance and testing.
This document summarizes the key points from a lecture given to eighth grade students about persevering through high school. It encourages them to use the Cs of commitment, compassion, courage, culture, control, consistency, and curiosity to help them complete high school despite challenges. It also advises students to ask for help when needed, finish strong, grow as people, and make the world a better place.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemilikan tidak langsung dan mutual holding. Pemilikan tidak langsung adalah investasi yang memungkinkan investor untuk mengendalikan perusahaan lain secara tidak langsung melalui kepemilikan saham anak perusahaan. Mutual holding adalah tipe khusus kepemilikan tidak langsung dimana perusahaan saling memiliki saham satu sama lain. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan berbagai struktur kepemilikan tidak langs
Bakso meteor adalah variasi bakso pedas dan besar yang diciptakan untuk menarik pelanggan. Bakso populer di Indonesia dan lokasi usaha direncanakan dekat pabrik sepatu untuk menyediakan makan siang bagi pekerjanya. Rencana bisnis menjelaskan bahan baku berkualitas, biaya operasi bulanan Rp3,9 juta, dan harga jual Rp15.000 per porsi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan Rp3.600 per porsi. Promosi dire
Risk Factors for Suicide in Bipolar I Disorder in Two Prospectively Studied C...Abby Kriener
The document summarizes two studies that examined risk factors for suicide in patients with bipolar I disorder. The first study prospectively followed 288 patients for up to 30 years, while the second matched patient identifiers to national death records. Both found that a history of suicide attempt was a robust risk factor for future suicide. However, the studies differed in suicide rates and other risk factors identified. Differences in how subjects were recruited and followed up can impact findings on suicide risk factors. [/SUMMARY]
This document discusses debates around regulating journalists' free speech. It notes that some argue regulation could increase security by limiting reports that encourage terrorism, while others argue regulations infringe on free speech. The document also discusses countries that have arrested or killed journalists for reports seen as threatening. Overall, it weighs the benefits of regulated speech in preventing violence against the risks of limiting free expression.
This document summarizes EY's captive insurance services. It discusses how EY can help clients navigate risks through identifying business risks across an organization, assessing risk transfer options like a captive insurance company, and allowing more effective risk control. EY provides services including advisory, actuarial, tax, risk management, and compliance services to establish and manage captive insurance arrangements. The goal is to provide options to improve cash flow, reduce expenses, increase returns, and make informed decisions on alternative risk transfers.
This document describes an unmanned gun control mechanism that uses computer vision and automation to detect targets and fire a weapon. It uses a camera to detect objects in an uncolored environment and fire at a specific detected color. The mechanism uses inexpensive hardware like a microcontroller, RF transmitter/receiver, encoder/decoder, stepper motor, laser pointer, relay switch and camera. It is intended to safeguard boundaries in places like high altitude and cold regions, and could be mounted on helicopters. Diagrams show the components and their connections. Advantages are low cost, ability to operate in extreme conditions, and use of high-performance MATLAB coding. Disadvantages include difficulty in mounting and need for special cameras in low light.
Laughter & Silence Spiritual Retreat and Laughter Yoga Summit in New YorkLaughter Yoga University
World renowned Laughter Guru & Founder of Laughter Yoga Dr. Madan Kataria is coming to New York to offer a 3 Day Laughter & Silence Spiritual Retreat and Laughter Yoga Summit from August 10 14, 2016 at Stony Point Center.
During the spiritual retreat you will learn what spirituality is, how the mind works, how to meditate, how to work smart not hard and what are the 5 spiritual laws of life and 5 rooms of work-life balance.
In the Laughter Summit you will acquire new knowledge and skills about Laughter Yoga methods, learn 100 new laughter exercises and cultivate 4 elements of joy through singing, dancing, playing and laughing, new fun games, new brain gym exercises with seniors, children and finding business opportunities with Laughter Yoga.
We have noted psychologists, psycho therapists and university professors as guest speakers.
For more information please click here: http://laughteryoga.org/spiritual-retreat- with-dr- k-in- usa/
This document provides an overview of the PIC-18 microcontroller. It describes the PIC-18's features such as its 8-bit architecture with 16-bit instruction sets, memory sizes including 256 bytes of EPROM and 2KB of SRAM. The document also discusses the PIC-18's addressing modes, memory organization with separate program and data memory spaces, and instruction pipelining capability.
Daniel Kong - Sustainable Cities Fall 2014 - Final PaperDaniel Kong
This document is a student paper analyzing the long-term sustainability of Lower Manhattan using economic, social, environmental, and composite indicators. It will use New York City's sustainability plan PlaNYC as a framework to evaluate Lower Manhattan's trajectory. PlaNYC was created in 2007 to prepare NYC for 2030 by addressing climate change, economic growth, and aging infrastructure for 9.1 million residents through coordinated efforts across city agencies. The paper will examine select indicators from PlaNYC, particularly in the housing sector, to assess Lower Manhattan's economic sustainability.
George Waters welcomes students to the 2015-2016 school year. There are 3 levels of "Sharkdom" and 4 Rs that students are expected to respect: themselves, property, others, and the environment. The document provides guidelines for beverages, cell phones, lockers, bussing, allergies, hallway passes, entry/exit times, the bell schedule, the lunch program, the bike cage, crossing the street, headphones, the vending machine, and making others' days better. Students are expected to follow school rules at all times and respect themselves and others.
The third meeting of GRFDT was held on February 12, 2012 at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. Prof. Brij Maharaj from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa attended as a guest and provided feedback to scholars working on various issues related to diaspora and transnationalism. Some of the key research topics discussed included the human rights perspective on the Indian diaspora in Malaysia, religion and diaspora through a study of the Hindu diaspora in the USA, and forms of caste relations among the Indian diaspora. Prof. Maharaj emphasized the importance of high-quality research and argumentation. The GRFDT will continue
The Study on Psycho-Social Analysis of Religious Impact on Muslims Behaviour...inventionjournals
: The paper illustrates the role of religion in shaping the educational behaviour of people, especially Muslims, in rural Karnataka. Rural society is relatively much influenced by religion. Religious ethos plays a significant role in determining the social conditioning of human beings. The paper draws attention towards the educational trends among rural Muslims in the State of Karnataka in India. The paper is empirically rich where it explains the demographic profile of sample villages of Davanagere district. Five villages of five sub-divisions have been studied and an interpretative understanding has been attempted of Maktab (Muslim religious educational institutions) at the village level. It brings to light the educational behaviour of rural Muslims. The paper briefly aims to arrive at two points. First, parents realize the importance of modern education which is the need of the day, but at the same time they are not ready to leave their religious education. Rural Muslim population is inclined to adopt the curriculum which is the combination of both modern and traditional elements. Muslim religious educational institutions that have introduced modern subjects have attracted larger chunk of students although government schools have offered several incentives in various forms.
Reflection Essay On Decision Making Reflective Example - PHDessay.com. Reflection Essay on Decision Making - 1121 Words - NerdySeal. Integrating culture and diversity in decision making essay. Sample Report on Business Decision Making By Instant Essay Writing. 5 introduction to decision making methods. 鏝 Decision making essay pdf. Consumer decision making behaviour. 2019-02-07. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Essay Example | Topics and Well .... Essay about Decision Making Process Free Essay Example. Decision Making Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... Reflection Essay: Decisions essay. Archaicawful Decision Making Essay ~ Thatsnotus.
This document provides a summary of a seminar presented by Prof. Shobhita Jain on perspectives on transmigrant women in the Indian diaspora. The seminar discussed how transmigrant women actively build networks and communities abroad while maintaining family ties across borders, exercising agency despite structural dependencies. It also reviewed debates around studying return migrants and future generations of the diaspora. An interview with Dr. Denison Jayasooria assesses the popularity and mobilization of the HINDRAF movement among Malaysian Indians around issues of marginalization, religious freedom and political representation.
Vibhuti patel Book Review Anirban Das Social Change vol. 45, no. 1VIBHUTI PATEL
This book provides an in-depth analysis of subalternity, social exclusion, and social change in India through 15 scholarly essays. The essays examine how subalterns are reproduced through ideology, knowledge and power structures, and how subalterns negotiate emancipation amid oppression. Key topics include a critique of historiography from "below"; the relationship between social exclusion and subalternity; how education systems fail to provide democratic rights to the masses; and the modes of assertion and routes to emancipation used by subalterns. The volume provides important insights into the complex social changes occurring in contemporary Indian society and the experiences of its marginalized populations.
Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT) is a consortium of researchers and policy makers drawn from national and international universities, institutes and organizations. GRFDT is presently based in India and is shaping as the largest such group focusing specifically on the issues related to diaspora and transnationalism.
The GRFDT works as an academic and policy think tank by engaging national and international experts from academics, practitioners and policy makers in a broad range of areas such as migration policies, transnational linkages of development, human rights, culture, gender to mention a few. In the changing global environment of academic research and policy making, the role of GRFDT will be of immense help to the various stakeholders. Many developing countries cannot afford to miss the opportunity to harness the knowledge revolution of the present era. The engagement of diaspora with various platform need to be reassessed in the present context to engage them in the best possible manner for the development human societies by providing policy input at the national and global context.
[Dr. Verma] Paper: Religious Ethics and Interfaith UnderstandingGlobalPeaceFoundation
Date: Dec. 5th 2013
Session: Creating Unity in Diversity in Asia: Including Others in Our Sphere of Moral Obligation
Speaker: Dr. M.M. Verma: President, Interfaith Foundation, India
This document summarizes a working paper about the faces of Islam in southern Thailand. It discusses how Islam in southern Thailand has both local religious features as well as influences from global Islamic trends. There are two main types of Islam practiced in Thailand - an integrationist form found in central and northern provinces, and a more volatile, unassimilated form in the deep south influenced by Malay ethnicity and identity. The conflict in southern Thailand remains a local issue between Thai Buddhism and Malay Islam, shaped by both religious and ethnic identities within the modern nation-state context. The paper examines different aspects of Thai Islam and their relationship to the southern conflict.
In From The Cold: History of Participatory ResearchBuddLHall
This document provides an overview of the origins and early development of participatory research from 1970-2005 as reflected on by Budd Hall, a key figure in the movement. Some key points:
- Participatory research originated in Tanzania in the early 1970s to describe community-based approaches to knowledge creation that combined investigation, education, and action.
- The concept spread through networks in the 1970s/80s and was taken up by universities and social movements in the late 20th century.
- Hall was influenced by thinkers like Paulo Freire and experiences in Tanzania that challenged conventional research paradigms and highlighted the political nature of knowledge creation.
- Early participatory research projects in the 1970s
This document provides an overview of the origins and early development of participatory research from 1970-2005 as reflected on by Budd Hall, a key figure in the movement. Some key points:
- Participatory research originated in Tanzania in the early 1970s to describe community-based approaches to knowledge creation that combined investigation, education, and action.
- The concept spread through networks in the 1970s/80s and was taken up by universities and social movements in the late 20th century.
- Hall was influenced by thinkers like Paulo Freire and experiences in Tanzania that challenged conventional research paradigms and highlighted the political nature of knowledge creation.
- Early participatory research projects in the 1970s
Shamar Grant
Dr. Spock
February 14, 2016
The Major Elements and Dimensions of Culture in Singapore
Bosrock, M. M., (2007). Asian business customs & manners: A country-by-country guide. Milwaukee: American Society for Quality. Retrieved from
In this book, Bosrock presents his readers with Asian customs, culture and communication. She provides an overview of Asia, Australia and New Zealand. She exposes her readers to what she considers a comprehensive guide to behavior that is acceptable in a rather dynamic society. The book is based on her own personal encounters and observations; she holds meetings with individuals from the foresaid regions. Apart from that she also provides an overview of behavior that is deemed acceptable in Asia; she conducts a country by country study with an aim to discern what behavior is accepted and which is not. New Zealand and Australia are also partially covered. Of key importance is to reflect Asian business culture, which includes business practices and attitudes, language, gestures, punctuality, meetings as well as social activities that are important as far as business is concerned. The book projects the Asian culture noting down similarities in different countries in the same region.
Goh, R. B. H. (2009). Christian identities in singapore: Religion, race and culture between state controls and transnational flows. Journal of Cultural Geography, 26(1), 1-23. doi:10.1080/08873630802617135
As for Christianity in Singapore, the author explains the tensions between religion and cultue. Obviously, the author draws a particular attention to all the complexity of religion in the aforementioned region. The focus lies in arguing that on the one hand, Christianity occurs as compelled to adjust to the states policy. However, on the other hand, Christianity is considered to have much in common with Western common-law traditions. Significantly, this positioning forces Christianity to permanently come up with the ideas, which would not contradict the bipolar fronts; additionally, the author highlights the fact that Christianity in Singapore can be characterized by locating itself as a deeply-rooted dimension of the national community. Accepting Christianity religion is still evident due many reasons, incorporating mostly a flexible positioning. Apparently, this journal article focuses on the principal peculiarities of a flexible positioning, emphasizing Christianitys attempt to create some national values, including Asian family as well the societal development, which is the matter of great concern
Henderson, J. (2014). Food and culture: in search of a Singapore cuisine, British Food
Journal, Vol. 116 Iss: 6, pp.904 917. doi. 10.1108/BFJ-12-2012-0291
The author highlights the relationship betwe.
Political Islam and its discrimination with Salafism in contemporary ages: fi...malisahmad
Political Islam and its discrimination with Salafism in contemporary ages: fields, opportunities and challenges
Mahmud Fallah (graduated from Qum Seminary and Ph.D student in political sciences)
Political Islam and its discrimination with Salafism in contemporary ages: fi...ezra lioyd
This document contains summaries of several papers presented at a conference on political Islam and Salafism. The papers address topics such as Abu Hanifa's views on the Umayyad dynasty, the dangers of Takfiri movements, strategies for countering Takfiri movements, Sayyid Qutb's views on Takfir (excommunication), violations of women's rights by Takfiri movements, and active Takfiri movements in Pakistan and strategies to counter them. The papers utilize analytical and descriptive research methods and aim to analyze various thinkers' perspectives on Takfiri movements and strategies to promote unity among Islamic schools of thought and counter the influence of Takfiri ideology.
Selected concepts of community development and operational explanation from i...Alexander Decker
This document discusses concepts of community development from an Islamic context. It examines concepts of empowerment, participation, and community potential that are emphasized in community development. The document analyzes passages from the Quran and writings of early Islamic scholars that describe these concepts. It argues that Islam provides operational guidance for these concepts and has long influenced principles and practices of community development.
This document provides an overview of social work in India, including its evolution from early forms of charity to a more professionalized field. It discusses:
- The earliest mentions of charity in ancient Hindu texts and how it evolved throughout history in India.
- The establishment of the first school of social work in India in 1936 and how the field continued to develop after independence.
- Key Indian social reformers like Raja Rammohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and Swami Vivekananda who fought against social evils and advocated for issues like women's rights.
- The emergence of organizations like the Arya Samaj and Ramakrishna Mission which provided
Philosophy of Education as a Factor of Social Developmentijtsrd
In the third millennium, the quality of education is becoming an important factor in the development of society. Today, we can see that not only knowledge but also the technology to use it is being given special attention instead. Education is important in terms of the renewal of the human worldview, the study of ways of using knowledge, the formation of the human intellect and the ability to adapt to various changes in the spiritual image. Investments in education are valued as investments in the future stability of the country. To this end, this article analyzes the role of education reform in ensuring social development and outlines its prospects.It is important that the philosophy of education in the world community is a leading tool that determines the future of the country, its future development. 但In todays environment, where the living standards and quality of life of the population have become a key indicator of the countrys competitiveness in many ways, we can see the growing role of education as an important factor in development. At present, societies and civilizations compete primarily with social values and education systems and philosophies. 但 which means that society has a step by step targeted strategy. The value of this ratio is confirmed by the example of the leading countries of the world. Namazova Yulduz Muzaffarovna "Philosophy of Education as a Factor of Social Development" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-1 , December 2021, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd47774.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/education/47774/philosophy-of-education-as-a-factor-of-social-development/namazova-yulduz-muzaffarovna
Most theories about the negative relationship between Islam and democracy rely
on an interpretation of the Islamic political tradition. More positive accounts are also
anchored in the same tradition, interpreted in a different way. While some scholarship
relies on more empirical observation and analysis, there is no single work which
systematically demonstrates the relationship between Islam and democracy.
This study is an attempt to fill this gap by defining Islam empirically in terms of
several components and democracy in terms of the components of democratic culture
social capital, political tolerance, political engagement, political trust, and support for the
democratic systemand political participation. The theories which assert that Islam is
inimical to democracy are tested by examining the extent to which the Islamic and
democratic components are negatively associated.
Indonesia was selected for this research as it is the most populous Muslim country
in the world, with considerable variation among Muslims in belief and practice. Two
national mass surveys were conducted in 2001 and 2002.
This study found that Islam defined by two sets of rituals, the networks of Islamic
civic engagement, Islamic social identity, and Islamist political orientations (Islamism)
does not have a negative association with the components of democracy. The only
negative relationship is found between Islamism and tolerance toward Christians.
However, intolerant Islamism is not a real threat to democratic stability because
intolerant Islamists tends to be passive, not active, political participants. There is no
association between intolerant Islamism and protest activity that might have the potential
to destabilize the democratic system.
On the contrary, almost all components of Islam have a positive and significant
relationship with secular civic engagement, with political engagement, and with political
participation. These three components of democracy reinforce support for the democratic
system as whole. Therefore, Islam helps Muslim citizens to be active in politics and this
activity is congruent with the democratic system as a whole. What emerges is not
religious Muslims who are against democracy, nor non-religious democrats, but rather
religious Muslims who contribute to strengthening democracy. They are religious
Short Essay & Paragraph On Islam Is A Complete Code Of Life. Islam Essay | Studies of Religion II - Year 11 HSC | Thinkswap. Approaching Islam In Terms Of Religion Summary September - Free Essay .... Essay on Aisha Islam Studies of Religion Year 12 HSC Studies of .... Pin on Essay Samples and Examples. Essay About Islam byregemif. Essay on Islam | Top Study World. The Origins of Islamic Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written .... The Study Of Islam Free Essay Example. Sample essay on sunni islam. Practice Essay For Islam Studies | Studies of Religion II - Year 11 HSC ....
Short Essay & Paragraph On Islam Is A Complete Code Of Life. Islam Essay | Studies of Religion II - Year 11 HSC | Thinkswap. Approaching Islam In Terms Of Religion Summary September - Free Essay .... Essay on Aisha Islam Studies of Religion Year 12 HSC Studies of .... Pin on Essay Samples and Examples. Essay About Islam byregemif. Essay on Islam | Top Study World. The Origins of Islamic Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written .... The Study Of Islam Free Essay Example. Sample essay on sunni islam. Practice Essay For Islam Studies | Studies of Religion II - Year 11 HSC ....
1. 1
Rudi Maier, PhD
Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne, Founder and President,
Sarvodaya Movement of Sri Lanka
As the founder and president of the Sarvodaya Movement in Sri Lanka, I am delighted to
write an introduction to and a personal analysis of this book, entitled The Use of Religious
Values as a Basis for an Alternative Development Paradigm: The Case of the Sarvodaya
Movement in Sri Lanka, by Dr. Rudi Maier. Originally written as a doctoral dissertation in 1999,
this research is now available to the general public. I strongly believe that this book is a
significant contribution to the discussion and understanding of international development.
Research Methodology: Although the research is placed in the context of the Sarvodaya
Movement in Sri Lanka and its philosophical roots in the works of Mahatma Gandhi, the
significance of this research is that it breaks out of the conventional paradigms of development
thought by transcending single-discipline analysis, narrow quantification, and a priori theorizing.
It goes beyond traditional neoclassical and Marxist thinking and seeks to understand Asian
reality by studying the importance of cultural values in the implementation of community
development activities. I need to emphasize that the unique contribution of Dr. Maiers research
has been his analysis and understanding of development in Sri Lanka not based on customary
Judeo-Christian (now mainly Western) values but through the eyes of Eastern (especially
Buddhist) philosophy. It is this approach which makes this study of extraordinary value to
development planners and practitioners, especially since it has been done by a Western
researcher who has over the years gained a keen insight into Asian ways of thinking.
The author has carefully identified and selected his sources for information, using various
channels. He has examined documents, conducted interviews and engaged in participant
observation. The information collected has been carefully analyzed. The author was aware of
potential problems in research of this kind. His constant practice of introspection and the use of
intersubjectivity have helped him avoid losing his perspective and to clarify the development
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concepts of the Sarvodaya Movement and its significant contribution to the wider development
communities. He has discussed his observations with professionals both from Sri Lanka and the
U.S.A., from a number of related sciences and disciplines. All this has tremendously helped him
look at the issues objectively and interpret them correctly.
I am impressed by the list of interviews included. They bring in not only those conversant
with Sarvodaya activities but also others who are experts in the field of development. The list
covers almost every name of significance within as well as outside the Sarvodaya organization.
Even workers in a garment factory at the Katunayaka airport were interviewed. Dr. Maier did not
hesitate to include critiques from supporters as well as opponents of the movement. He
interviewed development intellectuals as well as development practitioners. He had six separate
stays in Sri Lanka. These stays, which took place over a period of 22 years (1976-98), provided
him with a wide scope of perspectives.
It is clear that his long-term involvement with Sri Lanka, his wide-ranging involvement in
international development and his studies of world religions (in the case of his dissertation,
Buddhism) have enabled him to compare Western and Asian development practices. I am
impressed by the way he utilized his observations in the field. For example, he clearly pointed
out that there is a difference between Buddhism practiced by village people and Buddhism
discussed among intellectuals. This is indeed a very important point of observation, especially
when it comes from a non-Sri Lankan. This deep insight into the religious and cultural nuances
of Sri Lanka has given Dr. Maiers dissertation credibility. His keen observations of cultural as
well as religious issues and subsequent attempts to test them on the ground are indeed a vital part
of his methodology.
The value of Dr. Maiers work is that he, as a Westerner, looks at Asian development
issues not only from a global and external level but also from a local grassroots level. His stay in
Kandy as an expatriate enabled him not only to learn about Buddhism but also to widen his
understanding of community development as well as community conflicts within the context of
Sri Lanka. During his sixth visit, he experienced the ethnic conflicts and their tragic results first-
hand. He writes how he was shocked to see barricades and checkpoints all over Colombo and
the countryside. Even the Sarvodaya movement has been affected by the changes in the country.
Another significant contribution of this book is that the author is able to place the
Sarvodaya Movement in Sri Lanka within a wider context. The author provides in Chapter Four
the historical, cultural, socio-economic, political and religious background of Sri Lanka. Such a
broad and detailed introduction provides a very useful backdrop to his later findings. Anyone
who truly wants to get an insight into the sociocultural and religious background of Sri Lanka
needs to carefully read this chapter of the book.
Dr. Maier uses this backgroundwhile connecting it with other essential development
pointsto describe the situation during colonial rule. For example, he accurately demonstrates
how colonial policies had a tremendous impact upon the rekindling of the unrelenting conflict
and violence in Sri Lanka between the Tamil minority and the Sinhalese majority during the
1980s and 1990s.
Not only of importance for non-Buddhist and Western readers but even for us as Sri
Lankans is the grasp and ease with which he explains basic Buddhist principles and shows how
they have an impact on todays Sri Lankan society. This he follows up with an overview of the
economy of Sri Lanka and an assessment of the governments approach to development. Because
of his keen interest in and understanding of environmental issues, he sees the environmental
impact which such development efforts have, especially the impact of urbanization. It is of
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significance to note how he concludes his overall examination of development in Sri Lanka. He
writes that it is no longer appropriate to consider only economic increases as means to measure
development but that we will have to consider other dimensions, including religious values as
vital elements in development . In order to support his thesis, the author provides a model of
development based on Buddhist values, which maintains that development changes need to begin
with a change in the hearts and minds of people.
If one were to read only this introductory part of the dissertation, one would see the unique
effort Dr. Maier has made to analyze Sri Lankas development from a multidisciplinary
Analysis of the Sarvodaya Movement: With this broadened paradigm in mind, the author
looks at Sarvodaya and its activities. He explains that Sarvodayas development theory and
practice emphasize the equality of all mankind and the love of each individual towards one
another. Such messages of Sarvodaya were important at the time Dr. Maier studied the
movement because in July 1983 the division between the Tamil and Sinhala communities
widened, and the communal rifts threatened to destroy the country. He reports how based on the
Sarvodaya philosophy, I made several emotional appeals urging all communities and religions to
show love and understanding in their dealings with each other. It was during that time (in
October 1983) that Sarvodaya organized a nationwide conference on national peace and
The author then discusses the basis of the Sarvodaya development concept. He explains
correctly that Sarvodaya means the Awakening of All and includes the commitment to non-
violent means of change. This concept clearly distinguishes the Sarvodaya Movement from any
form of violent revolutionary organization, not only in India but also in Sri Lanka. Sarvodaya
rejects development which is interested in mere quantitative growth and accumulation because it
provides little benefit to the disadvantaged in society.
The creation of alternative values and strategies of development, particularly regarding
sustainable development together with environmental preservation, are discussed. Maier writes
that the present day economy imposes flawed structures that are eroding the foundation of our
societal order and thereby negatively impacting the relationship among people as well as nature.
The Western form of development, the symbol of affluent society, has not led to the expected
improvements in the life of ordinary people. There is a need for another form of development
which is needs-oriented, self-reliant, in harmony with nature and ecologically sustainable, and
which goes hand in hand with people who are empowered to make structural transformations.
The Sarvodaya development model is described in detail, first the philosophy that started
the movement, followed by an examination of its organizational model. Maier uses as examples
the community-based rehabilitation activities for drug addicts to show how in its development
work Sarvodaya turns its attention always to pressing social problems.
The author refers to the Sarvodaya National Awakening program as the most important and
valuable contribution to Sri Lankas development because of its ability to mobilize people of all
ethnic groups, ages and most political affiliations throughout the country into joint action
programs. In addition to that, Maier shows that the Sarvodaya ideology is not merely a
philosophy and therefore merely theoretical, but it is deeply rooted in the practical life and
religious traditions of the people in Sri Lanka.
4. 4
Personal Note: I think it is not inappropriate for me to add a personal note about my friend
Rudi and his stay and research in Sri Lanka. My normal experience with Western researchers is
quite different from that with Rudi. Most researchers and outside development experts have over
the years tried to contrast Sarvodaya development understanding with Western forms of
development theory. As a result many Western funders have overlooked the usefulness of our
work. In the early 1990s some of the well-known international development organizations
withdrew their support from Sarvodaya when we refused to drop spiritual development as an
integral part of our development agenda. On the other hand Rudi learned through his own
experience as a community development leader how important an understanding of the cultural
and religious context of Sri Lanka is for successful community building. But beyond that he has
seen how important it is for community development, at least in Sri Lanka, to understand and
observe the close relationship between spiritual (or maybe better, moral) development and
community development. When he lived in Sri Lanka in the early 1980s, he forged a very close
bond with the late Venerable Sumanajothi Maha Thero of Hanguranketta. His close association
with this highly respected and influential monk speaks volumes. It is not surprising but very
revealing that he dedicated his dissertation to this monk. Both Rudi Maier and the Venerable
Sumanajothi Maha Thero practiced what true development is all about. Though different in
upbringing, culture and religion, they both forged a bond of friendship and collaboration in their
community settings. They both demonstrated through their lives and actions what a truly
developed world should look like. They brought peace and collaboration to their distinctive
communities. They both truly practiced the spirit of Sarvodaya.
Conclusion: I consider Dr. Rudi Maiers thesis an important contribution to modern
development theory and practice. He has painstakingly collected information from all possible
sources. His multidisciplinary approach is exemplary in development research. He provides a
very useful and accurate description and analysis of the Sarvodaya philosophy, programs, and
theory and practice of development. I want to thank Dr. Maier personally for his excellent and
unbiased analysis and hope his book will be read by people both in the East as well as the West.
Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne
Founder and President
Sarvodaya Movement of Sri Lanka
March 15, 2006