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Sra. AtachEspa?ol IVLa cultura Norteamericana vs. la cultura Hispana
Arte C Obra de arte NorteamericanaGrant Wood- American Gothic
ArteC Obra de arte LatinaDiego Rivera C Mural: la conquistaEspa?ola
Literatura C PoemaNorteamericanoWalt Whitman- Pioneers!  O Pioneers!We detachments steady throwing, Down the edges, through the passes, up the mountains steep, Conquering, holding, daring, venturing, as we go, the unknown ways,  Pioneers! O pioneers!      We primeval forests felling, We the rivers stemming, vexing we, and piercing deep the mines within; We the surface broad surveying, we the virgin soil upheaving,  Pioneers! O pioneers!   Colorado men are we, From the peaks gigantic, from the great sierras and the high plateaus, From the mine and from the gully, from the hunting trail we come,  Pioneers! O pioneers!   9From Nebraska, from Arkansas,Central inland race are we, from Missouri, with the continental blood interveind; All the hands of comrades clasping, all the Southern, all the Northern,  Pioneers! O    pioneers!	  ??1  COME, my tan-faced children, Follow well in order, get your weapons ready; Have you your pistols? have you your sharp edged axes?  Pioneers! O pioneers!2  For we cannot tarry here, We must march my darlings, we must bear the brunt of danger, We, the youthful sinewy races, all the rest on us depend,  Pioneers! O pioneers!  3  O you youths, western youths, So impatient, full of action, full of manly pride and friendship, Plain I see you, western youths, see you tramping with the foremost,  Pioneers! O    pioneers!  4  Have the elder races halted? Do they droop and end their lesson, wearied, over there beyond the seas? We take up the task eternal, and the burden, and the lesson,  Pioneers! O pioneers! 5  All the past we leave behind; We debouch upon a newer, mightier world, varied world, Fresh and strong the world we seize, world of labor and the march,  Pioneers! O pioneers!
Literatura C Poema Latino Mara Josefa Muja- BolvarSimn Bolvar, (1783- 1830) fue un militar y poltico venezolano. Ayud a muchos pases en su lucha de independencia contra  los espa?oles.  Estos pases incluyen Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panam, Per y Venezuela.Aqu reposa el nclito guerrero: Bolivia triste y hurfana? en el mundo,Llora a su padre con dolor profundo,Libertador de un hemisferio entero.	Al resplandor de su invencible acero,Cay el len de Iberia moribundo;Naci la libertad, rbol fecundo,Al eco de su voz temible y fiero.       De los soberbios Andes el colosoYace en la tumba, mas su ilustre nombre,Grande cual ellos inmortal, glorioso.Honra a la historia y enaltece al hombreBolvar! genio de eternal memoria,Nombreque dice: Libertad y gloria!Here rests the illustrious warrior, Bolivia, sad and orphaned, in the world, Cries for its father out of profound grief, Liberator of an entire hemisphere.At the glare of his invincible blade, The Lion of Iberia fell to its death;Liberty was born, fruitful tree,To the echo of its terrible, fierce voice.?From the pride of the Andes the colossus Lies in the tomb but his honored name,Great like them* immortal, glorious.?Honor to the story and praise to the manBolivar!  Genius of eternal memory, Name that says: Liberty and glory!?*the Andes

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Arte y literatura - Sra Atach

  • 1. Sra. AtachEspa?ol IVLa cultura Norteamericana vs. la cultura Hispana
  • 2. Arte C Obra de arte NorteamericanaGrant Wood- American Gothic
  • 3. ArteC Obra de arte LatinaDiego Rivera C Mural: la conquistaEspa?ola
  • 4. Literatura C PoemaNorteamericanoWalt Whitman- Pioneers! O Pioneers!We detachments steady throwing, Down the edges, through the passes, up the mountains steep, Conquering, holding, daring, venturing, as we go, the unknown ways, Pioneers! O pioneers! We primeval forests felling, We the rivers stemming, vexing we, and piercing deep the mines within; We the surface broad surveying, we the virgin soil upheaving, Pioneers! O pioneers! Colorado men are we, From the peaks gigantic, from the great sierras and the high plateaus, From the mine and from the gully, from the hunting trail we come, Pioneers! O pioneers! 9From Nebraska, from Arkansas,Central inland race are we, from Missouri, with the continental blood interveind; All the hands of comrades clasping, all the Southern, all the Northern, Pioneers! O pioneers! ??1 COME, my tan-faced children, Follow well in order, get your weapons ready; Have you your pistols? have you your sharp edged axes? Pioneers! O pioneers!2 For we cannot tarry here, We must march my darlings, we must bear the brunt of danger, We, the youthful sinewy races, all the rest on us depend, Pioneers! O pioneers! 3 O you youths, western youths, So impatient, full of action, full of manly pride and friendship, Plain I see you, western youths, see you tramping with the foremost, Pioneers! O pioneers! 4 Have the elder races halted? Do they droop and end their lesson, wearied, over there beyond the seas? We take up the task eternal, and the burden, and the lesson, Pioneers! O pioneers! 5 All the past we leave behind; We debouch upon a newer, mightier world, varied world, Fresh and strong the world we seize, world of labor and the march, Pioneers! O pioneers!
  • 5. Literatura C Poema Latino Mara Josefa Muja- BolvarSimn Bolvar, (1783- 1830) fue un militar y poltico venezolano. Ayud a muchos pases en su lucha de independencia contra los espa?oles. Estos pases incluyen Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panam, Per y Venezuela.Aqu reposa el nclito guerrero: Bolivia triste y hurfana? en el mundo,Llora a su padre con dolor profundo,Libertador de un hemisferio entero. Al resplandor de su invencible acero,Cay el len de Iberia moribundo;Naci la libertad, rbol fecundo,Al eco de su voz temible y fiero. De los soberbios Andes el colosoYace en la tumba, mas su ilustre nombre,Grande cual ellos inmortal, glorioso.Honra a la historia y enaltece al hombreBolvar! genio de eternal memoria,Nombreque dice: Libertad y gloria!Here rests the illustrious warrior, Bolivia, sad and orphaned, in the world, Cries for its father out of profound grief, Liberator of an entire hemisphere.At the glare of his invincible blade, The Lion of Iberia fell to its death;Liberty was born, fruitful tree,To the echo of its terrible, fierce voice.?From the pride of the Andes the colossus Lies in the tomb but his honored name,Great like them* immortal, glorious.?Honor to the story and praise to the manBolivar! Genius of eternal memory, Name that says: Liberty and glory!?*the Andes