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Arab-norman art Italian Renaissance EXPO and
contemporary art
Art in italy   presentation
In 827, the Arabs
conquered Sicily,
but in the second
half of the XI
century the country
was invaded by the
Then a new style
was created with
the union of Arab
and Norman style.
The Norman nobles financed the Arab
craftsmen to build the public monuments.
The interiors of the churches were
decorated with byzantine mosaics.
It was built in 1174 by
william II of hauteville.
it became famous for
its Byzantine mosaics
which are inside the
Typical features:
 massive structure
 geometric plan
 pointed arch
St. John of the hermits church
Palermo Cathedral plan
Cloister of
Monreale Cathedral
Its most important features are the golden mosaics, which cover
all the walls inside the church. The most famous is the one
called Christ Pantocrator (the All-powerful).
The church is dedicated to saints Paul and Peter apostles. It is
inside the Norman Palace and it was built by Roger II.
The Royal Palace
Its one of the most important historic buildings in
Palermo and Sicily; many tourists visit this palace
every year.
Punic remains are situated under the Palace.
Zisa palace
The Zisa was the summer residence for the
Norman kings. The Zisa is clearly inspired
by Moorish architecture. The name Zisa
itself derives from the Arab term al-Az朝z,
meaning "dear" or "splendid".
Muqarnas decorate walls and ceilings
1属 slide
The Italian Renaissance
Leonardo da Vinci
Raffaello Sanzio
Antonello da Messina
1属 slide
Leonardo da Vinci
1452 1519
Study of human
- Mechanism of birth
- Mechanism of reproduction
- Muscles
- Bones
Mona Lisa
- Dated 1503-1514
- Portrait of a noble woman from
- Realistic style
The Last Supper
- Dated 1494-1498
- Representation of Jesus last supper
- Use of central perspective
Raffaello Sanzio
1493 1520
Vatican rooms
- Started 1508 and completed 1524
- Representation of philosophy and religious events
- A lot of good artists worked there, in particular Raphael
The School of Athens
- Dated 1509-1510
- It shows the most important philosophers
- Raphael used the central perspective
The Last Judgement
- Dated 1536-1541
- It represents the
- It was highly criticized
for the nudity
Michelangelo Buonarroti
1475 1564
The Pity
- Dated 1497-1499
- It depicts the Virgin and
- Marble sculpture
- Dated 1501-1504
- It represents David, the second king of
- White marble sculpture
The Creation of Adam
- Dated 1511
- Representation of the first mans creation
- Bare background
Antonello da Messina
1430 1479
The Unknown Marinar
- Dated 1465-1476
- Portrait of an unknown man
thought to be a marinar
- three quarters pose
The Announced
- Dated 1476
- It depicts the Virgin
- Its the moment when she is
warned about her future
Art in italy   presentation
Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life
Is it possible to guarantee water and food for
the entire world population?
Is it possible to increase food security?
Is it possible to
have new
solutions that take
into account the
Renzo Piano is an Italian Pritzker Prize-winning
architect. In 2006, Piano was selected by time as
one of the 100 most influential people in the
world. He was selected as the 10th most
influential person in the "Arts and
Entertainment" category of the 2006 Time 100.
London skyline has changed
thanks to the Shard London
Bridge by Renzo Piano. Once it
was called London Bridge
Tower, but now everyone knows
it as the glass splinter.
Alberto Abate (Rome, 1946-2012) was an italian
painter and essayst. Hes regarded as one of the
most representative artist of the 22nd century.
All his paintings are
characterized by the
use of many symbols
which refer to a
bigger meaning. This
technique causes the
sensation of the truth
seen through the
mirror of the painter
and of the observer.
Arnaldo Pomodoro
(born 23 June 1926) is
an Italian sculptor. He
was born in Morciano,
Romagna, Italy. He
currently lives and
works in Milan.
This huge Sphere is made in
bronze in 1998 by the
sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro.
Its based on a polyester
model made for the
Montreal Exp嘆. The citizens
of Pesaro call it the Palla di
Since then the Big Sphere
became a traditional point of
interest for the tourists. 1属 slide

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Art in italy presentation

  • 3. History In 827, the Arabs conquered Sicily, but in the second half of the XI century the country was invaded by the Normans. Then a new style was created with the union of Arab and Norman style.
  • 4. The Norman nobles financed the Arab craftsmen to build the public monuments. The interiors of the churches were decorated with byzantine mosaics.
  • 5. It was built in 1174 by william II of hauteville. it became famous for its Byzantine mosaics which are inside the church. Monreale Cathedral
  • 6. Typical features: massive structure geometric plan pointed arch St. John of the hermits church Palermo Cathedral plan Cloister of Monreale Cathedral
  • 7. The Palatine chapel Its most important features are the golden mosaics, which cover all the walls inside the church. The most famous is the one called Christ Pantocrator (the All-powerful). The church is dedicated to saints Paul and Peter apostles. It is inside the Norman Palace and it was built by Roger II.
  • 8. The Royal Palace Its one of the most important historic buildings in Palermo and Sicily; many tourists visit this palace every year. Punic remains are situated under the Palace.
  • 9. Zisa palace The Zisa was the summer residence for the Norman kings. The Zisa is clearly inspired by Moorish architecture. The name Zisa itself derives from the Arab term al-Az朝z, meaning "dear" or "splendid". Muqarnas decorate walls and ceilings 1属 slide
  • 10. The Italian Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci Raffaello Sanzio Antonello da Messina Michelangelo Buonarroti 1属 slide
  • 12. Study of human anatomy - Mechanism of birth - Mechanism of reproduction - Muscles - Bones
  • 13. Mona Lisa - Dated 1503-1514 - Portrait of a noble woman from Florence - Realistic style
  • 14. The Last Supper - Dated 1494-1498 - Representation of Jesus last supper - Use of central perspective
  • 16. Vatican rooms - Started 1508 and completed 1524 - Representation of philosophy and religious events - A lot of good artists worked there, in particular Raphael
  • 17. The School of Athens - Dated 1509-1510 - It shows the most important philosophers - Raphael used the central perspective
  • 18. The Last Judgement - Dated 1536-1541 - It represents the Doomsday - It was highly criticized for the nudity
  • 20. The Pity - Dated 1497-1499 - It depicts the Virgin and Jesus - Marble sculpture
  • 21. David - Dated 1501-1504 - It represents David, the second king of Israel - White marble sculpture
  • 22. The Creation of Adam - Dated 1511 - Representation of the first mans creation - Bare background
  • 24. The Unknown Marinar - Dated 1465-1476 - Portrait of an unknown man thought to be a marinar - three quarters pose
  • 25. The Announced - Dated 1476 - It depicts the Virgin - Its the moment when she is warned about her future
  • 27. Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life WOMANLINESS
  • 28. Is it possible to guarantee water and food for the entire world population? Is it possible to increase food security? Is it possible to have new solutions that take into account the planets biodiversity?
  • 29. Renzo Piano is an Italian Pritzker Prize-winning architect. In 2006, Piano was selected by time as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. He was selected as the 10th most influential person in the "Arts and Entertainment" category of the 2006 Time 100. London skyline has changed thanks to the Shard London Bridge by Renzo Piano. Once it was called London Bridge Tower, but now everyone knows it as the glass splinter.
  • 30. Alberto Abate (Rome, 1946-2012) was an italian painter and essayst. Hes regarded as one of the most representative artist of the 22nd century. All his paintings are characterized by the use of many symbols which refer to a bigger meaning. This technique causes the sensation of the truth seen through the mirror of the painter and of the observer.
  • 31. Arnaldo Pomodoro (born 23 June 1926) is an Italian sculptor. He was born in Morciano, Romagna, Italy. He currently lives and works in Milan. This huge Sphere is made in bronze in 1998 by the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro. Its based on a polyester model made for the Montreal Exp嘆. The citizens of Pesaro call it the Palla di Pomodoro. Since then the Big Sphere became a traditional point of interest for the tourists. 1属 slide