source of information mainly from this book, Fenn, Liddelow, and Gimsons' Clinical Dental Prosthetics
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arrangement and setting teeth on the articulator
5. To provide retention and stability of the denture .
To carry and support the teeth .
To present the mucosa and gums (coverage of all anatomical
Assists teeth in supporting the lips and cheeks .
To provide comfortable and atraumatic
occlusion .
Mastication : To assist in preparing food
and deglutition.
Aesthetic: To achieve pleasing and
natural appearance .
8. The position of teeth
registering the jaw relation (clinical step) then mounting the
casts on articulator (laboratory step)
a laboratory procedure of attaching he maxillary and or the
mandibular casts to an articulator .
is a mechanical device that represents the tempro-mandibular joints
and jaws , to which max and man casts may be attached to
stimulate some or all man movements .
11. Selection of articulator
If more control of the occlusion is desired (completely reorganization), a
fully adjustable three-dimensional articulator is of value.
For C.D patient , simple hinge articulator is suitable( not complicated)
but semi-adjustable is better .
12. Relationship between natural teeth and supporting bone in
Dentate patient :
- crowns and roots of all teeth are situated over centers of alveolar
ridges .
- In mandible , alveolar ridge inclined labially (anteriorly) .
*Alveolar ridge supporting molar teeth is in the lingual aspect of
basal bone or body of mandible.
*Alveolar ridge supporting premolar teeth over the basal bone.
*Alveolar ridge supporting anterior teeth labial to the basal
The Relationship of the teeth to the casts
14. In maxilla , alveolar process is placed in the
external + inferior of the maxilla
and also inclined labially or anteriorly
17. After teeth lost and bone loss(bone resorption)
residual alveolar ridgealveolar ridge
19. Maxilla Mandible
Bone loss
Bone loss primarily
occurs from
Labial and buccal
Bone loss occurs from
both lingual and Buccal
sides and more labial
surface in incisor
region .
Direction of resorption In upward , inward and
become narrower.
In downward , outward
and become wider
Position or inclination
of the residual ridge
悋 惺愕 惘悋忰
(dentate Alveolar
Incline more palatally
all around
(惡惶愃惘 惺愆悋)
Incline slightly more
buccally in molar
and more lingually in
incisor region
20. The same happens in posterior teeth of
maxillary denture (placed forwards and
(in front of the residual alveolar ridge)
21. Anterior teeth of the mandibular denture placed
forwards(in front of the residual alveolar ridge)
and upward.
Continue . . .
22. over theof the mandibular denture placedposterior teeth
of the residual alveolar
cramping ofand causereduce the tongue spaceIt will-1
the tongue .
not to buccal or lingualdownwardresorption directed-2
denture base is abledirection as in anterior teeth and the
.the resorption in this regionenough to replace
23. ( means that theposterior cross bite-3
lower posterior teeth overlap the upper
posterior teeth)
24. Teeth are placed one by one in their :-
If each tooth not positioned and angled correctly
The denture will be and
26. 悋悋惆悸 悋愕悋惆悋惠 悋忰惴悸
mesio-distal inclination = in front view
labio-lingual inclination = viewed from the side
70. teeth remain in contact = (balanced articulation)
If posterior teeth set to an anteroposterior curve and the mandible
71. Medio-lateral curve not antero-posterior curve
.It is a curve , in the bucco-lingual direction, with the buccal
surfaces of the lower posterior teeth higher than the lingual.
Significance:- That is incorporated in complete denture to allow
for maximum occlusal contact of teeth in lateral movements
75. 1- The side to which the mandible is moving is called Working Side .
2- The balancing side/non working side/orbiting side is the side
that opposite to the working side .
3-The condyle on the working side is called working or rotating
condyle( it rotates around the vertical axis and then shift in latero-
posterior direction making the Bennetts movement).
4-The non working condyle is called the balancing/orbiting
condyle( it moves forward downward and medially).
Working /
rotating condyle
Bennett angel
76. As we know
When the mandible moved laterally the rotating
condyle on the working side remains in the
glenoid fossa and moves very slightly outwards
and backwards (Bannet movement).
The orbiting condyle(non-working side) travels
downwards and forwards .
79. 3- each tooth occludes with two teeth in he opposing
jaw except :-
-upper second molar
-lower central incisor