This document outlines an IT strategy focused on developing capabilities through incremental and continuous improvement to better serve customers. It involves analyzing strengths and weaknesses, setting targeted objectives, and aligning vision across levels of the organization through bidirectional collaboration between senior executives and business unit managers. Progress and success are captured early in the strategic process through regular monitoring of key performance indicators.
2. Strategic development
Operational decisions, priorities and
investment decisions
Top- down direction of organisation
Bottom-up direction for implementation
Align vision with capability to develop
priorities and investment decisions
3. Strategy KPI
Incremental continuous development:
delivering better services
Targeted objectives within managerial and
resources capability
Bi-directional development of strategy
involving senior executives and business unit
managers across organisation.
Incremental overview: Success or failure
captured early in process.
4. Analyse current position
What are we good at? Given our vision, what
How does this enable can we do better?
our vision? What are the benefits
How critical are these of improving this
capabilities to our capability?
success? How critical are they to
Are we the dominant our success?
player? How far should we
How do we get better? develop and by when?
5. Dynamic Strategy
Resource based view Increasing perceived
Analyse internal value to customers
resources of ARM Customised service
Areas of strength and delivery to customer
weaknesses R&D enhancements of
Develop market our products and
penetration strategy services.
around strengths to Develop consumer loyalty
consolidate to ARM processors to
Develop improvement weaken client power and
strategies around maximise ARM position.
weaknesses to compete.