This document provides information about icon design work for InstantGallery software. It includes 3 early icon concepts for InstantGallery with labels and images. The document also mentions that InstantGallery was designed to offer drag and drop web gallery creation through a simple interface without many controls.
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息 ThinkMac Software 2008, All Rights Reserved. ThinkMac Software is a trading name of Mr. Rory Prior
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1. I N S TA N T G A L L E R Y 1 I C O N .
2. P R O P O S E D I N S TA N T G A L L E R Y 2 I C O N
3. O R I G I N A L I N S TA N T G A L L E R Y 2 I C O N C O N C E P T
InstantGallery Design 2