The document discusses natural remedies for spine problems, focusing on yoga. It describes the anatomy of the spine and common spinal issues like disc degeneration. Yoga asanas like cobra pose, locust pose, and fish pose are recommended to strengthen the spine and relieve back pain by improving flexibility. Proper diet with magnesium-rich, omega-3, and calcium foods and naturopathy methods like massage and steam baths can also help. Counseling can teach sufferers exercises and help them accept their condition to recover faster. An overall healthy lifestyle with good food, exercise, sleep, and positive mindset is emphasized for spinal health.
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Asana for spinal care ppt
1. Natural Remedy for Spine.
ï‚— Every day we ( human being) use to face Health
problems but
some people will solve it and others are suffering.
We know how to solve or face it, lack of co-operation
with Mind and body unknowingly fall in to ill health
Very recent years all over the world people are
Miserable with Lumbar or Disc prolapsed problem
for them , a small remedy is given here. which is called
in the name of YOGA…YOGA…..
3. spine
ï‚— Just as a tree needs a strong root system in order to grow
properly and sustain good health, the same concept may be
employed for the general well being of humans.
ï‚— The human root system is comprised of the Central
Nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the
Cardiovascular system, which are the first two to develop
within the human fetus. Everything else in the body
develops subsequently from these two. In conjunction with
one another, they bring oxygen, water, nutrients,
hormones, and Qi (Energy) to every part of the body as
well as excreting post-digestive substances and metabolic
ï‚— ..
4. Cont..
ï‚— When these two systems are healthy, a human being will be
ï‚— With clean blood vessels free from harmful accumulations
and free flowing Qi allows one to improve one's health to
its optimal level, therefore allowing our bodies to function
as nature intended.
ï‚— Given the many stresses we encounter daily in today's busy
society, combined with poor dietary habits and lack of
exercise, most of us tend to collect plaque, cholesterol,
fatty deposits, and toxins causing fat buildup and blockages
of arteries and veins as well as blockages of the energetic
pathways within our nervous system..
8. Spinal cord (care)
The Spinal Column and the Healthy Spine
ï‚— The spinal column is one of the most important
structures in the human body.
ï‚— Supporting much of your weight and protecting
the spinal cord,
ï‚— which carries communication from the brain to
the rest of the body.
ï‚— The spinal column is strong but flexible, allowing
a wide range of movement.
ï‚— The spinal column extends from the base of the
skull to the
tailbone and is made up of thirty-three bones
known as the vertebrae.
9. Spine Vertebrae
ï‚—The vertebrae in the cervical, thoracic and
lumbar regions are separated by discs.
ï‚—Discs serve as a cushion between the
vertebrae, helping also to protect them and
the nerves that run from the spinal cord to
the rest of the body.
10. Cervical vertebrae
ï‚— The first seven vertebrae (the cervical vertebrae)
ï‚— Radiate down the arms to the hands and fingers.
ï‚— These are in the neck and are numbered C1 through C7.
ï‚— Nerve compression in this area can cause neck pain,
ï‚— which may are fused, and
ï‚— They do not have discs between them.
ï‚— Each vertebra is composed of a body and a spinous
ï‚— which protect the spinal cord and nerve roots.
12. Thoracic Vertebrae
ï‚— The next twelve vertebrae make up the
thoracic region (T1- T12);
ï‚— The ribs attach to these vertebrae and
protect the heart and lungs.
ï‚— It is usually very stable.
13. The Lumbar Vertebrae
ï‚— Vertebrae (L1 -L5). plays a Significant role in
motion and flexibility.
ï‚— It is the source of motion and supports most
of the body weight.
ï‚— Overload or taxing movements may strain the
ï‚— Compress the nerves and cause back pain,
which may Radiate down the legs to the feet.
ï‚— The regions beneath the lumbar spine
are the sacrum (S1 -S5) and coccyx (a
series of small bones often called the
15. Spinal Problem
ï‚— Mechanical problems: A mechanical problem is due to the way
your spine moves or the way you feel when you move your spine in
certain ways.
ï‚— Perhaps the most common mechanical cause of back pain is a
condition called inter vertebral disc degeneration, which simply means
that the discs located between the vertebrae of the spine are breaking
down with age.
ï‚— As they deteriorate, they lose their cushioning ability. This problem can
lead to pain if the back is stressed.
ï‚— Another cause of back pain is the wearing down of the facet joints,
which are the large joints that connect each vertebrae to another.
ï‚— Other mechanical causes of back pain include spasms, muscle tension,
and ruptured discs, which are also called herniated discs.
ï‚— The voluble cause is Our Life style and Diet.
ï‚— Injuries: Spine injuries such as sprains
and fractures can cause either short-
lived or chronic back pain.
ï‚— Nobody wants pain- because of our
lifestyle and mal- posture.
17. Back Pain
ï‚— Back pain may have a sudden onset or can be
a chronic pain; it can be constant or intermittent,
stay in one place or radiate to other areas.
ï‚— It may be a dull ache, or a sharp or piercing or
burning sensation.
ï‚— The pain may radiate into the arms and hands as
well as the legs or feet, and may include
symptoms other than pain, such as weakness,
numbness or tingling.
18. Back pain……
ï‚— The spine is a complex interconnecting
network of nerves, joints, muscles, tendons
and ligaments, and all are capable of
producing pain.
ï‚— Large nerves that originate in the spine and
go to the legs and arms can make pain
radiate to the extremities.
21. Cause
ï‚— Moving in a wrong position
ï‚— Lifting huge weight beyond our limit
ï‚— Back pain with radiculopathy or spinal
tensions , and back pain associated with another
specific cause (such as infection or cancer).
ï‚— Non specific pain indicates that the cause is not
known precisely but is believed to be due from
the soft tissues such as muscles, fascia,
and ligaments.
25. Savasana
The specific Yoga asanas for Spinal Cord
problems brings about stronger and more
flexible spine. The Corpse Pose (Savasana)
is considered as a classic relaxation pose for
back aches and is practiced before or in
between Asanas as well as a final
relaxation. Savasana is often recommended
to be the usual sleeping pose for the person
suffering from backache as well.
ï‚— Sleeping on a hard ground, without pillows, serve
as a magical treatment to minor back problems.
26. Matsyasana
The Fish Pose or Matsyasana relieves stiffness of
the neck and shoulder muscles and improves
flexibility of the spine. It is the counter-pose of the
Shoulder stand. The intense pull of the asana helps
flexing the hips flexors and muscles between the
ribs to make it more functional. This asana helps
to stretch most parts of the body.
ï‚— The Cobra Pose improves spinal flexibility
and strengthens the muscles in the arms
and back. The pose of Balasana is a gentle
way of stretching the shoulders, hips,
thighs, ankles, and back muscles.
ï‚— Locust Pose or Salabhasana works primarily
on the upper back, the Locust Pose targets
the lower part. This posture also strengthens
the abdominal area, arms, and legs.
Backbends usually give relief to spinal cord
problems like Lordosis. When done
purposefully backbends increase the curve
of the lower back.
33. vyagarasana
ï‚— This asana helps in eliminating excess gas in the
stomach. Single Leg Raises is performed in order
to prepare the body for other exercises.
34. Vyagraasana - Tiger pose
ï‚— Benefits:
ï‚— Tones the spinal nerves.
ï‚— Relaxes the sciatic nerves.
ï‚— Relives sciatica.
ï‚— Loosens up the legs.
ï‚— Tones up the vaginal passage after the child delivery.
ï‚— Stretches the abdominal muscles.
ï‚— Promotes digestion.
ï‚— Stimulates blood circulation.
ï‚— Reduces weight from the hips and thigh.
36. Pawanmuktha Asana
ï‚— Benefits :
ï‚— Strengthens the Lower back Muscle and loosens the
spinal Vertebrae.
ï‚— Massaging the Pelvic Muscles
ï‚— Very effective in removing Wind & Constipation.
ï‚— Benefits :
ï‚— Strengthens the abdominal Muscles and Massage the
ï‚— It strengthens the Lower back, Pelvic muscles
ï‚— It helps to correct the prolapsed disc
40. Naturopathy
ï‚—Spine bath Steam bath
ï‚—Massage ( if you require or
suggested by doctor )
ï‚—Vegetable juice
ï‚—Fruits juices.
ï‚—Stand a little time under the sun
every day. Gain more benefit.
41. Counseling
ï‚— Explain about the Problem and make them
to accept their mistakes.
ï‚— Teach them how to recover fast from their
ï‚— Train them ,How to practice Asana and
Pranayama and also make them to familiar in
that practice
ï‚— Guide them and assist , mind make up
42. Conclusion
ï‚— Life is a small stage ,where we are acting in a different
character . During our play our physical body and mind
should be in healthy and sound.
ï‚— For which we need Health, endurance, stamina and peace
Every one should follow the following parameters regularly
then ,there is no miserable in our body.
ï‚— Perfect food
ï‚— Correct exercises
ï‚— Healthy and sound sleep
ï‚— Positive thought ( No stress and tension)
ï‚— spine is our wealth we have to maintain in a safe way.
ï‚— My Heartiest thanks to readers.
Dr. U.srikumar BNYS, Msc, Msc, Msc, Phd,
COIMBATORE -641018. +91422 2380282
+91 9944069212