Native crayfish species still exist in isolated areas of Southern and Central Sweden, far from hatcheries raising invasive American species. One native species, Astacus astacus, is traditionally boiled and eaten during summer dinners. Its numbers declined with the introduction of a parasitic fungus from imported American crayfish. While A. astacus is now rare due to importing the American Pacifastacus leniusculus to meet demand, some aquaculture farms in Sweden still raise the native crayfish through intensive farming techniques like sorting and feeding them over 2-5 years of growth. Researchers like Roberta Buffoni Hall are working to revive and ensure the survival of the native crayfish.
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1. Native species still exist in some isolated areas in Southern and Central Sweden, far away from crayfish hatcheries of American species, and are raised as well on other small hatcheries on the Öland and Gotland Islands and in the Småland and Blekinge Regions. Astacus Astacus
2. Astacus Astacus The classical preparation, crayfish are boiled with dried head dills. This dish is fundamental to the dinners that traditionally take place at the end of summer (kräftskiva).
3. Issues Surrounding Astacus Astacus Parasitical fungus always present in Scandinavian waters Prevalence grew with the importation of crayfish from the States. Importation of the American Pacifastacus leniusculus considerably increased to satisfy the growing demand, marking the end of Astacus astacus.
4. Steps taken to ensure Survival Lives symbiotically in the waters in which it flourishes. In the autumn these crayfish are fished with special crayfish traps. Handful of aquaculture farms in Sweden that raise this native crayfish. Farming is an intensive form of aquaculture, where the crayfish live in man-made ponds. Sorted out for size and sex during the period of growth, which can be 2-5 years. More intensive farms may sort the crayfish more often. The crayfish are also fed during the growth period. No chemicals, drugs, medicaments or nutrients are added.
5. Key Figures in revival and Survival Roberta Buffoni Hall Researcher at Lund University