The document discusses the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the value proposition of Sri Sri University. It first introduces CSR and describes the research methodology used. It then discusses how social activities add value to educational institutions and benefit surrounding villagers. Students prefer to join and recommend the university due to its social projects. The social activities help achieve the university's mission and vision and increase its market value. The conclusion states that through its current social projects, the university has gained recognition in neighboring areas and is fulfilling its motto of serving society.
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Arpita_Navya_Role of CSR in value proposition of SSU
1. Role of CSR in the
value proposition of
Sri Sri University
Arpita Mahobia
MBA 1stYear
Navya Annepu
MBA 1stYear
2. Introduction to CSR Navya
Research Methodology - Arpita
Conclusion - Navya
6. VAR1: Joining educational university which has social
VAR2: Suggesting friends to join the educational university which
has social responsibilities
VAR3: Social activities add value to educational institutions
VAR4: Social activities carried out till today are sufficient
VAR5: Surrounding villagers were benefited from the social
VAR6: Social projects increases the market value
VAR7: Serving is taken care according to the Universitys motto
VAR8: Mission and vision of Sri Sri Ravishankarji is achieved
7. Students not only prefer to join the university but also suggest their
friends the same. This plays a major role in market value
increase of the university.
8. VAR1: Social activities add value to the educational institutions
VAR2: Serving is taken care according to the University's motto
VAR3: The admissions have a positive impact with the social
VAR4: The current social projects are sufficient for the present
day scenario
VAR5: Villagers were the true beneficiaries of the social projects
VAR6: Sri Sri University has a profound name in the villages for
the social activities it does
VAR7: With these social projects the market value of the
University has increased
VAR8: The vision and mission of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar
has been achieved through these activities
9. Conclusion
By the current social projects the university has a name in the neighboring
areas and by these the serving is taken care according to
the University's motto.
10. VAR1: Social activities of Sri Sri University adds value to your
living standards
VAR2: The current projects are sufficient for the present day
VAR3: The villagers are happy with the social activities of Sri Sri
VAR4: My family members have a good impression of the
University regarding the social activities
VAR5: Because of social outreach, Sri Sri University is popular in
my home town
VAR6: As Sri Sri University, other institutions should start taking
responsibilities of the society
11. Conclusion
Social activities of the University add value to their living standards
and according to the current scenario, the projects
undertaken is sufficient.
12. Increase Employee Proximity to CSR
Use a Contingent Input-Output Approach to Make
CSR Decision
Understand and Fulfill Employee Needs
Strengthen Employee Identification
Involve Employees in Co-Creating CSR Value