The document provides information about the Amsterdam Research Project (ARP) which sends students to conduct research in emerging markets. In 2017, ARP will send students to Myanmar and Indonesia. The summary is:
1) ARP has been operating for 17 years, sending students to research business opportunities for Dutch companies in emerging markets like Myanmar and Indonesia in 2017.
2) Students work in groups, conducting preliminary research before traveling to the target country to perform interviews and field research. They then analyze the results and deliver a final report and presentation to the partner company.
3) ARP aims to provide tailored market research and insights to partner companies while also providing international experience to students in economics and business administration. The program benefits both
1) Novo Nordisk is a pharmaceutical company founded in 1922 with the goal of curing diabetes. It currently employs over 40,000 people worldwide working on diabetes treatment and making medicines available globally.
2) The document discusses challenges refugees face integrating into Swedish society, particularly language barriers. It describes Sweden's SFI language program and argues internships do not always effectively help refugees integrate or find jobs.
3) The author discusses their positive experience in an internship program called Executive Foundation Lund, which aims to help international academics and refugees understand the Swedish job market and find future jobs. The internship helped the author learn about the Swedish economic and taxation systems.
This resume is for Juha J辰辰skel辰inen, who has 12 years of work experience in retail, design, and operational management. He has a Master's degree in Management and Bachelor's degrees in Business Economics and Company Communication. His specialization is in Business Continuity Management and he has a interest in corporate development strategies and risk management. He is seeking a new opportunity where he can apply his entrepreneurial spirit and experience in decision-making, growth, and sustainable innovation.
This document discusses knowledge, place and economy through case studies of Sapporo, Japan and Amsterdam, Netherlands. It analyzes their regional innovation frameworks - the Research and Business Park Project Promotion Council (RBPPPC) in Sapporo and the Amsterdam Economic Board (AEB) - in relation to the concept of smart specialization. The AEB has a clear collaborative leadership structure involving local stakeholders, while the RBPPPC is still dependent on Hokkaido University. Both aim to identify key sectors, but the AEB's 7 clusters may not focus enough. Positive aspects include Sapporo's focus on agri-food technologies and Amsterdam's entrepreneurial discovery processes. Monitoring and strategic flexibility could be improved to better support innovation.
The document summarizes the School of Entrepreneurship and Business at the University of Essex. The school focuses on entrepreneurship through an interdisciplinary lens, covering topics like economics, business, marketing, and creativity. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in entrepreneurship and holds research centers studying areas like social entrepreneurship and regional development. The school aims to provide real-world experience through case studies, business links, and international partnerships to help students succeed in entrepreneurship.
Eelco Fiole's PhD thesis on operationalising corporate governance in financia...efiole
This document provides an accompanying note for a study titled "The Corporate Centre in a Financial Conglomerate: Governance under Fundamental Industry Changes". The note summarizes that the financial services industry is undergoing significant changes that increase complexity and competition. Financial conglomerates are addressing this through strategic and organizational changes. The study examines the corporate centre as a key tool for governance in financial conglomerates and develops an integrated corporate centre concept. It compares this concept to case studies of four representative financial conglomerates.
Dr. Ali Arbia writes a letter of reference for Mr. Georges Antoine Abdallah. In the letter, Dr. Arbia describes Abdallah as an eager student who worked hard in his class on global economic issues. Abdallah performed well, showing excellent analytical abilities and skill in applying tools of analysis to issues in the global economy. Dr. Arbia recommends Abdallah and believes he will serve an international company well with his talents.
Este cap鱈tulo presenta los conceptos b叩sicos de las coordenadas generalizadas (q) y las cargas generalizadas (Q) para el an叩lisis estructural matricial. Define q como el vector de coordenadas de desplazamiento de los nudos de la estructura y Q como el vector de fuerzas y momentos aplicados a los nudos. Explica c坦mo construir diagramas elementales de deformaci坦n y diferentes sistemas de coordenadas. Finalmente, introduce la noci坦n de problema primario para estructuras sometidas a cargas distribuidas, cambios de temperatura y asent
Epic research daily agri report 17th may 2016Epic Research
Epic Research Private Limited is awarded with the Service Excellence Award in the financial services sector for providing consultation regarding Capital Stock Market of India and other global markets.
This document provides an overview of Erica Watson-Currie's education and professional experience in evaluation, research, and teaching. She holds a PhD in Communication Theory & Research from USC and has over 15 years of experience conducting evaluations and research projects for organizations like SmartStart Evaluation & Research. She has published several journal articles and technical reports. Additionally, she has over 20 years of experience teaching communication courses at various universities.
Game Theory and Programming Social Collective IntelligenceDaniele Miorandi
This document summarizes a talk about social collective intelligence and game theory. The talk discusses how human and computing systems can be combined to leverage their complementary strengths in solving complex problems. It provides examples of current systems that do this and limitations of existing approaches. The talk argues that game theory provides a framework for modeling incentives to coordinate autonomous agents in these systems, but experiments with real individuals and understanding social structures are still needed to control such hybrid human-computer systems.
ReComp:Preserving the value of large scale data analytics over time through...Paolo Missier
This document discusses preserving the value of large scale data analytics over time through selective re-computation (ReComp). It describes how the outputs of complex analytics pipelines can become outdated as inputs like data and algorithms change over time. ReComp aims to selectively re-compute parts of an analytics pipeline when changes are detected to preserve the value of previous results. Challenges include estimating the impact of changes, determining what parts of a pipeline need re-computation, and performing re-computations efficiently within a budget. The document uses examples from bioinformatics like variant interpretation in genomics to illustrate the problems ReComp aims to address.
O documento pede para apresentar os resultados mais recentes de v叩rios indicadores de gest達o de pessoas e processos, incluindo produtividade, rotatividade, absente鱈smo, participa巽達o, reconhecimento, incentivos, treinamento, satisfa巽達o e seguran巽a no trabalho.
Red cell and platelet storage lesions and their effect in transfusion practiseArjuna Samaranayaka
Bio mechanical and metabolic changes that occur in red cell concentrates and platelets during ex-vivo storage, their effect in transfusion practise and strategies to minimize them.
The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools is excited to present a two-part webinar featuring the Policy Readiness Tool
Part 1: Overview of the Policy Readiness Tool
Learn how the Policy Readiness Tool was developed and how to use the tool in your practice.
(Part 2 is available here:
A summary statement of this tool developed by NCCMT is available here:
Presented by the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools (NCCMT) with guests:
Candace Nykiforuk, PhD, CE, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta; CIHR/PHAC/AIHS Applied Public Health Chair
Kayla Atkey, MSc, Policy Analyst, Alberta Policy Coalition for Chronic Disease Prevention (APCCP)
NCCMT is one of six NCCs for Public Health in Canada. More on the NCCs at Production of this webinar has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.
A high-level view of how diversity in human behaviour is understood and utilised in the SmartSociety project, with emphasis on the problems of social orchestration and task composition.
Overweight/obesity prevention, treatment, and maintenance from childhood to a...Health Evidence
Health Evidence hosted a 90 minute webinar on a series of five recent reviews examining overweight and obesity prevention, treatment, and weight maintenance strategies among children, youth, and adult populations.
Dr. Leslea Peirson, Review Coordinator, McMaster Evidence Review and Synthesis Centre, presented key messages from the following five reviews:
Peirson, L., Fitzpatrick-Lewis, D., Morrison, K., Ciliska, D., Kenny, M., Ali, M. U., et al. (2015).Prevention of overweight and obesity in children and youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis.. CMAJ Open, 3(1), E23-E33.(2)
Key findings: Behavioural prevention interventions are associated with improvements in weight outcomes in mixed weight child/youth populations
Peirson L., Fitzpatrick-Lewis D., Morrison K., Warren R., Ali M.U., & Raina P. (2015). Treatment of overweight and obesity in children and youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. CMAJ Open, 3(1), E35-E46.(2)
Key findings: Behavioural treatment interventions for overweight and obese children and youth are associated with a significant reduction in BMI compared control groups
Peirson, L., Douketis, J., Ciliska, D., Fitzpatrick-Lewis, D., Ali, M. U., & Raina, P. (2014). Prevention of overweight and obesity in adult populations: A systematic review.. CMAJ Open, 2(4), E268-E272.(2)
Key findings: No clear conclusions were found to determine whether behavioural interventions lead to weight-gain prevention and improved health outcomes in normal-weight adults
Peirson, L., Douketis, J., Ciliska, D., Fitzpatrick-Lewis, D., Ali, M. U., & Raina, P. (2014). Treatment for overweight and obesity in adult populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. CMAJ Open, 2(4), E306-E317.(2)
Key findings: Behavioural and pharmacologic + behavioural treatments for overweight and obesity in adults lead to clinically important reductions in weight and incidence of type II diabetes in pre-diabetic populations
Peirson, L., Fitzpatrick-Lewis,D., Ciliska, D., Ali, M. U., Raina, P., & Sherifali, D. (2015). Strategies for weight maintenance in adult populations treated for overweight and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. CMAJ Open, 3(1), E47-E54.(2)
Key findings: Overweight and obese adults can benefit from interventions for weight maintenance following weight loss
Apresentado no TDC Florian坦polis - 2016.
Palestra voltada aos que ouviram falar sobre RxJava e querem aprender sobre a biblioteca que todos os programadores legais est達o comentando.
Oscar Tena's portfolio from 2008-2011 focused on lines and their role in architectural representation and design. It included projects from courses in architectural representation, design, and a workshop that explored lines and their ability to edit, explain, experience, and discover design ideas. Tena posed the question "What isn't creative about a line?" and explored how lines can represent visual fields, depths, and imaginary concepts through diagrams, drawings, and computer models in an iterative design process.
The Master of Public Affairs program at Sciences Po in Paris prepares young professionals for careers addressing issues of global significance. The two-year program takes a holistic and field-based approach to teaching public affairs, providing both theoretical and practical experience. It attracts a diverse international student body and emphasizes developing analytical skills and confronting ethical issues through real-world projects, internships, and interactions with a wide range of public and private organizations.
1) LSE Enterprise provides concise summaries of documents in 3 sentences or less.
2) This annual report from LSE Enterprise discusses the organization's work over the past year advising governments and institutions on issues like trade policy, urban development, and business strategies.
3) Key projects included analyzing urbanization and migration in South Asia, advising the government of Chile on urban planning, and collaborating with foreign universities on leadership and financial skills programs.
2013 war die EADL-Jahrestagung nach zehn Jahren wieder zu Gast in Hamburg. Zusammen mit der Europ辰ischen Fernhochschule Hamburg war das Forum DistancE-Learning local organizer der dreit辰gigen internationalen Fachveranstaltung (5. bis 7. Juni)
This document provides an overview of the annual report of LSE Enterprise, which applies the expertise of the London School of Economics to organizations globally. It discusses several projects undertaken over the past year, including consulting for urban development in Berlin, executive education programs in Hong Kong, and conferences on topics like the global economy in Spain. The report highlights how LSE Enterprise contributes financially to LSE and allows academics to engage with clients worldwide.
UN PRME initiative encourages business schools to examine their education and operations in relation to six principles and assess their progress every two years. The six principles are: purpose, values, method, research, partnership and dialogue. The main objective of the assessment of the progress is to serve as a public vehicle for information on responsible management education.
The document summarizes international activity and research from the School of Education at the University of Northampton. It discusses increased international partnerships and exchanges with European institutions like universities in Sweden and the Netherlands. It provides an example of Childhood and Youth students visiting J旦nk旦ping University in Sweden. It also discusses new partnerships being formed with universities in Germany. Additionally, it discusses international work being done in countries like India, Thailand, Hong Kong, and China. It provides more detail on the right to education in India, discussing challenges in providing education access to all children. The summary is in 3 sentences and highlights the key topics and locations discussed in the original document.
European innovation and business culture: What Chinese should know for slide ...InnoPraxis International
Presentation at annual TII conference (Technology Innovation International) on 7th of May 2013 in Beijin by Julia Roelofsen, partner in InnoPraxis International Ltd.
Academics for Development (AFD) gives students opportunities to use their knowledge and skills to help developing countries through year-long projects. AFD has two pillars - events to inform and inspire, and projects to allow practical work. Students work in multidisciplinary teams on problems presented by NGOs, organizations, or companies. Projects are implemented in developing countries and allow students to build skills while making a positive social impact internationally. AFD connects students, developing communities, and businesses to enable sustainable development through small-scale collaborative projects.
Elke proposal opa - booklet of cooperationAIESECGreece
The document outlines a proposed youth entrepreneurship and innovation project in Egypt called HOPE. It would be a partnership between AIESEC Athens and universities in Cairo to foster innovation among students. International and Egyptian students would collaborate on entrepreneurship projects addressing issues like unemployment and gender inequality. They would develop ideas and pitches over the course of training and workshop modules. The project aims to empower youth, promote civic engagement, and connect students to a global network. It would provide certificates and experience to participating students while benefiting partner universities through increased international engagement, social entrepreneurship promotion, and career opportunities for graduates.
The Research Center on Economics and Society (CIES) has been developing ideas around corporate social responsibility and social economy since 1992. It offers two online master's programs in these areas and conducts research, training, and consulting services. CIES works with universities and organizations in Europe, Latin America, and the United States to promote sustainable development through social responsibility.
Epic research daily agri report 17th may 2016Epic Research
Epic Research Private Limited is awarded with the Service Excellence Award in the financial services sector for providing consultation regarding Capital Stock Market of India and other global markets.
This document provides an overview of Erica Watson-Currie's education and professional experience in evaluation, research, and teaching. She holds a PhD in Communication Theory & Research from USC and has over 15 years of experience conducting evaluations and research projects for organizations like SmartStart Evaluation & Research. She has published several journal articles and technical reports. Additionally, she has over 20 years of experience teaching communication courses at various universities.
Game Theory and Programming Social Collective IntelligenceDaniele Miorandi
This document summarizes a talk about social collective intelligence and game theory. The talk discusses how human and computing systems can be combined to leverage their complementary strengths in solving complex problems. It provides examples of current systems that do this and limitations of existing approaches. The talk argues that game theory provides a framework for modeling incentives to coordinate autonomous agents in these systems, but experiments with real individuals and understanding social structures are still needed to control such hybrid human-computer systems.
ReComp:Preserving the value of large scale data analytics over time through...Paolo Missier
This document discusses preserving the value of large scale data analytics over time through selective re-computation (ReComp). It describes how the outputs of complex analytics pipelines can become outdated as inputs like data and algorithms change over time. ReComp aims to selectively re-compute parts of an analytics pipeline when changes are detected to preserve the value of previous results. Challenges include estimating the impact of changes, determining what parts of a pipeline need re-computation, and performing re-computations efficiently within a budget. The document uses examples from bioinformatics like variant interpretation in genomics to illustrate the problems ReComp aims to address.
O documento pede para apresentar os resultados mais recentes de v叩rios indicadores de gest達o de pessoas e processos, incluindo produtividade, rotatividade, absente鱈smo, participa巽達o, reconhecimento, incentivos, treinamento, satisfa巽達o e seguran巽a no trabalho.
Red cell and platelet storage lesions and their effect in transfusion practiseArjuna Samaranayaka
Bio mechanical and metabolic changes that occur in red cell concentrates and platelets during ex-vivo storage, their effect in transfusion practise and strategies to minimize them.
The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools is excited to present a two-part webinar featuring the Policy Readiness Tool
Part 1: Overview of the Policy Readiness Tool
Learn how the Policy Readiness Tool was developed and how to use the tool in your practice.
(Part 2 is available here:
A summary statement of this tool developed by NCCMT is available here:
Presented by the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools (NCCMT) with guests:
Candace Nykiforuk, PhD, CE, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta; CIHR/PHAC/AIHS Applied Public Health Chair
Kayla Atkey, MSc, Policy Analyst, Alberta Policy Coalition for Chronic Disease Prevention (APCCP)
NCCMT is one of six NCCs for Public Health in Canada. More on the NCCs at Production of this webinar has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.
A high-level view of how diversity in human behaviour is understood and utilised in the SmartSociety project, with emphasis on the problems of social orchestration and task composition.
Overweight/obesity prevention, treatment, and maintenance from childhood to a...Health Evidence
Health Evidence hosted a 90 minute webinar on a series of five recent reviews examining overweight and obesity prevention, treatment, and weight maintenance strategies among children, youth, and adult populations.
Dr. Leslea Peirson, Review Coordinator, McMaster Evidence Review and Synthesis Centre, presented key messages from the following five reviews:
Peirson, L., Fitzpatrick-Lewis, D., Morrison, K., Ciliska, D., Kenny, M., Ali, M. U., et al. (2015).Prevention of overweight and obesity in children and youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis.. CMAJ Open, 3(1), E23-E33.(2)
Key findings: Behavioural prevention interventions are associated with improvements in weight outcomes in mixed weight child/youth populations
Peirson L., Fitzpatrick-Lewis D., Morrison K., Warren R., Ali M.U., & Raina P. (2015). Treatment of overweight and obesity in children and youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. CMAJ Open, 3(1), E35-E46.(2)
Key findings: Behavioural treatment interventions for overweight and obese children and youth are associated with a significant reduction in BMI compared control groups
Peirson, L., Douketis, J., Ciliska, D., Fitzpatrick-Lewis, D., Ali, M. U., & Raina, P. (2014). Prevention of overweight and obesity in adult populations: A systematic review.. CMAJ Open, 2(4), E268-E272.(2)
Key findings: No clear conclusions were found to determine whether behavioural interventions lead to weight-gain prevention and improved health outcomes in normal-weight adults
Peirson, L., Douketis, J., Ciliska, D., Fitzpatrick-Lewis, D., Ali, M. U., & Raina, P. (2014). Treatment for overweight and obesity in adult populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. CMAJ Open, 2(4), E306-E317.(2)
Key findings: Behavioural and pharmacologic + behavioural treatments for overweight and obesity in adults lead to clinically important reductions in weight and incidence of type II diabetes in pre-diabetic populations
Peirson, L., Fitzpatrick-Lewis,D., Ciliska, D., Ali, M. U., Raina, P., & Sherifali, D. (2015). Strategies for weight maintenance in adult populations treated for overweight and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. CMAJ Open, 3(1), E47-E54.(2)
Key findings: Overweight and obese adults can benefit from interventions for weight maintenance following weight loss
Apresentado no TDC Florian坦polis - 2016.
Palestra voltada aos que ouviram falar sobre RxJava e querem aprender sobre a biblioteca que todos os programadores legais est達o comentando.
Oscar Tena's portfolio from 2008-2011 focused on lines and their role in architectural representation and design. It included projects from courses in architectural representation, design, and a workshop that explored lines and their ability to edit, explain, experience, and discover design ideas. Tena posed the question "What isn't creative about a line?" and explored how lines can represent visual fields, depths, and imaginary concepts through diagrams, drawings, and computer models in an iterative design process.
The Master of Public Affairs program at Sciences Po in Paris prepares young professionals for careers addressing issues of global significance. The two-year program takes a holistic and field-based approach to teaching public affairs, providing both theoretical and practical experience. It attracts a diverse international student body and emphasizes developing analytical skills and confronting ethical issues through real-world projects, internships, and interactions with a wide range of public and private organizations.
1) LSE Enterprise provides concise summaries of documents in 3 sentences or less.
2) This annual report from LSE Enterprise discusses the organization's work over the past year advising governments and institutions on issues like trade policy, urban development, and business strategies.
3) Key projects included analyzing urbanization and migration in South Asia, advising the government of Chile on urban planning, and collaborating with foreign universities on leadership and financial skills programs.
2013 war die EADL-Jahrestagung nach zehn Jahren wieder zu Gast in Hamburg. Zusammen mit der Europ辰ischen Fernhochschule Hamburg war das Forum DistancE-Learning local organizer der dreit辰gigen internationalen Fachveranstaltung (5. bis 7. Juni)
This document provides an overview of the annual report of LSE Enterprise, which applies the expertise of the London School of Economics to organizations globally. It discusses several projects undertaken over the past year, including consulting for urban development in Berlin, executive education programs in Hong Kong, and conferences on topics like the global economy in Spain. The report highlights how LSE Enterprise contributes financially to LSE and allows academics to engage with clients worldwide.
UN PRME initiative encourages business schools to examine their education and operations in relation to six principles and assess their progress every two years. The six principles are: purpose, values, method, research, partnership and dialogue. The main objective of the assessment of the progress is to serve as a public vehicle for information on responsible management education.
The document summarizes international activity and research from the School of Education at the University of Northampton. It discusses increased international partnerships and exchanges with European institutions like universities in Sweden and the Netherlands. It provides an example of Childhood and Youth students visiting J旦nk旦ping University in Sweden. It also discusses new partnerships being formed with universities in Germany. Additionally, it discusses international work being done in countries like India, Thailand, Hong Kong, and China. It provides more detail on the right to education in India, discussing challenges in providing education access to all children. The summary is in 3 sentences and highlights the key topics and locations discussed in the original document.
European innovation and business culture: What Chinese should know for slide ...InnoPraxis International
Presentation at annual TII conference (Technology Innovation International) on 7th of May 2013 in Beijin by Julia Roelofsen, partner in InnoPraxis International Ltd.
Academics for Development (AFD) gives students opportunities to use their knowledge and skills to help developing countries through year-long projects. AFD has two pillars - events to inform and inspire, and projects to allow practical work. Students work in multidisciplinary teams on problems presented by NGOs, organizations, or companies. Projects are implemented in developing countries and allow students to build skills while making a positive social impact internationally. AFD connects students, developing communities, and businesses to enable sustainable development through small-scale collaborative projects.
Elke proposal opa - booklet of cooperationAIESECGreece
The document outlines a proposed youth entrepreneurship and innovation project in Egypt called HOPE. It would be a partnership between AIESEC Athens and universities in Cairo to foster innovation among students. International and Egyptian students would collaborate on entrepreneurship projects addressing issues like unemployment and gender inequality. They would develop ideas and pitches over the course of training and workshop modules. The project aims to empower youth, promote civic engagement, and connect students to a global network. It would provide certificates and experience to participating students while benefiting partner universities through increased international engagement, social entrepreneurship promotion, and career opportunities for graduates.
The Research Center on Economics and Society (CIES) has been developing ideas around corporate social responsibility and social economy since 1992. It offers two online master's programs in these areas and conducts research, training, and consulting services. CIES works with universities and organizations in Europe, Latin America, and the United States to promote sustainable development through social responsibility.
The document is a newsletter from the Department of International Relations at the Polytechnic of Namibia covering news from February to June 2015. It discusses hosting an International Education Day event in September, facilitating student visa applications and international activities. It also highlights partnerships with Germany, including student exchanges and equipment donations. Staff received training in protocol and business etiquette. The newsletter has sections on featured international partners, student news, Fulbright scholars and visitors to promote international collaboration.
Presentation by Arne Brentjes, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on the occasion of the EESC workshop on Universities for Europe (Brussels, 13 June 2014)
Strong verbal and written communication skills.
Ability to deal with complex situations ,adapt and function in a dynamic environment.
Analytical mindset.
Attention to detail approach with every task given.
Proven ability to manage multiple projects while meeting challenging deadlines
From_Strategy_to_Practice_in_University (1).pdfSGB Media Group
This document summarizes the findings from case studies of university entrepreneurship support in Berlin and Rostock, Germany. For Berlin universities, it finds that while entrepreneurship support activities are well-developed, entrepreneurship education is still in an early phase of development and lacks strategic direction. Entrepreneurship education relies heavily on individual faculty rather than being fully integrated into university strategies and curricula. For the University of Rostock, it finds the entrepreneurship education offerings and start-up support framework to be growing but that further development is needed, particularly in commercializing research and strengthening regional collaboration. Overall, it provides recommendations to better strategically integrate entrepreneurship across universities and strengthen entrepreneurship education.
This document summarizes the findings from case studies of university entrepreneurship support in Berlin and Rostock, Germany. For Berlin universities, it finds that while entrepreneurship support activities are well-developed, entrepreneurship education is still in an early phase of development and lacks strategic direction. Entrepreneurship education activities rely heavily on individual faculty champions rather than being fully integrated into university strategies and curricula. For the University of Rostock, it finds the entrepreneurship education offerings and start-up support services to be relatively developed, but notes opportunities for improving access to financing and incubation facilities for university spin-offs. The document concludes by highlighting areas of good practice and opportunities for improvement across both case studies.
Andrea-Rosalinde Hofer: HEInnovate: Supporting Innovation and Entrepreneurshi...CUBCCE Conference
Andrea-Rosalinde HOFER a German national has been working for the OECD since 2003. She led the HEInnovate country reviews in Bulgaria, Ireland, the Netherlands and Hungary, and the OECDs predecessor work on strengthening university entrepreneurship support in eastern Germany. The aim of HEInnovate a key long-term partnership initiative by the European Commission and the OECD is to support policy makers, higher education leaders and other key stakeholders to identify the actions they can take to stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation and to remove the blockages that can exist at the institutional level and the national higher education system, based on data, analysis and international comparison. To enhance the practical application of the HEInnovate guiding framework, a free online self-assessment tool ( was designed for HEIs to organise a strategic debate with key stakeholders around entrepreneurship and innovation, using a digital platform ( The tool is available in 23 languages and currently used by more than 800 HEIs around the world.
The document discusses strategies for revitalizing mature industry clusters. It begins by providing background on Development Agency East Netherlands (Oost NV), which focuses on strengthening the economy in East Netherlands. It then discusses several mature clusters in East Netherlands, including Food Valley, Health Valley, and Tech Valley. The document outlines some challenges with mature clusters, such as defending existing interests. It proposes strategies for revitalizing clusters, including increasing efforts in existing strategies, enlarging boundaries, and stimulating transsectoral innovations between clusters. It provides an example of a knowledge combination project called "Process on a Chip" that combined different research fields. Finally, it discusses using societal challenges as a way to mobilize businesses and provide innovative solutions.
NEXUS (meaning connection, link) is the joint newsletter of the four International Student Projects of the FHNW Focus India, Insight China, connectUS and exploreASEAN. In the first issue, the newsletter features news, highlights and background stories of the Preparatory Seminar, which took place at the beginning of February. We are very grateful for the generous support of our partner without you, the project would not be possible!
This document provides details about Project Destination, including:
- Project Destination is a student-led project that organizes events connecting students at KTH to international career opportunities. It includes company events and a field trip abroad.
- This year's team organized 14 events partnering with 10 companies and over 1,170 students participated. They took a field trip to Hong Kong and San Francisco to visit companies like H&M, NASA, Google and inspire students about international careers.
- The document shares the story of Annsofie Andersson and her international career progression at Atlas Copco, including relocating to France for a short term assignment, and encourages students to pursue international opportunities.
The Global Context: How Politics, Investment, and Institutions Impact Europea...ESADE
This document is an introduction to the edited volume "The Global Context: How Politics, Investment, and Institutions Impact European Businesses". It provides an overview of the contents and structure of the book.
The introduction describes how globalization has interconnected all actors in the global system and made a global perspective essential for businesses, especially European firms. It outlines how the book examines how global and European politics, investment flows, and institutions affect European businesses.
The book is divided into four parts covering: the impact of political and institutional contexts on businesses, trends in global investment and their effects on European firms, the institutional environment for EU businesses, and the future of European integration. It aims to help businesses understand and adapt to the
The Global Context: How Politics, Investment, and Institutions Impact Europea...ESADE
ARP Brochure
1. 2017
We have proudly worked with
Thanks to a good cooperation with all Chinese
stakeholders in the Netherlands the ARP team
was able to conduct good research.
This research gave Amsterdam Schiphol valuable
insights in the Cross Border E-Commerce
Saskia van Pelt - Director Business Development
In 2008, ZOLL Medical was introduced to the
Amsterdam Research Project for the first time.
The students research project destination for
that year was Brazil a country in which ZOLL,
being a leading producer of cardiac resuscitation
equipment - had promising opportunities for
new market development.
After extensive preparation and on site research,
the Amsterdam Research Project students
produced an excellent summary of the Brazilian
market. The report not only provided a clear
market analysis, but also strategic advice on how
to best approach future market developments.
Based on the success of their first research
project in Brazil, ZOLL has partnered with the
students multiple times since
Ronald Melieste
Vice President International Business Development
The members of the ARP team impressed us
with their professionalism and dedication. They
kept us well informed during all phases of the
project, and especially during the field research
they showed a lot of creativity in getting us the
information we were looking for. At the end of the
project they supplied us with a high quality report
of their findings, and their recommendations
will absolutely help us opening up the Chinese
market for our conveyor belt products.
We highly recommend ARPs services, and we
can definitely see us working again with another
ARP team in the near future!
Peter de Vries - Sales Supervisor
Board of Recommendations
Dr. A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan
Former Chairman
Social Economic Council
Dr. J.P. Pronk
Former Special Representative
Secretary General of the UN
Dr. G. Zalm
Chief Executive Officer
Drs. D.A. Benschop
Vice President Non-Operated Ventures
Prof. dr. V. Subramaniam
Rector Magnificus
VU University Amsterdam
Prof. dr. K.H.W. Knot
De Nederlandsche Bank NV
Mrs. F. Karimi
Executive Director
Oxfam Novib
Mr. E.E. van der Laan
City of Amsterdam
Mr. J. Schothorst
former Chief Executive Officer
McGregor Fashion Group BV
Drs. F. Sijbesma
Chief Executive Officer
Royal DSM NV
Mw.A. Broekers-Knol
Senate of the Dutch Parliament
Drs. P. Bommel
Chief Executive Officer
F.A van Houten
President Executive Committee
Contact details
Amsterdam Research Project
VU University / Aureus
De Boelelaan 1105
Room 8A-68
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Fabian Jilderda Chairman
+31 6 12 52 99 50
Annabel Keulen Controller
+31 6 24 11 60 61
Anton Floor Marketing/Logistics Manager
+31 6 51 54 08 15
Tessa van der Meij Internal Affairs
+31 6 30 57 10 92
Bart Hoogland External Affairs
+31 6 15 21 88 12
Bank Account: ABN AMRO
IBAN: NL24ABNA0625516559
Chamber of Commerce: 41205976 (Amsterdam)
faculty economics and business administration
Amsterdam Research Project
Myanmar & Indonesia
As you probably know best, doing business has to be to the benefice of the parties involved. So, what
are the mutual advantages? Our faculty educates students in economics and business administration.
They are well trained and knowledgeable. But, to be successful as academics in this globalizing
world, they need more executive education and international experience.
That is exactly why I firmly support the Amsterdam Research Project, geared to the growing Myanmar
and Indonesian market.
The participating students are particularly interestedin investigating the market conditions and
sales opportunities in Myanmar and Indonesia. They carry out the assignments and research projects
with great enthusiasm and frankness, supervised by senior staff members of the faculty, from
the very beginning to the final report and presentation of the research results. This way, students
achieve greater success in implementing their knowledge and skills, and perform better in their
professional life and in society. In economic jargon, they become a real positive external effect
to the businesscommunity and society. Creatingthese effects is our social service, and justifies
government funding.
However, this is not enough, and that is why Iinvite you to do businesswith the AmsterdamResearch
Project2017, by commissioning research assignments and sponsorships. To be clear: the Amsterdam
Research Project has a non-profit objective by only covering the expenses.
The return on your investment is threefold, although difficult to measure in any real way. To begin
with, you support our social responsibility. Second, you can take business advantages from the
research results and insights gained by the students in a foreign market. Finally, you get to know
our students on mission: an excellent opportunity to meet possible future employees. Then you turn
the positive external effect to society into a private advantage for your company.
I kindly invite you to join us,
Prof. Dr. W.F.C. Verschoor
With a population of 260 million, Indonesia
is the largest country in South East Asia and
has one of the fastest growing economies in
the region. And while many countries face
a decreasing percentage of working people,
compared to the total population, Indonesia
can rely on a steady growth of the workforce
for many years to come. By estimations of the
IMF, more than 70 percent of the population
in 2030 will be of working age: 170 million
young people.
Over the past few decades poverty
rates have halved, though there
The government is attempting
to reduce bureaucracy,
modernize its economy and
create jobs for its youth, but
there are many obstacles on
the way. The country copes
with an infrastructure that
is unreliable, over-used and
ill maintained, and has a
power grid that needs radical
improvements. To face these
challenges, the government
is determined to invest in these sectors and
make opportunities in these sectors available
for foreign businesses and investors.
According to the Dutch embassy in Indonesia
there are many opportunities for Dutch
businesses, for example in agriculture, the
water sector, energy, transport & logistics and
the opportunities that arise from a growing
middle class.
The Amsterdam Research Project
For the 17th consecutive year a group of highly
motivated students is bound for a country with
an upcoming economy to research business
opportunities for Dutch organizations.
With full support from VU University these
students will conduct their research in
Indonesia and Myanmar in April 2017.
The history of the Amsterdam Research
Project shows extensive expertise in
business consultancy and research
in foreign countries. The projects
track record shows high quality
results that enabled partner
organizations to obtain a
competitive edge overseas.
The Amsterdam Research
Project conducts research in
upcoming markets, tailored to
the specific needs or challenges of
the partner company. The upcoming
expedition will cover variety of subjects and
markets in Myanmar and Indonesia. Earlier
editions have delivered reports that taught
organizations about the various business
opportunities and enabled companies to
expand their activities overseas. Common to
the earlier trips, this years delegation will
work closely together with local governments,
experts and consultants to ensure quality of
the outcome.
Examples of research topics:
Market analysis
Distribution and logistics
Finance or investment opportunities
Outsourcing and offshoring
Corporate social responsibility
Identification of potential partners
Import and export analysis
Market expansion opportunities
The participating students will be assigned to a
specific organization in groups of three or four.
The teams will work closely together with the
company and will continuously be supervised
by senior staff members of VU University.
After determining the objectives the students
will proceed with preliminary research in the
Netherlands, followed by the field research
in Myanmar and Indonesia. This period of
field research includes interviews at a
variety of companies, universities,
governmental institutions and
other entities of interest. All
information and insights from
the field research will be taken
back to the Netherlands for
analysis and reporting. The
research group will present
their findings and deliver the
final reports shortly after.
The Amsterdam Research
Project consists of twenty
master and third year
Bachelor students. During the course of one
year these students are turned into consultants
with in-depth knowledge of Indonesia and
Myanmar. Senior academic staff members
and professionals from the private sector
provide extensive training and guidance.
With educational backgrounds varying from
marketing and finance to organization strategy
represents a wide variety of specializations,
which results in a multidisciplinary look on
organizational challenges.
In the final stages of their studies, the
participating students see the Amsterdam
Research Project as a perfect stepping-stone
to a challenging and interesting career. As
a result, they are eager to learn practical
consultancy and research skills to aid them in
the path towards their goals.
History shows a mutual benefit for both the
students and the partner companies. Some of
and others have even started working with a
company they conducted research for.
Why Myanmar & Indonesia?
Myanmar offers new and promising prospects
for businesses from the Netherlands. It is
a country with an incredibly rich history
yet is rising up from decades of the military
regime at power. In 2012 the National League
for Democracy won the by-elections by a
landslide. The country has been in the process
of reforming ever since and will continue to do
so in the near future.
With a population of 60 million
people 45 million of which are
in the working age - and being
positioned in one of the fastest
growing regions in the world
there are many prospects
for business. The nation has
abundant natural resources
and is close to a market of
half a billion people.
Economists expect that, if
managed correctly, Myanmars
economy has the potential to
quadruple from 50 billion Euros in
2010 to more than 200 billion Euros
Despite the prosperous scenarios there are
countless challenges the country faces. Low
productivity in labor, instable government,
and a crippling infrastructure are just a few of
the hurdles the country has to overcome. The
government is introducing special incentives
for foreign corporations and capital to invest
in agriculture, infrastructure, the water sector,
textile and other sectors.
Dr. Peter Peverelli was one of the first Dutch students to study
in China in 1975-76. While keeping a keen interest in South-East
Asia he switched from academia to a commercial career in 1985.
He worked for Gist-brocades (now DSM) and later founded his own
consultancy firm. His goal remains improve cooperation between
European and Chinese partners. Dr. Peverelli joined VU University
in 2001. He has an M.Lit. degree (Leiden University), a PhD Lit
degree (Leiden University) and a PhD in Business Administration
Dr. Peter Peverelli
Prof. dr. W.F.C Verschoor
Faculty of Economicsand
Business Administration
Reasons for doing business
in Indonesia & Myanmar
Economic growth
Various promising sectors
Low costs of production
and wages
Rise in technology
Decreasing protectionism
What you get
Tailored research
Extensive full-year preparation
Professionally trained
Access to the university network
Up to date academic knowledge
Opportunities for recruitment