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Synopsis: (Warning:containsspoilers!)
From the writer of Four Weddings and a Funeral and Love Actually comes The Boat That Rocked by Richard Curtis. A
comedy about rock and roll and boys and a boat.
In 1966  British pop musics finestera  the BBC played just2 hours of rock and roll every week. But pirateradio played
rock and pop from the high seas 24 hours a day. And 25 million people  over half the population of Britain  listened to
the pirates every single day.
Recently expelled from school, Carl (Tom Sturridge) has been sent by his jet-set mother to find some direction in life by
visiting his godfather Quentin (Bill Nighy). However, Quentin is the boss of Radio Rock, a pirate radio station i n the
middle of the North Sea, populated by an eclectic crew of rock n roll DJs. They are led by The Count (Phillip Seymour
Hoffman), big, brash,American,a god of the airwaves,and totally in lovewith the music.Hes faithfully backed up by his
co-broadcasters Dave(Nick Frost)  ironic,intelligentand cruelly funny; Simon (Chris ODowd), super-niceand searching
for true love; MidnightMark (Tom Wisdom),enigmatic, handsome and possessingan almostuncanny ability to have sex
with anything remotely resembling a woman; Wee Small Hours Bob, a hairy late night DJ, whose hobbies are folk music
and drugs; Thick Kevin (Tom Brooke), possessor of the smallest intelligence known to mankind; On The Hour John, the
newsreader and Angus The Nut Nutsford, who may be the most annoying man in Britain. They set about helping Carl
on his quest to find himself by, well, mostly trying to find him someone to have sex with.
Life on the North Sea is eventful. Simon finds the woman of his dreams and is married on the boatonly to be left by his
bride 11 hours later. Greatest DJ in Britain, Gavin (Rhys Ifans) returns from his drug tour of America to his rightful
position as greatest DJ in Britain  and clashes with the Count: A confrontation that ends in a dramatic and dangerous
battle of nerve. And Carl discovers that his real father is one of the DJs. Tragically for him, its Wee Small Hours Bob,
together with his beard.
However, pirate stations have come to the attention of an establishment thats out for blood against the drug takers,
lawbreakers and bottom-bashing fornicators of a once great nation. In an era when the stuffy corridors of power stifle
anything approaching youthful exuberance, pirate radio becomes public enemy number 1. The explosive movement of
rock n roll clashes with the governments Marine Offences Act, an attempt to outlaw the pirates and remove their
ghastly influencefrom the land.All this is spearheaded by the fearsome Minister Dormandy (Kenneth Branagh), his aide
Dominic Twatt, and assistant Miss Clitt.
Fleeing from the government ships, the Boat of Rock hits a rock and sinks in the middle of the North Sea  to the
indifference of the politicians,butthe dismay of the fans.And in a Dunkirk-stylemoment, hundreds of local boats travel
out in the middle of the night to rescue their favourite broadcasters from death by drowning. The Boat That Rocked is
an ensemble comedy  where the romance is between the young people of the 60s, and pop music. Its about a band of
DJs that captivate Britain, playing the music that defines a generation and standing up to a government that,
incomprehensibly, prefers jazz.
Wee Small Hours Bob:
Character based on
Bob Harris. But who
would get the joke?
Using the link to The Boat That Rocked, and other research, complete the following tasks:
When answering, remember to include the facts, i.e. what, when, where, how, who and why,
AND, MORE IMOPORTANTLY, the significance for the target audience.
1. Describe the target audiences for The Boat That Rocked? (Remember to include more than
just demographics)
2. What is an Ensemble Comedy?
3. What is the plot of The Boat That Rocked?
4. How are different media used to raise audience awareness of the film?
5. Describe the ways in which technology was used to target specific audiences
6. How might some people get to see the film other than by paying to see it? (include what
psychographic groupings they might belong to)
7. How did you respond to the film? What did you think worked or did not work for you?
8. How would you treat a similar idea for a film set in the 90s or another period?

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  • 1. THE BOATTHATROCKED Synopsis: (Warning:containsspoilers!) From the writer of Four Weddings and a Funeral and Love Actually comes The Boat That Rocked by Richard Curtis. A comedy about rock and roll and boys and a boat. In 1966 British pop musics finestera the BBC played just2 hours of rock and roll every week. But pirateradio played rock and pop from the high seas 24 hours a day. And 25 million people over half the population of Britain listened to the pirates every single day. Recently expelled from school, Carl (Tom Sturridge) has been sent by his jet-set mother to find some direction in life by visiting his godfather Quentin (Bill Nighy). However, Quentin is the boss of Radio Rock, a pirate radio station i n the middle of the North Sea, populated by an eclectic crew of rock n roll DJs. They are led by The Count (Phillip Seymour Hoffman), big, brash,American,a god of the airwaves,and totally in lovewith the music.Hes faithfully backed up by his co-broadcasters Dave(Nick Frost) ironic,intelligentand cruelly funny; Simon (Chris ODowd), super-niceand searching for true love; MidnightMark (Tom Wisdom),enigmatic, handsome and possessingan almostuncanny ability to have sex with anything remotely resembling a woman; Wee Small Hours Bob, a hairy late night DJ, whose hobbies are folk music and drugs; Thick Kevin (Tom Brooke), possessor of the smallest intelligence known to mankind; On The Hour John, the newsreader and Angus The Nut Nutsford, who may be the most annoying man in Britain. They set about helping Carl on his quest to find himself by, well, mostly trying to find him someone to have sex with. Life on the North Sea is eventful. Simon finds the woman of his dreams and is married on the boatonly to be left by his bride 11 hours later. Greatest DJ in Britain, Gavin (Rhys Ifans) returns from his drug tour of America to his rightful position as greatest DJ in Britain and clashes with the Count: A confrontation that ends in a dramatic and dangerous battle of nerve. And Carl discovers that his real father is one of the DJs. Tragically for him, its Wee Small Hours Bob, together with his beard. However, pirate stations have come to the attention of an establishment thats out for blood against the drug takers, lawbreakers and bottom-bashing fornicators of a once great nation. In an era when the stuffy corridors of power stifle anything approaching youthful exuberance, pirate radio becomes public enemy number 1. The explosive movement of rock n roll clashes with the governments Marine Offences Act, an attempt to outlaw the pirates and remove their ghastly influencefrom the land.All this is spearheaded by the fearsome Minister Dormandy (Kenneth Branagh), his aide Dominic Twatt, and assistant Miss Clitt. Fleeing from the government ships, the Boat of Rock hits a rock and sinks in the middle of the North Sea to the indifference of the politicians,butthe dismay of the fans.And in a Dunkirk-stylemoment, hundreds of local boats travel out in the middle of the night to rescue their favourite broadcasters from death by drowning. The Boat That Rocked is an ensemble comedy where the romance is between the young people of the 60s, and pop music. Its about a band of DJs that captivate Britain, playing the music that defines a generation and standing up to a government that, incomprehensibly, prefers jazz. Wee Small Hours Bob: Character based on Whispering Bob Harris. But who would get the joke?
  • 2. Using the link to The Boat That Rocked, and other research, complete the following tasks: When answering, remember to include the facts, i.e. what, when, where, how, who and why, AND, MORE IMOPORTANTLY, the significance for the target audience. 1. Describe the target audiences for The Boat That Rocked? (Remember to include more than just demographics) 2. What is an Ensemble Comedy? 3. What is the plot of The Boat That Rocked? 4. How are different media used to raise audience awareness of the film? 5. Describe the ways in which technology was used to target specific audiences 6. How might some people get to see the film other than by paying to see it? (include what psychographic groupings they might belong to) 7. How did you respond to the film? What did you think worked or did not work for you? 8. How would you treat a similar idea for a film set in the 90s or another period?