Christians face a spiritual battle between good and evil. To prepare, they must (1) be strong, (2) put on God's full armor including truth, righteousness, faith, salvation and the word of God, and (3) pray always. They must also learn offensive tactics to resist the devil. The target is to achieve victory through faith, freely sharing the gospel as God's ambassador, keeping faith until receiving an eternal reward.
2. From a Christian’s perspective,
Spiritual Warfare is the cosmic war
of good versus evil, its battle is
fought daily between God and
Satan, between the church and the
world system.
3. In regard to this
Spiritual battle,
what does the
Christian needs
to do?
8. A. Belt of truth buckled
around your waist
C. Feet fitted with the
readiness that comes
from the gospel of peace.
B. Breastplate of
righteousness in place
9. D. Shield of
faith, with which you
can extinguish all the
flaming arrows of the
evil one.
F. Sword of the
Spirit, which is the
Word of God
E. Helmet of salvation
11. 2.Christian must learn the
Tactics to offense v.12-13,16.
Tactics is the art of organizing
and directing movement of
soldiers and equipment during a
Spiritual Warfare
12. •James 4.7 therefore submit to
God, resist the devil and he will
flee from you.
•Matthew.16:18 Jesus said, Peter
upon this rock I will build my
church and the gate of hell shall
not prevail
Spiritual Warfare
13. 3.Christian needs to
strike the Target of
battle v14-20.
Target=it is something
that you aim to achieve.
Spiritual Warfare
14. •To achieve victory:
1 John.5:4 for whatever is born of
God overcomes the world, and this
is the victory that has overcome
the world our faith.
. To freely use the position of
being God’s ambassador.
Spiritual Warfare
15. According to Paul, I have
fought the good fight, I have
finished the race, I have kept
the faith. Finally, there is laid
up for me the crown of
righteousness, which the
Lord the righteous Judge
prepared to me on that day.
Spiritual Warfare
16. 1. Christian needs to know
the Tips for preparing in
the Spiritual battle. v10
Spiritual Warfare
2. Christian must learn the
Tactics to offense v.12-13,16.
3. Christian needs to strike the
Target of battle v14-20.