The document summarizes the Arkansas PACE Grant implementation workshop at Ozarka College regarding developmental and technical math course redesign using NCAT principles. It discusses moving from a traditional math sequence to an emporium model with modularization, mastery-based learning, and computer lab utilization. Data shows improved retention rates and more students completing college-level math requirements under the redesigned model compared to the traditional sequence. Next steps discussed include adding a technical math component, transcripting module progress, outcomes assessment tracking attendance, demographics and early alerts.
This document discusses how student evaluation data can help libraries contribute to quality teaching and learning. It analyzes data from student evaluations of teaching units (SETU) to examine correlations between ratings of library resources and overall ratings of teaching quality. The data shows high ratings for library resources are associated with high general teaching ratings. It also finds postgraduate students and students in the health faculty gave higher ratings to library resources than other groups. The conclusions recommend libraries focus on initiatives that meet the specific needs of student cohorts and that assessment tasks requiring library interaction could improve perceptions of library value.
Ellie presentation for digital story learningTim Cheng
The document describes a year-long experimental study that examined the impact of digital storytelling (DST) compared to traditional lecture-based instruction on students' academic achievement, critical thinking skills, and learning motivation. 110 high school students participated in the study, with one group receiving DST instruction and the other receiving traditional lectures. Results showed that the DST group performed significantly better on measures of English academic achievement, critical thinking, and learning motivation compared to the traditional lecture group. Specifically, the DST group scored higher on vocabulary, listening, reading, and writing assessments as well as critical thinking skills involving deduction, interpretation and evaluation of arguments. They also reported higher levels of task value and self-efficacy in learning motivation.
Co-Requisite Mathematics Redesign: Technology and Innovation in Mathematics C...Holly Arnold Ayers
This document outlines a co-requisite model for college algebra that was implemented at Ozarka College. The model integrated a developmental foundations of math course with college algebra to accelerate students' progress. It utilized an emporium learning model with modularized and mastery-based curriculum. Early results showed increased student retention, persistence to college algebra, degree completion, and decreased time and cost to students compared to previous developmental math sequences. The project used intensive scheduling, supplemental tutoring, mid-term interviews, and outcomes assessment to support student success in an integrated co-requisite approach to developmental and college-level math.
This document summarizes Ozarka College's redesign of its developmental education programs in math and writing. The redesign aimed to radically increase acceleration, retention, and completion rates through modularized, mastery-based pathways and co-requisite support. For math, the redesign reduced coursework from 9 to 3 credits over 1-2 semesters, offering 3 pathways to college algebra. For writing, it integrated reading and writing into 5 credits over 1 semester, with 2 pathways to composition I. Early results showed significant increases in retention, persistence, and degree completion compared to the traditional multi-semester sequences. The presentation identifies barriers overcome through the redesign and next steps to further improve student success.
Creating Pathways to Student Success: Accelerating Developmental Education in...Holly Arnold Ayers
Ozarka College is redesigning its developmental education programs to accelerate student completion. The redesign includes integrating reading and writing courses, using a modularized emporium model for math, and adding supplemental instruction for English Composition I. Early results show improved retention rates compared to traditional courses. Ozarka will continue evaluating placement measures, instructional methods, and student outcomes to further improve the redesign in supporting student success.
Jumping on the Fast-Track: Developmental Education Course Redesign Using NCAT...Holly Arnold Ayers
This document discusses the redesign of developmental education math courses at three community colleges using the NCAT emporium model. Cossatot Community College, Pulaski Technical College, and Ozarka College piloted modularized, mastery-based developmental math courses that utilized computer labs and qualified math instructors. The pilots showed improved completion rates compared to traditional lecture formats, with more students completing levels in fewer semesters and higher average GPAs in subsequent college algebra courses. Contact information was provided for representatives from each college.
Supporting Part-Time Faculty Through Policy DevelopmentHolly Arnold Ayers
The document discusses supporting part-time faculty through policy development, integration, and professional development. It addresses what is known about part-time faculty, best practices for their employment, professional development, and institutional integration. These include strong employment policies, orientation, mentoring, and assessing integration. The document argues that policy development is needed regarding part-time faculty's role in student success, remediation, technical instruction, and institutional support networks.
Redesign: Technology and Innovation in Mathematics EducationHolly Arnold Ayers
The document discusses Ozarka College's efforts to redesign their technical mathematics pathways to improve student success rates. Key aspects of the redesign included integrating developmental and technical math, offering multiple pathway options based on student needs, and utilizing an emporium model with modularized and mastery-based curriculum. Outcomes of the redesign included increased student retention rates, higher completion rates of gateway courses, and more students completing technical math requirements in one semester compared to traditional models. The redesign also aimed to overcome challenges like communication, placement, advising and assessing outcomes. Next steps discussed expanding partnerships, continued data collection, and addressing financial aid and program completion impacts.
This document outlines issues related to research and class room research. It discusses identifying an appropriate research topic and guide. Finance is a major issue, including costs of experiments, materials, and attending conferences. Identifying the right research topic depends on the guide's specialization and interests of other students. The relationship between guides and students can impact research. Research scholars must develop skills like acquiring knowledge, problem solving, and being lifelong learners with self-discipline. Classroom research examines best practices for teaching-learning processes and evaluating students based on Bloom's taxonomy. Research outcomes from books discuss findings on the 10,000 hours rule for expertise and characteristics of cheating teachers.
Question Level Analysis and Pupil Progress Review Meetingsdavidfawcett27
This is a presentation by Helen Strutton and Jack Wainwright explaining how they use QLA and PPRM in Science to improve student learning (and teacher quality).
This syllabus outlines the course Math 205 Functions and Modeling for Secondary Mathematics Instruction which covers topics including functions, modeling, complex numbers, and geometry through classroom activities, labs, homework, and 4 exams. The course aims to strengthen students' content knowledge of secondary math topics and demonstrate proficiency with technology in the mathematics classroom. Grades are determined by tests, assignments, labs, participation, a midterm project, and a final exam comprehensive of the semester's material.
1 Saint Leo University MAT 131 College Mathemati.docxaryan532920
Saint Leo University
MAT 131
College Mathematics
Course Description:
Topics include critical thinking, number theory, measurement, percentages, geometry, counting
methods, probability, and statistics.
Blitzer, B. (2011). Thinking mathematically with Mymathlab plus access (6th ed.). Boston, MA:
Pearson-Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-0-321-86732-2
White, J., & White, S. (2015). Thinking critically to solve problems: Combining values and
college mathematics. Boston, MA: Pearson-Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-1-5115-3917-3
The MyMathLab Plus access code includes Thinking Mathematically (Blitzer) eBook
access, so purchasing the physical Blitzer textbook is optional.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Solve problems involving data analysis and probability and obtain a better sense of
community when interpreting studies that relate to the world around them.
2. Use concepts that relate to number sense, concepts, and operations.
3. Use measurement techniques and demonstrate knowledge of geometry and spatial
4. Use basic problem-solving strategies.
5. Explore how mathematics can be used to enhance community.
Core Value:
Students will be learning the mathematical skills for solving problems and then investigate how
those skills and solutions can be used to enhance community.
Community: Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities
everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on
mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to
listen, to learn, to change, and to serve.
In determining the final grade, the following weights will apply:
Problem Sets (7 @ 2% each) 14%
Quizzes (4 @ 2% each) 8%
Exams (2 @ 13% each) 26%
Final Test 20%
Discussions (8 @ 1% each) 8%
Group Project 12%
Individual Project 12%
Total 100%
Module Breakdown of Percentages:
Module 1: Problem Set 1 = 2%, Discussion = 1%
Module 2: Problem Set 2 = 2%, Discussion = 1%, Quiz 1 = 2%, Exam 1= 13%,
Module 3: Problem Set 3 = 2%, Discussion = 1%
Module 4: Problem Set 4 = 2%, Discussion = 1%, Quiz 2 = 2%, Group Project = 12%
Module 5: Problem Set 5 = 2%, Discussion = 1%
Module 6: Problem Set 6 = 2%, Discussion = 1%, Quiz 3 = 2%, Exam 2 = 13%
Module 7: Problem Set 7 = 2%, Discussion = 1%
Module 8: Discussion = 1%, Quiz 4 = 2%, Final Test = 20%, Individual Project = 12%
Grading Scale:
Grade Score (%)
A 94-100
A- 90-93
B+ 87-89
B 84-86
B- 80-83
C+ 77-79
C 74-76
C- 70-73
D+ 67-69
D 60-66
F 0-59
A minimum grade of C is needed to fulfill the degree requirement.
Most of your assignments for this course will be completed in MyMathLab, which is designed to ...
This document provides information about an intermediate statistical methods course taught by instructor Shuyan Sun in winter 2009. The course covers techniques like ANOVA, regression, and nonparametric tests. Students are expected to actively participate, complete homework problems and tests, write article reviews, and conduct a group research project applying statistical analyses. Grades are determined based on test scores, assignments, class participation, and a group project.
Preparation of courses at every university is done by hand. This method has limitations that often cause collisions schedule. In lectures and lab scheduling frequent collision against the faculty member teaching schedule, collisions on the class schedule and student, college collision course with lab time, the allocation of the use of the rooms were not optimal. Heuristic method of genetic algorithm based on the mechanism of natural selection; it is a process of biological evolution. Genetic algorithms are used to obtain optimal schedule that consists of the initialization process of the population, fitness evaluation, selection, crossover, and mutation. Data used include the teaching of data, the data subjects, the room data and time data retrieved from the database of the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi. The data in advance through the stages of the process of genetic algorithms to get optimal results The results of this study in the form of a schedule of courses has been optimized so that no error occurred and gaps.
Jesse Whelan x Waverley Library - July 15 2021 6pm
Year 11 and 12 can be a stressful time for many students. There seems like there is too much to learn in not enough time and everything gets boiled down to a single ATAR number.
In this presentation, Jesse Whelan (99+ ATAR) from Sandbox Learning Australia will outline the mindset, habits, and learning techniques needed to achieve your potential. In this session your will discover:
How the ATAR is calculated and whether you should try to game it
How to use the syllabus to plan your study
Why organisation and steady practice is crucial to success
Techniques that make learning stick - and those that dont
This event is for students in Year 10, 11 and 12.
This document provides information about the assessment development process used by the Punjab Examination Commission (PEC). It discusses the team involved in assessment development, which includes experts in education, psychometrics, translation and subject specialists. It outlines the multi-step process used, including item writing, review, pilot testing, analysis, and paper generation. Standards for ensuring valid, reliable and unbiased assessments are also described, such as alignment with curriculum, use of rubrics and keys, and equating of multiple test versions.
This document provides information about the assessment development process used by the Punjab Examination Commission (PEC). It discusses the team involved in assessment development, which includes experts in education, psychometrics, translation and subject specialists. It outlines the multi-step process used, including item writing, review, pilot testing, analysis, and banking. Key aspects highlighted are the use of international best practices, ensuring validity, reliability, and error-free bilingual instruments. The collaboration between PEC departments and other organizations to continuously improve the assessment system is also summarized.
This document discusses analytics questions and capabilities in the Moodle learning management system from the perspectives of teachers, students, institutions, and parents. It outlines various analytics features available in the Moodle core as well as through plugins, including course performance summaries, grade reports, activity results, and engagement tracking. Group discussions suggest additional questions from each stakeholder viewpoint, such as how well students are progressing towards qualifications from an institutional perspective or what students should focus on next from a student perspective.
This document outlines a 4-year action plan to earn a Bachelor's degree in Special Education. It includes course schedules for the second and third semesters at Laredo Community College, with English, math, history, physical education, computer science, psychology, and speech courses totalling 28 credits. The plan's objective is to take the necessary prerequisites and core academic courses to transfer to a 4-year university and complete requirements for a Bachelor's degree in Special Education within 4 years.
Cambridge presentation for gr 6 parents 18 july 2013usetiadi
This document provides information about the Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Primary Checkpoint assessments administered at STB - ACS (International) Jakarta. It discusses the subjects covered, strands within each subject, progression tests taken in grades 3-6, and the Primary Checkpoint test taken at the end of grade 6. Sample papers assess English, math, and science abilities. The 2014 test dates and breakdown of test sections are provided. Results from 2012-2013 show improvement over time with most students scoring at the highest levels.
Cambridge presentation for gr 6 parents 18 july 2013usetiadi
This document discusses the Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Primary Checkpoint assessments administered at STB - ACS (International) Jakarta. It covers the subjects assessed, which are English, mathematics, and science. Students take progression tests in grades 3-6 and the Primary Checkpoint test at the end of grade 6. The Checkpoint provides scores and feedback to help identify student strengths and weaknesses. It also shares the schedule and results from STB-ACS's 2013 Primary Checkpoint exams, where over half the students received straight level 6 scores.
Report on a graduate course in emerging technologies where students conducted peer reviews on web-based projects of classmates, on criteria OTHER THAN those of the instructor.
Ca executive leadership forum (0101112)Bryan Reece
This document summarizes Cerritos College's efforts to improve developmental education outcomes through the use of technology. It describes how the college implemented programs like iFalcon to teach soft skills, expanded tutoring services at the Success Center, and used the MyFoundationsLab platform for assessment preparation and basic skills math courses. Data shows improvements in student success, retention, and completion rates college-wide and across demographic groups from 2009-2012 following these initiatives.
1) The document provides a lesson plan for teaching trainees about shift registers. It includes information on the trainees, classroom, college, curriculum, content, methodology, and objectives of the lesson.
2) The lesson plan uses various teaching methods like lecture, classroom discussion, individual work, partner work and group work. Videos and handouts will also be used.
3) The lesson objectives are for trainees to understand what a shift register is, its types, how it works in serial in/serial out and serial in/parallel out modes, and design simple shift register circuits.
The document describes a STEM Scholars Bridge Program at Harford Community College that aims to accelerate degree completion and increase retention of STEM students. The program provides an intensive pre-semester curriculum to strengthen math and other skills, and data shows it has helped increase student GPA, success in subsequent math courses, and retention in STEM degrees compared to non-participants. The presentation reviews the program design, curriculum, tracking of student outcomes, and feedback.
One Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the one click RFQ Cancellation in odoo 18. One-Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 is a feature that allows users to quickly and easily cancel Request for Quotations (RFQs) with a single click.
This document outlines issues related to research and class room research. It discusses identifying an appropriate research topic and guide. Finance is a major issue, including costs of experiments, materials, and attending conferences. Identifying the right research topic depends on the guide's specialization and interests of other students. The relationship between guides and students can impact research. Research scholars must develop skills like acquiring knowledge, problem solving, and being lifelong learners with self-discipline. Classroom research examines best practices for teaching-learning processes and evaluating students based on Bloom's taxonomy. Research outcomes from books discuss findings on the 10,000 hours rule for expertise and characteristics of cheating teachers.
Question Level Analysis and Pupil Progress Review Meetingsdavidfawcett27
This is a presentation by Helen Strutton and Jack Wainwright explaining how they use QLA and PPRM in Science to improve student learning (and teacher quality).
This syllabus outlines the course Math 205 Functions and Modeling for Secondary Mathematics Instruction which covers topics including functions, modeling, complex numbers, and geometry through classroom activities, labs, homework, and 4 exams. The course aims to strengthen students' content knowledge of secondary math topics and demonstrate proficiency with technology in the mathematics classroom. Grades are determined by tests, assignments, labs, participation, a midterm project, and a final exam comprehensive of the semester's material.
1 Saint Leo University MAT 131 College Mathemati.docxaryan532920
Saint Leo University
MAT 131
College Mathematics
Course Description:
Topics include critical thinking, number theory, measurement, percentages, geometry, counting
methods, probability, and statistics.
Blitzer, B. (2011). Thinking mathematically with Mymathlab plus access (6th ed.). Boston, MA:
Pearson-Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-0-321-86732-2
White, J., & White, S. (2015). Thinking critically to solve problems: Combining values and
college mathematics. Boston, MA: Pearson-Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-1-5115-3917-3
The MyMathLab Plus access code includes Thinking Mathematically (Blitzer) eBook
access, so purchasing the physical Blitzer textbook is optional.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Solve problems involving data analysis and probability and obtain a better sense of
community when interpreting studies that relate to the world around them.
2. Use concepts that relate to number sense, concepts, and operations.
3. Use measurement techniques and demonstrate knowledge of geometry and spatial
4. Use basic problem-solving strategies.
5. Explore how mathematics can be used to enhance community.
Core Value:
Students will be learning the mathematical skills for solving problems and then investigate how
those skills and solutions can be used to enhance community.
Community: Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities
everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on
mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to
listen, to learn, to change, and to serve.
In determining the final grade, the following weights will apply:
Problem Sets (7 @ 2% each) 14%
Quizzes (4 @ 2% each) 8%
Exams (2 @ 13% each) 26%
Final Test 20%
Discussions (8 @ 1% each) 8%
Group Project 12%
Individual Project 12%
Total 100%
Module Breakdown of Percentages:
Module 1: Problem Set 1 = 2%, Discussion = 1%
Module 2: Problem Set 2 = 2%, Discussion = 1%, Quiz 1 = 2%, Exam 1= 13%,
Module 3: Problem Set 3 = 2%, Discussion = 1%
Module 4: Problem Set 4 = 2%, Discussion = 1%, Quiz 2 = 2%, Group Project = 12%
Module 5: Problem Set 5 = 2%, Discussion = 1%
Module 6: Problem Set 6 = 2%, Discussion = 1%, Quiz 3 = 2%, Exam 2 = 13%
Module 7: Problem Set 7 = 2%, Discussion = 1%
Module 8: Discussion = 1%, Quiz 4 = 2%, Final Test = 20%, Individual Project = 12%
Grading Scale:
Grade Score (%)
A 94-100
A- 90-93
B+ 87-89
B 84-86
B- 80-83
C+ 77-79
C 74-76
C- 70-73
D+ 67-69
D 60-66
F 0-59
A minimum grade of C is needed to fulfill the degree requirement.
Most of your assignments for this course will be completed in MyMathLab, which is designed to ...
This document provides information about an intermediate statistical methods course taught by instructor Shuyan Sun in winter 2009. The course covers techniques like ANOVA, regression, and nonparametric tests. Students are expected to actively participate, complete homework problems and tests, write article reviews, and conduct a group research project applying statistical analyses. Grades are determined based on test scores, assignments, class participation, and a group project.
Preparation of courses at every university is done by hand. This method has limitations that often cause collisions schedule. In lectures and lab scheduling frequent collision against the faculty member teaching schedule, collisions on the class schedule and student, college collision course with lab time, the allocation of the use of the rooms were not optimal. Heuristic method of genetic algorithm based on the mechanism of natural selection; it is a process of biological evolution. Genetic algorithms are used to obtain optimal schedule that consists of the initialization process of the population, fitness evaluation, selection, crossover, and mutation. Data used include the teaching of data, the data subjects, the room data and time data retrieved from the database of the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi. The data in advance through the stages of the process of genetic algorithms to get optimal results The results of this study in the form of a schedule of courses has been optimized so that no error occurred and gaps.
Jesse Whelan x Waverley Library - July 15 2021 6pm
Year 11 and 12 can be a stressful time for many students. There seems like there is too much to learn in not enough time and everything gets boiled down to a single ATAR number.
In this presentation, Jesse Whelan (99+ ATAR) from Sandbox Learning Australia will outline the mindset, habits, and learning techniques needed to achieve your potential. In this session your will discover:
How the ATAR is calculated and whether you should try to game it
How to use the syllabus to plan your study
Why organisation and steady practice is crucial to success
Techniques that make learning stick - and those that dont
This event is for students in Year 10, 11 and 12.
This document provides information about the assessment development process used by the Punjab Examination Commission (PEC). It discusses the team involved in assessment development, which includes experts in education, psychometrics, translation and subject specialists. It outlines the multi-step process used, including item writing, review, pilot testing, analysis, and paper generation. Standards for ensuring valid, reliable and unbiased assessments are also described, such as alignment with curriculum, use of rubrics and keys, and equating of multiple test versions.
This document provides information about the assessment development process used by the Punjab Examination Commission (PEC). It discusses the team involved in assessment development, which includes experts in education, psychometrics, translation and subject specialists. It outlines the multi-step process used, including item writing, review, pilot testing, analysis, and banking. Key aspects highlighted are the use of international best practices, ensuring validity, reliability, and error-free bilingual instruments. The collaboration between PEC departments and other organizations to continuously improve the assessment system is also summarized.
This document discusses analytics questions and capabilities in the Moodle learning management system from the perspectives of teachers, students, institutions, and parents. It outlines various analytics features available in the Moodle core as well as through plugins, including course performance summaries, grade reports, activity results, and engagement tracking. Group discussions suggest additional questions from each stakeholder viewpoint, such as how well students are progressing towards qualifications from an institutional perspective or what students should focus on next from a student perspective.
This document outlines a 4-year action plan to earn a Bachelor's degree in Special Education. It includes course schedules for the second and third semesters at Laredo Community College, with English, math, history, physical education, computer science, psychology, and speech courses totalling 28 credits. The plan's objective is to take the necessary prerequisites and core academic courses to transfer to a 4-year university and complete requirements for a Bachelor's degree in Special Education within 4 years.
Cambridge presentation for gr 6 parents 18 july 2013usetiadi
This document provides information about the Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Primary Checkpoint assessments administered at STB - ACS (International) Jakarta. It discusses the subjects covered, strands within each subject, progression tests taken in grades 3-6, and the Primary Checkpoint test taken at the end of grade 6. Sample papers assess English, math, and science abilities. The 2014 test dates and breakdown of test sections are provided. Results from 2012-2013 show improvement over time with most students scoring at the highest levels.
Cambridge presentation for gr 6 parents 18 july 2013usetiadi
This document discusses the Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Primary Checkpoint assessments administered at STB - ACS (International) Jakarta. It covers the subjects assessed, which are English, mathematics, and science. Students take progression tests in grades 3-6 and the Primary Checkpoint test at the end of grade 6. The Checkpoint provides scores and feedback to help identify student strengths and weaknesses. It also shares the schedule and results from STB-ACS's 2013 Primary Checkpoint exams, where over half the students received straight level 6 scores.
Report on a graduate course in emerging technologies where students conducted peer reviews on web-based projects of classmates, on criteria OTHER THAN those of the instructor.
Ca executive leadership forum (0101112)Bryan Reece
This document summarizes Cerritos College's efforts to improve developmental education outcomes through the use of technology. It describes how the college implemented programs like iFalcon to teach soft skills, expanded tutoring services at the Success Center, and used the MyFoundationsLab platform for assessment preparation and basic skills math courses. Data shows improvements in student success, retention, and completion rates college-wide and across demographic groups from 2009-2012 following these initiatives.
1) The document provides a lesson plan for teaching trainees about shift registers. It includes information on the trainees, classroom, college, curriculum, content, methodology, and objectives of the lesson.
2) The lesson plan uses various teaching methods like lecture, classroom discussion, individual work, partner work and group work. Videos and handouts will also be used.
3) The lesson objectives are for trainees to understand what a shift register is, its types, how it works in serial in/serial out and serial in/parallel out modes, and design simple shift register circuits.
The document describes a STEM Scholars Bridge Program at Harford Community College that aims to accelerate degree completion and increase retention of STEM students. The program provides an intensive pre-semester curriculum to strengthen math and other skills, and data shows it has helped increase student GPA, success in subsequent math courses, and retention in STEM degrees compared to non-participants. The presentation reviews the program design, curriculum, tracking of student outcomes, and feedback.
One Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the one click RFQ Cancellation in odoo 18. One-Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 is a feature that allows users to quickly and easily cancel Request for Quotations (RFQs) with a single click.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Arkansas PACE Grant Implementation Workshop
1. Arkansas PACE Grant
Implementation Workshop
Developmental and Technical Math Course Redesign
Using NCAT Principles
Holly Ayers, Ozarka College
2. How Do We Get Started?
Policy and
Simply ask: how
Vs. would we do
things differently if
at Ozarka
we put learning
first? Then do it.
Options -Barr & Tagg
Lab Access
3. Program Characteristics
Acceleration of Developmental Math
NCAT Emporium Model Utilization
Computer Lab Utilization
Standardized Curriculum
Qualified Math Instructor Utilization
Curriculum Alignment
4. Project Overview
Developmental Mathematics
Fall 2011 Spring 2012
Foundations of Math Foundations of Math
3 credit hours with 1 hour lab 3 credit hours with 1 hour lab
3 modules equivalent to 3 traditional levels 3 modules equivalent to 3 traditional levels
Pacing guides provided 2 books aligned with traditional courses
2 books aligned with traditional courses 4 instructional sites
1 instructional site Enrollment: 11 sections, 138 students
Enrollment:3 sections, 51 students, Instruction: 5 full-time, 2 part-time
Instruction: 2 full
Fall 2012
Foundations of Math
4 credit hours
2 modules (splitting the 2nd original module)
1 book (Developmental Mathematics)
Student guide
Attendance requirements/weight
4 instructional sites
Enrollment: 13 sections, 207 students
Instruction: 5 full-time, 2 part-time
7. So What Does The Data Tell Us?
FALL 2011 FALL 2011
Level 1 Dev Ed Cohort Redesign Cohort
115 Enrolled 51 Enrolled
Retention: 69.71% Retention: 50.98%
Spring 2012 Spring 2012
Re-Enrolled:50 Re-Enrolled: 31
Retention: 43.47% Retention: 60.78%
College Math: .009% College Math: 19.6%
Fall 2012
Fall 2012
Re-Enrolled: 1
Retention: 62.74%
College or Tech Math: 29.41%
College Math: 0.9%
Completed Degree: 1
8. Next Steps
Changes for Fall 2012
Increased by 1 course credit hour
Adopted Developmental Mathematics text
Moved from 3 discrete modules to 2 integrated modules
Integrated diagnostics for module requirements
Expanded co-enroll option to all sites
Adopted student guide
Adopted attendance requirements/weight
Began planning: transcripting module levels
Attendance and demographics tracking
9. Next Steps
Changes for Spring 2013
Add Technical Math component options to Foundations
Math for Allied Health
Math for Business Technology
Diagnostic testing to determine developmental needs prior to
technical math entry
Transcripting modules-completion and progress
Outcomes Assessment
10. Transcripting
Transcripting developmental and technical modules
Student Mid-term Mid-Term Progress Final Final Progress
Student Name Complete DE Module 1 Complete DE Module 1
Complete DE Module 2 Complete DE Module 2
A Co-Enroll Qualified A Co-Enroll Qualified
B Complete BT Math B Complete BT Math
C Complete AH Math C Complete AH Math
12. Q & A?
Holly Ayers-Division Chair
Math, Science and Education
Ozarka College
Editor's Notes
#5: Talk about the co-enroll option hereTalk about the Modularization and Pacing Guides here(Module 1 & 2, May co-enroll with MATH1203 if completing Module 2)Module 1 - the minimum requirement, represents the traditional Fundamentals of Arithmetic and Fundamentals of Algebra - Developmental Mathematics (book) Chapters 1-9 with AppendixModule 2 - represents the traditional Intermediate Algebra - Developmental Mathematics Chapters 10-15Pacing guides are provided to students to insure minimum completion and encourage accelerated completion