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Expressions of Grief and Bereavement
WendyTuckerGarrean,M.A.,Expressive Therapist
LegacyGoodSamaritan      Healing
                    Cancer       Center 503413-8404

      Expressive Therapy oftenreferred as a multi-modal multi-arts
                   Arts        is              to                or
therapeutic modality to the utilization manycreative
                     due               of                means expression
suchas visualarts,movement writing,
                              arts,       drama,  and music. Various
organizations individuals displaying
               and           are          deepinterest utilizing
                                                        in        the
expressive as a healing
            arts            modality informational for groupand
                                    and               lens
individualtherapeutic support.Thiswidespread   interest beenshownby
teachers, socialworkers,  occupational
                                     therapists, community outreach program
leaders, psychologists, medical
                        and        personal, namea few. Suchgrowing
interestis an indication the effectiveness creative
                        of               of          intervention providing
an avenue   withwhichindividuals ableto communicate innermostself.
                                are                      their

       Junge(1985),  Mclntyre (1990), Simon
                                     and         (1981),report
                                                             findings that
showmanybereaved     individualsrespond favorably oftenmore
                                                   and           quicklywith
the creative therapies
           arts          thanwithtraditionalverbalinterventions. Using
creativeapproaches griefcounseling
                    in                encourages expression one's
                                                   full          of
thoughts and feelingswhena lovedone dies. Examples creative
                                                        of        approaches
            " Aft Making: expression
                          art           aids in reflection feelings
                                                          of        and
            experiences  shared  withthe deceased helpsbringclarity
                                                    and                 to
            one'sunique  grieving process.
            * Useof Symbols Analogr'es:
                            and            encourages mourner share
                                                     the       to
                          tapes,articles clothing, significant
                                       of        and        objects
            belonging the deceased encourages bereaved explore
                     to              and           the       to
            personalsymbols images healing.
                            and         of
            * Witing:writinglettersto the deceased                  of
                                                  helpsthe expression
            thoughts feelings
                    and          regarding  possible
            between mourner
                    the          and the deceased.
            * Commemoration:                      pictures,
                           creating bookof stories,
                       poems, drawings
            memorabilia,     and        helpsthe bereaved reminisce
            and eventually
                         mourn deathwitha morerealistic
                              the                       imageof the

                           ritualscan helpeasethe painthroughengaging
            "HealingRituals:                                         in
            an outwardexpression memorializing loved-one
                                 of             the         and
            promoteshealing throughcreating sacredact of expressing
                                           a                      one's

      Johnson(1987)explains the practice art makingas an aid to the
                            that            of
healingprocess not a newconcept."Humankind havedeveloped to
               is                              may             art
  eviateor containfeelings anxietylear,crisis,
                         of       ,                   (Johnson1987 p.
                                             andthreat"      ,     ,
7). Dissanayake (1988) supports opinion,
                              this              that
                                         stating art making marksthe
importance eventssuchas death,
           of                    through creation visualimagery.
                                        the        of
Hatcher       p.
       (1985, 7) offers anthropological of whycreative
                         an                 view                       is
exploredduringtheseprofound    points life:
            Whatever theoretical
                      the            explanation,is clearthatart
            somehow   helpshuman    beingscopewiththe trauma  of
            death. Beauty  and art formshavebeenpartof funeral
            ceremonies  sinceNeanderthal  times.Thisuniversal
            human  problem meteverywhere symbolic
                            is                with
            solutions satisfy mindand aesthetic
                     to        the                  solutionsto
            release emotions 106-107).
      Simon(1981 p. 7) suggests artistic
                  ,              that        expression the bereaved
representseffortsof workingthrough conflict
                                          and usually  occursin threestages:
stageone-expression the conflict,
                     of           allowing greaterconscious  awareness the
       withinthe stress;stagefwe-the artisticimageenables suffering
expressed stageoneto findcontainment
         in                              whileit is converted mourning;
stagethree-bringsresolutionand greatercopingskills.

      Hill describes benefits groupart therapy the bereaved the
                    the        of               for              in
             " Hastens GriefProcess Promotes
                       the           and            Coping Skills-lna
             supportive environment,
                                  resolutionthrough creativeexpressionand
             containment art freescreativeenergynecessary dealwith

            " Remember Commemorate Deceased-Creativity
                        and               the                   in art
            therapy also"leadto remembering, experiencing rage
                    can                         to            the
            and the loss,andto regaining pastin all itswarmth
                                        the                  and its
                            mourning losses
                                     of       andto getting knowoneself
            andothers" (Fleming,      p
                                 1983, 7).
            * Creation Healing
                      of      Rituals-According       (1987),
                                             to Johnson       "Art
                     developed a meansof expression andrelieffrom
                             as                    of
            traumaticexperiences. song,drama,
                                Art,           and dancein primitive
            timesweremotivated a needfor catharsis gaining
                              by                  and        control
            overthreats the community" 8)
                       to             (p.
            * Helpsto Organize Regain
                                and              of
                                           Sense Containment-Junge
            (1985)  explains the ovenryhelming
                            that                feelings thoughts
            resulting froma lovedone'sdeathcan be contained within
            symbolism. container artistic
                         The          of      symbolism presents senseof
            controland organization,whichallowsgreater productivity daily
            life and resolution the griefprocess.
            * Promotes
                     Exploration Feelings-Artistic
                               of              images promote
            discussions maynot havebeenacknowledged
                      that                           previously
                  1991;     1985).
            * FacilitatesCathartic
                                 Effectand KinestheticRelease-Cathartic
            expression  through releases
                              art          emotions grief,
                                                   of     andthe
            experience catharsis
                        of         allowsthe healingprocess begin(Furth,
            1988; Rubin,  1987',lrwin,
                                     1991;Junge,       p
                                                 1985; 8).
* Encourages Awareness-"The
                         Self                 pro@ssof making allowsfor
             self-awareness the artworks safeoutlets individuals
                           and              are          for       to
             expresstheirgriefat theirownrate,withthe emphasis
             discovering investigating
                       and              relevantpersonalconcerns
             (Schimmel Kornreich,
                      &                  p.
                                    1993, 9).
            * FinalProduct Permanence-Persons
                         and                     in griefcan lookat
            finished      overtimeand continue gaininsight
                    artwork                   to              fromthe
            work. Theycan engage withthe images,increasing self
            understanding a pacethatis appropriate them.
                         at                       for

       lmplementing creative therapies substantially
                             arts         can             increasethe
beneflts groupsupport.According Aldridge
         of                          to        (1993) andMalchiodi(1991)
creativetherapiesoffermodalities  well-suited the needsof
                                            to            grieving
Thisis in partdueto the difficulty fullyexpressing through
                                 of               grief       wordsalone.
Art therapyoffersa multimodal  non-verbalmeanswithwhichto discover  new
            in       withloss(Grant,  1995;Graves,       p
                                                   1994, 7).

       Hospice programs beginning implement
                       are        to          moreart therapy their
bereavement   groupsessions.      (1990),
                           Mclntyre      reports the goalsof group
art therapyservestwo purposes; provide
                             to                                   of
                                      socialsanction the expression
grief,and to promote       mourning
                    adaptive       responses.

       Schimmel Kornreich    (1993)suggest, "Thesharing artwork
augments deepens connections
          and          the          madeduringnormal   verbal
communications groups.Theseimportant
                 in                      interadions
                                                   between participants,
art therapist, the art process
              and             helpthe participant
                                                movefromisolation and
loneliness connection empowerment; denialto acceptance; loss
           to           and             from                    from
         and anxiety relief; fromdespair hope"(p 10)
of control           to     and             to

       Schimmel Kornreich        (1993)  discuss art therapy
                                                an           bereavement
groupfor thosewidowed      lessthanone year. The groupincluded   weekly
sessions  lastingfor the periodof one yearand was looselystructured  after
Kubler-Ross's  (1969) stages griefandacceptance death,
                       five       of                     of        andYalom
andVinogradov's    (1988) bereavement   work. "Thegoalsof the groupwereto
identify emotional
        the            experiences the groupmembers
                                    that                   couldshare,how
members    couldhelponeanother, howtheymightgainrelief
                                   and                          fromsadness,
continue withtheirlives,  andgrowemotionally'' 10). The participants
                                                (p.                    were
presented  with art therapydirectives,helping facilitate expression their
                                              to        the            of
experiences.   Results  showed the artistic
                                that           processbrought the participants
recognition thoughts feelings, an alleviation sorrow 10)
            of           and          and             of         (p

Aldridge, (1993).
          D.         Hope,meaning the creative therapies the
                                     and              arts      in
 treatment  of
 grief. ln M. Hill,Healinggrief throughart: art therapybereavement
 workshops    (p 8) www.drawntogether.com.

       Nowack, (1997). gift:my self. SelfPublished.
Chitwood     J.      My

Dissanayake, (1988).
           E.      Whatis art for? In M. Hill,Healinggriefthroughart:art
 therapy          group workshops 7) www.drawntogether.com.
        bereavement                 (p

Doka,K. (1988). therapy
               Art       withincarcerated
                                        women                  the
                                             who haveexperienced
 deathof a lovedone.Art Therapy:Journal theAmerican Therapy
                                      of          Art
 Association, (4),192.

Ferszt,G. (2000). therapywith incarcerated
                 Art                     womenwho haveexperienced
                                   Journal the American Therapy
 the deathof a lovedone.Art Therapy:     of           Art
 Association, (4),192.

Ferszt, Hayes, DeFedele, & Horn, (2004).
      G.,     P.,         S.,      L.      Arttherapywith
            women who haveexperienced deathof a lovedone.Art
 TherapyJournal the American Therapy
               of           Art       Association,       -198.

Fihgerald,       The
         H.(1994). Mourning      NewYork, Simon
                          Handbook.     NY:    and

Fleming, (1983).
          M.        Earlyobject  lossand its relation creativity expressed
                                                       to        as
  art therapy.In M. Hlll, Healinggrief throughart: aft therapybereavement
workshops 7) www.drawntogether.com.

Furth,         The Secret                    through Boston,
                        Worldof Drawings:          Art.

Grant, (1995).
      A.       The Healing Journey:  Manual a GriefSupport
                                            for            Group. M.
 Hrll,Healing gief throughart: aft therapybereavement
                                                    group workshops(p.
 7). www.drawntogether.com.

Graves, (1994).
        S.                  Healing.
                 Expressionsof     InM. Hill,Healinggrief
                      groupworkshops 7) www.drawntogether.mm.
 art therapybereavement             (p

Hatcher, (1985). as Culture. M. Hill,Healing
       E.      Art         In              griefthroughart: art therapy
 bereavement groupworkshops 7) www.drawntogether.@m.

Hays,R. E. & Lyons, J. (1981). therapy
                  S.         Art                     women
                                      withincarcerated     who
                                                   Journal the
 haveexperienced the deathof a lovedone.Art Therapy:     of
 American Therapy
          Art        Association,
Helsing, J., & Szklo, (1981).
        K.             M.               afterbereavement. M. Hill,Healing
                                Mortality              In
 griefthroughart: art therapybereavement groupworkshops 2)
 www.  drawntogether. com.

                       griefthrough art therapy
Hill,M. A. (nd). Healing          art:                 group
 workshops. www.drawntogether.com.

lrwin,H.J.(1991). depiction loss:Useof clients
                 The            of                     drawings bereavement
  counseling In M. Htll,Healing                                       group
                               grief throughart: art therapybereavement
  workshops 8) www.drawntogether.com.

Johnson,D.R.(1987)                       arts        in         and
                  The roleof the creative therapies the diagnosis
 treatment trauma.In M. Hill,Healing
         of                         griefthrough art therapy
 bereavement groupworkshops 8) www.drawntogether.com.

Junge,M. (1985) The bookaboutDaddy
                 .                      dying: preventive therapy
                                             A          art
 technique helpfamilies
          to              dealwiththe deathof a familymember. M. Hill,
 Healinggrief throughaft: art therapybereavement groupworkshops 8)
 www. drawntogether.com.

Kubler-Ross, (1969), deathanddying.
          E.       On             NewYork, MacMillan.

                         M. (1991).
Leick, & Davidsen-Nielsen,
     N.                             Healing    Attachment, and
                                           Pain:         Loss
 GriefTherapy. M. Hill,Healinggriefthrough art therapybereavement
 groupworkshops 1) www.drawntogether.com.

Liebmann, (1994). therapy
         M.      Art       withincarcerated
                                          women who have
 experienced deathof a lovedone.Art Therapy:
            the                                  of           Art
                                           Journal the American

Malchiodi,                                       griefthrough art
         C.A.(1991)Art and loss.In M. Hill,Healing           art.
 therapybereavementgroupworkshops 2) www.drawntogether.com.

McCallum, Piper,
         M.,      !V.E.,& Morin,H. (1993).Affectandoutcome short-term
 grouptherapy loss.In M. Hill,Healing
              for                     griefthrough art therapy
 bereavement groupworkshops 1) www.drawntogether.com.

McCourt, (1994). therapy
        E.        Art      with incarcerated
                                           womenwho haveexperienced
 the deathof a lovedone.Journal the American Therapy
                              of             Art     Association.

Mclntyre,B.B.(1990). art therapy
                       An             groupfor bereaved youthin hospice
 ln M. Hill, Healinggrief throughart. art therapybereavementgroup workshops
 (p 9) www.drawntogether.com.

Parkes,C.M.(1986).  Bereavement:   Studies Griefin AdultLife.In M. Hill,
 Healinggrief throughart. art therapybereavementgroup workshops 6)
 www. drawntogether.com.
Schimmel, F. & Kornreich,.2. ( 1993).Theuseof art and verbal
          B.            T                                    process
        widowed                            griefthrough art therapy
                individuals. M. Hill,Healing
                           In                           art:
 bereavement groupworkshops 9) www.drawntogether.com.

Simon, (1981).
      R.                                   griefthrough art
              Bereavement In M. Hill,Healing
                        Art.                          art:
 therapy          groupworkshops 7).www.drawntogether.com.
        bereavement            (p

Souter, & Moore,
        S.J          T.E.(1989). bereavement
                               A                 program survivors
                                           support      for
 of cancerdeaths. description evaluation. M. Hill,Healing
                   A          and         In             griefthrough
 art: art therapybereavementgroupworkshops 1) www.drawntogether.com.

Thompson, (2003).The expressive andthe experience loss. The
        B.                    arts              of

Windholz,M.J.,Marmar,C.R., Horowitz, (1985). review the research
                             &         M.J.       A      of
 conjugalbereavement: lmpact health
                               on      andefficacy intervention. M. Hill,
                                                 of            In
 Healinggriefthroughart: art therapybereavement               (p
                                               groupworkshops 1).

Weiss,R. S. (1988).                               griefthrough art
                  Lossand recovery. M. Hill,Healing
                                  In                         art:
 therapybereavement groupworkshops 3) www.drawntogether.com.

Worden,J.W.(1991) GriefCounseling Grief
                                and      Therapy: Handbook the
                                                  A         for
 HealthPractitioner,2nd                     griefthrough art therapy
                      Edtion. M. Hill,Healing
                            In                         art:
 bereavementgroupworkshops 3). www.drawntogether.com.

Yalom,l. & Vinogradov, (1988).
                        S.        Bereavement    Groups:Techniques Themes.
 fn M. Hill, Healinggrief throughart: art therapybereavement
                                                           group workshops
 (p. 10) www.drawntogether.com.

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  • 1. Expressions of Grief and Bereavement WendyTuckerGarrean,M.A.,Expressive Therapist Arts LegacyHospiceServices-McMinnville5O3472-9685 LegacyGoodSamaritan Healing Cancer Center 503413-8404 wgarrean@lhs.org Expressive Therapy oftenreferred as a multi-modal multi-arts Arts is to or therapeutic modality to the utilization manycreative due of means expression of suchas visualarts,movement writing, arts, drama, and music. Various organizations individuals displaying and are deepinterest utilizing in the expressive as a healing arts modality informational for groupand and lens individualtherapeutic support.Thiswidespread interest beenshownby has teachers, socialworkers, occupational therapists, community outreach program leaders, psychologists, medical and personal, namea few. Suchgrowing to interestis an indication the effectiveness creative of of intervention providing in an avenue withwhichindividuals ableto communicate innermostself. are their Junge(1985), Mclntyre (1990), Simon and (1981),report findings that showmanybereaved individualsrespond favorably oftenmore and quicklywith the creative therapies arts thanwithtraditionalverbalinterventions. Using creativeapproaches griefcounseling in encourages expression one's full of thoughts and feelingswhena lovedone dies. Examples creative of approaches are'. " Aft Making: expression art aids in reflection feelings of and experiences shared withthe deceased helpsbringclarity and to one'sunique grieving process. * Useof Symbols Analogr'es: and encourages mourner share the to photos,letters, tapes,articles clothing, significant of and objects belonging the deceased encourages bereaved explore to and the to personalsymbols images healing. and of * Witing:writinglettersto the deceased of helpsthe expression thoughts feelings and regarding possible unresolvedissues between mourner the and the deceased. * Commemoration: pictures, creating bookof stories, a poems, drawings memorabilia, and helpsthe bereaved reminisce and eventually mourn deathwitha morerealistic the imageof the deceased. ritualscan helpeasethe painthroughengaging "HealingRituals: in an outwardexpression memorializing loved-one of the and promoteshealing throughcreating sacredact of expressing a one's experience. Johnson(1987)explains the practice art makingas an aid to the that of healingprocess not a newconcept."Humankind havedeveloped to is may art alf eviateor containfeelings anxietylear,crisis, of , (Johnson1987 p. andthreat" , , 7). Dissanayake (1988) supports opinion, this that stating art making marksthe importance eventssuchas death, of through creation visualimagery. the of
  • 2. Hatcher p. (1985, 7) offers anthropological of whycreative an view is expression exploredduringtheseprofound points life: in Whatever theoretical the explanation,is clearthatart it somehow helpshuman beingscopewiththe trauma of death. Beauty and art formshavebeenpartof funeral ceremonies sinceNeanderthal times.Thisuniversal human problem meteverywhere symbolic is with solutions satisfy mindand aesthetic to the solutionsto (pp release emotions 106-107). the Simon(1981 p. 7) suggests artistic , that expression the bereaved from representseffortsof workingthrough conflict and usually occursin threestages: stageone-expression the conflict, of allowing greaterconscious awareness the of feelings withinthe stress;stagefwe-the artisticimageenables suffering the expressed stageoneto findcontainment in whileit is converted mourning; to stagethree-bringsresolutionand greatercopingskills. Hill describes benefits groupart therapy the bereaved the the of for in following way. " Hastens GriefProcess Promotes the and Coping Skills-lna supportive environment, resolutionthrough creativeexpressionand in containment art freescreativeenergynecessary dealwith to dailyliving. " Remember Commemorate Deceased-Creativity and the in art therapy also"leadto remembering, experiencing rage can to the and the loss,andto regaining pastin all itswarmth the and its imperfection....to mourning losses of andto getting knowoneself to andothers" (Fleming, p 1983, 7). * Creation Healing of Rituals-According (1987), to Johnson "Art origlnally developed a meansof expression andrelieffrom as of traumaticexperiences. song,drama, Art, and dancein primitive timesweremotivated a needfor catharsis gaining by and control overthreats the community" 8) to (p. * Helpsto Organize Regain and of Sense Containment-Junge (1985) explains the ovenryhelming that feelings thoughts and resulting froma lovedone'sdeathcan be contained within symbolism. container artistic The of symbolism presents senseof a controland organization,whichallowsgreater productivity daily in life and resolution the griefprocess. of * Promotes Exploration Feelings-Artistic of images promote can discussions maynot havebeenacknowledged that previously (lrwin, 1991; 1985). Simon, * FacilitatesCathartic Effectand KinestheticRelease-Cathartic expression through releases art emotions grief, of andthe experience catharsis of allowsthe healingprocess begin(Furth, to 1988; Rubin, 1987',lrwin, 1991;Junge, p 1985; 8).
  • 3. * Encourages Awareness-"The Self pro@ssof making allowsfor art self-awareness the artworks safeoutlets individuals and are for to expresstheirgriefat theirownrate,withthe emphasis on discovering investigating and relevantpersonalconcerns (Schimmel Kornreich, & p. 1993, 9). * FinalProduct Permanence-Persons and in griefcan lookat finished overtimeand continue gaininsight artwork to fromthe work. Theycan engage withthe images,increasing self understanding a pacethatis appropriate them. at for lmplementing creative therapies substantially arts can increasethe beneflts groupsupport.According Aldridge of to (1993) andMalchiodi(1991) creativetherapiesoffermodalities well-suited the needsof to grieving individuals. Thisis in partdueto the difficulty fullyexpressing through of grief wordsalone. Art therapyoffersa multimodal non-verbalmeanswithwhichto discover new possibilitiescoping in withloss(Grant, 1995;Graves, p 1994, 7). Hospice programs beginning implement are to moreart therapy their into bereavement groupsessions. (1990), Mclntyre reports the goalsof group that art therapyservestwo purposes; provide to of socialsanction the expression for grief,and to promote mourning adaptive responses. and Schimmel Kornreich (1993)suggest, "Thesharing artwork of augments deepens connections and the madeduringnormal verbal communications groups.Theseimportant in interadions between participants, art therapist, the art process and helpthe participant movefromisolation and loneliness connection empowerment; denialto acceptance; loss to and from from and anxiety relief; fromdespair hope"(p 10) of control to and to and Schimmel Kornreich (1993) discuss art therapy an bereavement groupfor thosewidowed lessthanone year. The groupincluded weekly sessions lastingfor the periodof one yearand was looselystructured after Kubler-Ross's (1969) stages griefandacceptance death, five of of andYalom andVinogradov's (1988) bereavement work. "Thegoalsof the groupwereto identify emotional the experiences the groupmembers that couldshare,how members couldhelponeanother, howtheymightgainrelief and fromsadness, continue withtheirlives, andgrowemotionally'' 10). The participants (p. were presented with art therapydirectives,helping facilitate expression their to the of experiences. Results showed the artistic that processbrought the participants to recognition thoughts feelings, an alleviation sorrow 10) of and and of (p
  • 4. References Aldridge, (1993). D. Hope,meaning the creative therapies the and arts in treatment of group grief. ln M. Hill,Healinggrief throughart: art therapybereavement workshops (p 8) www.drawntogether.com. Nowack, (1997). gift:my self. SelfPublished. Chitwood J. My Dissanayake, (1988). E. Whatis art for? In M. Hill,Healinggriefthroughart:art therapy group workshops 7) www.drawntogether.com. bereavement (p Doka,K. (1988). therapy Art withincarcerated women the who haveexperienced deathof a lovedone.Art Therapy:Journal theAmerican Therapy of Art Association, (4),192. 21 Ferszt,G. (2000). therapywith incarcerated Art womenwho haveexperienced Journal the American Therapy the deathof a lovedone.Art Therapy: of Art Association, (4),192. 21 Ferszt, Hayes, DeFedele, & Horn, (2004). G., P., S., L. Arttherapywith incarcerated women who haveexperienced deathof a lovedone.Art the TherapyJournal the American Therapy of Art Association, -198. 21(4),191 Fihgerald, The H.(1994). Mourning NewYork, Simon Handbook. NY: and Schuster. Fleming, (1983). M. Earlyobject lossand its relation creativity expressed to as through group art therapy.In M. Hlll, Healinggrief throughart: aft therapybereavement (p. workshops 7) www.drawntogether.com. G.M.(1988). Furth, The Secret through Boston, Healing Worldof Drawings: Art. MA: SigoPress. Grant, (1995). A. The Healing Journey: Manual a GriefSupport for Group. M. In Hrll,Healing gief throughart: aft therapybereavement group workshops(p. 7). www.drawntogether.com. Graves, (1994). S. Healing. Expressionsof InM. Hill,Healinggrief throughart: groupworkshops 7) www.drawntogether.mm. art therapybereavement (p Hatcher, (1985). as Culture. M. Hill,Healing E. Art In griefthroughart: art therapy bereavement groupworkshops 7) www.drawntogether.@m. (p. Hays,R. E. & Lyons, J. (1981). therapy S. Art women withincarcerated who Journal the haveexperienced the deathof a lovedone.Art Therapy: of American Therapy Art Association, 21(4),193
  • 5. Helsing, J., & Szklo, (1981). K. M. afterbereavement. M. Hill,Healing Mortality In griefthroughart: art therapybereavement groupworkshops 2) (p www. drawntogether. com. griefthrough art therapy Hill,M. A. (nd). Healing art: group bereavement workshops. www.drawntogether.com. lrwin,H.J.(1991). depiction loss:Useof clients The of drawings bereavement in counseling In M. Htll,Healing group grief throughart: art therapybereavement (p workshops 8) www.drawntogether.com. Johnson,D.R.(1987) arts in and The roleof the creative therapies the diagnosis treatment trauma.In M. Hill,Healing of griefthrough art therapy art: bereavement groupworkshops 8) www.drawntogether.com. (p Junge,M. (1985) The bookaboutDaddy . dying: preventive therapy A art technique helpfamilies to dealwiththe deathof a familymember. M. Hill, In Healinggrief throughaft: art therapybereavement groupworkshops 8) (p. www. drawntogether.com. Kubler-Ross, (1969), deathanddying. E. On NewYork, MacMillan. NY: M. (1991). Leick, & Davidsen-Nielsen, N. Healing Attachment, and Pain: Loss In GriefTherapy. M. Hill,Healinggriefthrough art therapybereavement aft: groupworkshops 1) www.drawntogether.com. (p Liebmann, (1994). therapy M. Art withincarcerated women who have experienced deathof a lovedone.Art Therapy: the of Art Journal the American Therapy Association,2l(4), 9. Malchiodi, griefthrough art C.A.(1991)Art and loss.In M. Hill,Healing art. therapybereavementgroupworkshops 2) www.drawntogether.com. (p McCallum, Piper, M., !V.E.,& Morin,H. (1993).Affectandoutcome short-term in grouptherapy loss.In M. Hill,Healing for griefthrough art therapy art: bereavement groupworkshops 1) www.drawntogether.com. (p McCourt, (1994). therapy E. Art with incarcerated womenwho haveexperienced the deathof a lovedone.Journal the American Therapy of Art Association. 21(4),41-43. Mclntyre,B.B.(1990). art therapy An groupfor bereaved youthin hospice care. ln M. Hill, Healinggrief throughart. art therapybereavementgroup workshops (p 9) www.drawntogether.com. Parkes,C.M.(1986). Bereavement: Studies Griefin AdultLife.In M. Hill, of Healinggrief throughart. art therapybereavementgroup workshops 6) (p www. drawntogether.com.
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