The (ART+DATA) Institute brings together the people and tools to examine how data insights are used to make better products and experiences, which in turn, are designed to collect more useful data.
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(ART+DATA) Institute
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Big Data Analytics drive Better Design
Brilliant Design gathers Bigger Data
Welcome to the (ART+DATA) Principle
Big Data has always been good business. Companies that
know more about their customers, competitors and
markets, then create products based on that data, have
consistently outperformed those that dont.
The most valuable company every
created, Apple, used a combination
of Big Data and Design, validating
the principle on level that no other
business concept has ever reached.
Better Design::Bigger Data
The (ART+DATA) Institute brings Who benefits: CEOs,
together the people and tools to CMOs, CSOs, CIOs,
examine how data insights are used to creative directors, non-
make better products and experiences, profit program directors,
city planners, ux
which in turn, are designed to collect experience designers,
more useful data. technology directors.
2. Better Design :: Bigger Data
What is Big Data? What is Good Design?
Large data sets, gathered from the Good design engages the customer
product and its environment, that so deeply that large sets of data
provide insights to customers so exchanged between product and
deep that even unrealized intentions user constitute a relationship which
and future demand are known. can improved like any other.
Why are analytics important to (ART+DATA)?
Analytics are often misunderstood. The term simply describes a
combination of statistical analysis, powerful software, and operational
research which extend our understanding of what is happening and why.
What are some examples?
-Dyson used data to build a better vacuum
-An Audi gathers yotta bytes of data each drive
-Bose uses unstructured data to reinvent audio
-Singapore built a more livable city with analytics
-The Oakland As designed a team on data
Insightful, practical models
Poor data Big Data
Shallow insight Low Limitless insight High
Investment Investment
Bad design Good Design
Low Margins High Margins
Vicious Cycle Virtuous Cycle
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Better Design::Bigger Data