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Arrangement of Stars in a
Helzven Junvy Vego
Ariane Joy S. Pablo
Learning Competency
Infer that the arrangement of stars
in a group (constellation) does not
 There are an estimated one hundred
billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
 About 3,000 stars are visible to the
unaided eye
 About 100,000 stars can be seen
using a small telescope.
 a collection or group of stars
 imaginatively linked together
that form patterns like a person,
animal, or object in the night
Many constellations have names
that can be traced back early
Babylonians and Greek
civilizations, but nearly all
cultures have different names for
the constellations.
How the constellations got their names?
 Greeks called the large
constellation Orion, which means
hunter and is prominent in the
night sky all over the world during
 Early Filipinos visualized the same
group of stars as Balik, a trap used
in hunting wild pigs. Christian
How the constellations got their names?
- International Astronomical Union
-recognized 88 modern
-48 are based upon those recorded
by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy
around 150 AD in his treatise
called Almagest.
42 depict animals
29 relate to objects
17 portray humans or mythological
Apparent Motion of Stars
- constellations appear to move across
the night sky due to the Earths rotation.
- This motion is responsible for the
changing positions of constellations
throughout the night and across
Star Clusters
- groups of stars that are physically close to e
- example: Pleiades in Taurus (more than 1000
- Beehive cluster in Cancer
Galactic Perspective
- constellations give us a perspective on
our position within the Milky Way Galaxy.
- We see stars within our galaxy as part
of these patterns, but there are billions
of other galaxies beyond our own
Distance and Brightness
- stars within constellations can vary
greatly in distance from Earth and
consequently, in their apparent
- this helps demonstrate the vastness of
the universe
Astronomical Coordinates
- constellations are used in celestial
coordinate systems like right ascension
and declination, which are essential for
locating objects in the night sky
Constellation Nomenclature
- International Astronomical Union
(IAU) standardizes the names and
boundaries of constellations to
ensure consistency in astronomical
observations and studies
Astronomical Observations
- use constellations as reference
points to locate and study
celestial objects such as stars,
planets, galaxies, and nebulae
The constellations that are
known today cover the celestial
 The celestial sphere is an
imaginary sphere surrounding
 Ecliptic is the apparent path of
objects in the sky. The ecliptic is a
line where the plane described by
the Earth's orbit around the Sun
Within constellations, there are
smaller groups of stars.
 Asterisms are
smaller patterns of
stars within a
 Asterisms are not
 Stars in constellations and
asterisms are at different distances
from Earth.
 They only appear as groups because
of their directions.
The grouping of stars into
constellations are not physical
Star patterns are grouped into
constellation families based on two
 They depict figures from a certain
ancient myth.
 Their distances are close to one
another when viewed from Earth.
Constellation families
 are groups of constellations that are either
located in the same area of the sky as
defined by Donald H. Menzel
Constellation families are:
 Ursa Major Family, Zodiac Family, Perseus
Family, Hercules Family, Orion Family,
Heavenly Waters Family, Bayer Family and
 a group of 10 constellations
composed of Ursa Major, Ursa
Minor, Draco, Canes Venatici,
Bo旦tes, Coma Berenices,
Corona Borealis,
Camelopardalis, Lynx, and Leo
 This family can be found
around the north celestial
How many zodiac
constellations are there?
Zodiac Family
 12 constellations in the zodiac family and
can all be seen along the ecliptic.
 They are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo,
Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius,
Capricornus, Aquarius and Pisces.
 The Sun also passes through Ophiuchus, a
constellation that has traditionally not been
part of the zodiac family. It belongs to the
Hercules family.
Illustration of the zodiac band with a few of
the constellations depicting the objects they
The Perseus Family or Perseus
 is a group of 9 constellations
composed of Cassiopeia, Cepheus,
Andromeda, Perseus, Pegasus, Cetus,
Auriga, Lacerta, and Triangulum.
 It spans from near the north celestial
pole down to 30属 and the spring
meridian crosses this family.
 Six of the constellations are named for
figures in the Perseus myth - Perseus,
his winged horse Pegasus, Andromeda,
her parents Cepheus and Cassiopeia,
and the sea monster Cetus.
The Hercules Family
 is a group of 19 constellations com
posed of Hercules, Sagitta, Aq
uila, Lyra, Cygnus, Vulpecula, Hydra,
Sextans, Crater, Corvus, Ophiuchu
s, Serpens, Scutum, Centauru
s, Lupus, Corona Australis, Ara,
Triangulum Australe, and Crux.
 Several of the constellations, inclu
ding Hercules and Centaurus, are
named for figures in the Heracles m
y, while Lyra is the lyre of Orpheus.
The Orion Family
 is a group of 5 constellations
composed of Orion, Canis Major,
Canis Minor,
Monoceros, and Lepus.
 This group of constellations re
presents the hunter (Orion) an
d his two dogs (Canis Major an
d Canis Minor) chasing the har
e (Lepus).
Heavenly Waters
 also known as the Cosmic Waters, is a group of 9 constellations composed of
of Delphinus, Equuleus, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Carina, Puppis, Vela, Py
xis, and Columba.
 These constellations are associated with lake, river, sea creatures, and ship, in re
p, in reference to
the former constellation Argo Navis, which included what is now Carina, Puppi
pis, and Vela.
Bayer Family
is a group of 11 constellations composed of Hydrus, Dorado, V
olans, Apus, Pavo, Grus, Phoenix, Tucana, Indus, Chamaeleon
and Musca.
These constellations were introduced to the public by Johann
n Bayer (hence the name) in 1603.
All are named after animals, mostly water animals like the water
ter snake (Hydrus) and the goldfish (Dorado).
 located in the far southern sky, they were not visible for the anc
ncient Greeks and Romans.
Bayer acquired them from Petrus Plancius who had directed oth
La Caille Family
is a group of 13 constellations composed of Norma, Circinus, T
Telescopium, Microscopium, Sculptor, Fornax, Caelum, Horolo
ogium, Octans, Mensa, Reticulum, Pictor, and Antlia.
These constellations were introduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacail
caille (hence the name) in 1756.
Mensa (the table; originally "Mons Mensa" for table mountain) wa
Some famous
Orion, the Hunter
 It represents the mythical
hunter Orion.
 Its brightest stars are
Betelgeuse and Rigel.
 It contains an asterism of
three stars (Alnilam,
Mintaka and Alnitak) in a
straight line known as
Draco is one of the largest
constellations in the sky.
Located in the northern
celestial hemisphere, the
constellation represents
Ladon, the dragon that
guarded the gardens of the
Hesperides in Greek
mythology. The name
Ursa Major
 also known as the
Great Bear, is the
constellation in the
sky and the largest
constellation in the
 It includes the Big
Ursa Minor
 lies in the northern sky. The
constellations name means
the smaller bear, or the
lesser bear, in Latin.
 The Great Bear constellation
is represented by its larger
neighbor Ursa Major.
 It is easy to recognize
because it contains the
famous Little
 is a large constellation
located in the northern
 It was named after
Cassiopeia, the vain and
boastful queen in Greek.
 Cassiopeia is easily
recognizable for the
prominent W asterism
formed by its five
constellation is
located in the
northern sky.
It was named after
Hercules, the Roman
Zodiac Constellations
1. Are all stars part of a
Not necessarily. Each constellation is a collection of
stars that are distributed in space in three
dimensions  the stars are all different distances
from Earth. The stars in a constellation appear to be
in the same plane because we are viewing them from
very, very, far away. Stars vary greatly in size,
distance from Earth, and temperature. Dimmer stars
may be smaller, farther away, or cooler than
brightber stars. By the same token, the brightest
stars are not necessarily the closest. Of the stars in
Cygnus, the swan, the faintest star is the closest and
2. Are the stars in a constellation
near each other??
No, there are billions of stars, and
only a fraction of them make up the
shapes of our constellations 
these are the stars that are easily
seen with the unaided eye. Ancient
observers connected these stars
into the star pictures.
Constellations have served many different purposes throughout
the years. Because they appear in the sky at specific locations
during different times of the year, constellations have been
used to:
 Remind farmers to plant and harvest crops.
 Help travelers navigate through deserts and across oceans.
 Used to represent heroes and mythical creatures that have
been the subjects of folk tales down through the generations.
Thank you!

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  • 1. Arrangement of Stars in a Group Helzven Junvy Vego Ariane Joy S. Pablo
  • 2. Learning Competency Infer that the arrangement of stars in a group (constellation) does not change;
  • 3. There are an estimated one hundred billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. About 3,000 stars are visible to the unaided eye About 100,000 stars can be seen using a small telescope.
  • 4. Constellation a collection or group of stars imaginatively linked together that form patterns like a person, animal, or object in the night sky.
  • 5. Many constellations have names that can be traced back early Babylonians and Greek civilizations, but nearly all cultures have different names for the constellations. How the constellations got their names?
  • 6. Greeks called the large constellation Orion, which means hunter and is prominent in the night sky all over the world during winter. Early Filipinos visualized the same group of stars as Balik, a trap used in hunting wild pigs. Christian How the constellations got their names?
  • 7. - International Astronomical Union (IAU) -recognized 88 modern constellations, -48 are based upon those recorded by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy around 150 AD in his treatise called Almagest. 42 depict animals 29 relate to objects 17 portray humans or mythological 1922
  • 9. Apparent Motion of Stars - constellations appear to move across the night sky due to the Earths rotation. - This motion is responsible for the changing positions of constellations throughout the night and across seasons
  • 10. Star Clusters - groups of stars that are physically close to e other. - example: Pleiades in Taurus (more than 1000 stars) - Beehive cluster in Cancer
  • 11. Galactic Perspective - constellations give us a perspective on our position within the Milky Way Galaxy. - We see stars within our galaxy as part of these patterns, but there are billions of other galaxies beyond our own
  • 12. Distance and Brightness - stars within constellations can vary greatly in distance from Earth and consequently, in their apparent brightness. - this helps demonstrate the vastness of the universe
  • 13. Astronomical Coordinates - constellations are used in celestial coordinate systems like right ascension and declination, which are essential for locating objects in the night sky precisely.
  • 14. Constellation Nomenclature - International Astronomical Union (IAU) standardizes the names and boundaries of constellations to ensure consistency in astronomical observations and studies
  • 15. Astronomical Observations - use constellations as reference points to locate and study celestial objects such as stars, planets, galaxies, and nebulae
  • 16. The constellations that are known today cover the celestial sphere. The celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere surrounding Earth. Ecliptic is the apparent path of objects in the sky. The ecliptic is a line where the plane described by the Earth's orbit around the Sun
  • 17. Within constellations, there are smaller groups of stars. Asterisms are smaller patterns of stars within a constellation. Asterisms are not
  • 18. Stars in constellations and asterisms are at different distances from Earth. They only appear as groups because of their directions. The grouping of stars into constellations are not physical groupings
  • 19. Star patterns are grouped into constellation families based on two factors: They depict figures from a certain ancient myth. Their distances are close to one another when viewed from Earth.
  • 20. Constellation families are groups of constellations that are either located in the same area of the sky as defined by Donald H. Menzel Constellation families are: Ursa Major Family, Zodiac Family, Perseus Family, Hercules Family, Orion Family, Heavenly Waters Family, Bayer Family and
  • 21. URSA MAJOR FAMILY a group of 10 constellations composed of Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Draco, Canes Venatici, Bo旦tes, Coma Berenices, Corona Borealis, Camelopardalis, Lynx, and Leo Minor. This family can be found around the north celestial pole.
  • 22. How many zodiac constellations are there? Zodiac Family 12 constellations in the zodiac family and can all be seen along the ecliptic. They are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Pisces. The Sun also passes through Ophiuchus, a constellation that has traditionally not been part of the zodiac family. It belongs to the Hercules family. Illustration of the zodiac band with a few of the constellations depicting the objects they represent.
  • 23. The Perseus Family or Perseus Group is a group of 9 constellations composed of Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Andromeda, Perseus, Pegasus, Cetus, Auriga, Lacerta, and Triangulum. It spans from near the north celestial pole down to 30属 and the spring meridian crosses this family. Six of the constellations are named for figures in the Perseus myth - Perseus, his winged horse Pegasus, Andromeda, her parents Cepheus and Cassiopeia, and the sea monster Cetus.
  • 24. The Hercules Family is a group of 19 constellations com posed of Hercules, Sagitta, Aq uila, Lyra, Cygnus, Vulpecula, Hydra, Sextans, Crater, Corvus, Ophiuchu s, Serpens, Scutum, Centauru s, Lupus, Corona Australis, Ara, Triangulum Australe, and Crux. Several of the constellations, inclu ding Hercules and Centaurus, are named for figures in the Heracles m y, while Lyra is the lyre of Orpheus.
  • 25. The Orion Family is a group of 5 constellations composed of Orion, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Monoceros, and Lepus. This group of constellations re presents the hunter (Orion) an d his two dogs (Canis Major an d Canis Minor) chasing the har e (Lepus).
  • 26. Heavenly Waters also known as the Cosmic Waters, is a group of 9 constellations composed of of Delphinus, Equuleus, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Carina, Puppis, Vela, Py xis, and Columba. These constellations are associated with lake, river, sea creatures, and ship, in re p, in reference to the former constellation Argo Navis, which included what is now Carina, Puppi pis, and Vela.
  • 27. Bayer Family is a group of 11 constellations composed of Hydrus, Dorado, V olans, Apus, Pavo, Grus, Phoenix, Tucana, Indus, Chamaeleon and Musca. These constellations were introduced to the public by Johann n Bayer (hence the name) in 1603. All are named after animals, mostly water animals like the water ter snake (Hydrus) and the goldfish (Dorado). located in the far southern sky, they were not visible for the anc ncient Greeks and Romans. Bayer acquired them from Petrus Plancius who had directed oth
  • 29. La Caille Family is a group of 13 constellations composed of Norma, Circinus, T Telescopium, Microscopium, Sculptor, Fornax, Caelum, Horolo ogium, Octans, Mensa, Reticulum, Pictor, and Antlia. These constellations were introduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacail caille (hence the name) in 1756. Mensa (the table; originally "Mons Mensa" for table mountain) wa
  • 32. Orion, the Hunter It represents the mythical hunter Orion. Its brightest stars are Betelgeuse and Rigel. It contains an asterism of three stars (Alnilam, Mintaka and Alnitak) in a straight line known as
  • 33. Draco is one of the largest constellations in the sky. Located in the northern celestial hemisphere, the constellation represents Ladon, the dragon that guarded the gardens of the Hesperides in Greek mythology. The name
  • 34. Ursa Major also known as the Great Bear, is the third-largest constellation in the sky and the largest constellation in the Northern Hemisphere. It includes the Big
  • 35. Ursa Minor lies in the northern sky. The constellations name means the smaller bear, or the lesser bear, in Latin. The Great Bear constellation is represented by its larger neighbor Ursa Major. It is easy to recognize because it contains the famous Little
  • 36. Cassiopeia is a large constellation located in the northern sky. It was named after Cassiopeia, the vain and boastful queen in Greek. Cassiopeia is easily recognizable for the prominent W asterism formed by its five
  • 37. Hercules constellation is located in the northern sky. It was named after Hercules, the Roman
  • 39. Questions: 1. Are all stars part of a constellation?
  • 40. Ans. Not necessarily. Each constellation is a collection of stars that are distributed in space in three dimensions the stars are all different distances from Earth. The stars in a constellation appear to be in the same plane because we are viewing them from very, very, far away. Stars vary greatly in size, distance from Earth, and temperature. Dimmer stars may be smaller, farther away, or cooler than brightber stars. By the same token, the brightest stars are not necessarily the closest. Of the stars in Cygnus, the swan, the faintest star is the closest and
  • 41. 2. Are the stars in a constellation near each other??
  • 42. Ans. No, there are billions of stars, and only a fraction of them make up the shapes of our constellations these are the stars that are easily seen with the unaided eye. Ancient observers connected these stars into the star pictures.
  • 43. WHAT ARE CONSTELLATIONS USED FOR? Constellations have served many different purposes throughout the years. Because they appear in the sky at specific locations during different times of the year, constellations have been used to: Remind farmers to plant and harvest crops. Help travelers navigate through deserts and across oceans. Used to represent heroes and mythical creatures that have been the subjects of folk tales down through the generations.