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Barbara Kay, CEO
Why associations
partner with Ascend
 To benefit from our
deep roots in the
convention industry
 To work with our writers
and sales specialists
who have more than
20 years at Ascend
 To leverage our
relationships with
top exhibitors in
dozens of industries
 To generate revenue:
In 2016, we generated
$4 million in royalty
payments to our clients
 To benefit from our
network of printing
partners in every
major convention city
in the U.S.
First-class service
Ascends 41 partner clients include some of the largest association
meetings in the industry. Half have been partners for 10 years or more,
and 26% have been partners for 20 years or more.
Nancy McMurrey
Vice President,Communications
American Association
of Nurse Practitioners
AANP has partnered with Ascend
since 2002, and we value our
relationship.Your team is dedicated
to our Annual Conference and to
our members needs. Ascend is
creative, determined, professional
and engaged with our attendees.
Our members rely on our on-site
daily newspaper as the voice of the
meeting.Thank you for your support.
Emily Whitzel
Director, Scientific &
Corporate Meetings
Office of Science Operations
American Heart Association
Michelle Turenne
Chief, Corporate Alliances
and Business Development
American Thoracic Society
It has been a special privilege
partnering with Ascend on so many
initiatives that are growing our
exhibit and sponsorship revenue.
In addition,Ascend consistently
brings new ideas to us to help
increase attendee and member
The stability of the personnel at
Ascend provides an unmeasurable
amount of institutional knowledge
that benefits both our customers,
as well as our team.When coupled
with the level of service and interest
in really understanding our business,
this allows us to work with Ascend
as a PARTNER in our success, rather
than just a vendor.
Julia Chappell
Managing Director, Marketing
Vornado | Merchandise Mart
I must say, I am simply blown away.
The InResidence magazine redesign
is absolutely everything I hoped it
would be, so THANK YOU!!!!!
Sophie Jackson
Publications Manager
IMEX Group
Love working with the Ascend team
on the IMEX America publications.
They are dedicated, creative,
professional, hyper-organized and
100 percent reliable  exactly
what you need when producing
publications on the scale of ours.
They make my job easy!
Peggy S.Tresky
Director of Communications
American Podiatric
Medical Association
Ascends professionalism, positive
attitude, and outstanding product
make [producing our daily paper]
a wonderful experience every year.
Our members love our onsite daily
paper and consider it a unique
benefit of their meeting experience.
Erin Pressley
Vice President, Publishing
NACS  The Association For
Convenience & Fuel Retailing
Weve had a robust partnership with
Ascend for many years. Its clear that
they make our associations success
their top priority.They are steady,
collaborative and always bring new
ideas for us to be thinking about.
We couldnt ask for a better partner!
Mona Cotton
Vice President, Partner Relations
& Business Development
Professional Convention
Management Association
Ascend understands our brand
and our objectives, and project
manages the entire process.Theyre
such a natural fit for us  theyve
become an extension of our PCMA
staff and partnership family.
Barbara Kay, CEO

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  • 1. Barbara Kay, CEO 913-344-1401 bkay@ascendmedia.com Why associations partner with Ascend To benefit from our deep roots in the convention industry To work with our writers and sales specialists who have more than 20 years at Ascend To leverage our long-standing relationships with top exhibitors in dozens of industries To generate revenue: In 2016, we generated $4 million in royalty payments to our clients To benefit from our network of printing partners in every major convention city in the U.S. PRINT AND DIGITAL MEETING DAILIES SPONSORSHIP SALES EXHIBIT GUIDES AND DIRECTORIES PRODUCT THEATERS DIGITAL AND VIDEO PRODUCTS REGISTRATION MARKETING
  • 2. First-class service Ascends 41 partner clients include some of the largest association meetings in the industry. Half have been partners for 10 years or more, and 26% have been partners for 20 years or more. Nancy McMurrey Vice President,Communications American Association of Nurse Practitioners AANP has partnered with Ascend since 2002, and we value our relationship.Your team is dedicated to our Annual Conference and to our members needs. Ascend is creative, determined, professional and engaged with our attendees. Our members rely on our on-site daily newspaper as the voice of the meeting.Thank you for your support. Emily Whitzel Director, Scientific & Corporate Meetings Office of Science Operations American Heart Association Michelle Turenne Chief, Corporate Alliances and Business Development American Thoracic Society It has been a special privilege partnering with Ascend on so many initiatives that are growing our exhibit and sponsorship revenue. In addition,Ascend consistently brings new ideas to us to help increase attendee and member engagement. The stability of the personnel at Ascend provides an unmeasurable amount of institutional knowledge that benefits both our customers, as well as our team.When coupled with the level of service and interest in really understanding our business, this allows us to work with Ascend as a PARTNER in our success, rather than just a vendor. Julia Chappell Managing Director, Marketing Vornado | Merchandise Mart I must say, I am simply blown away. The InResidence magazine redesign is absolutely everything I hoped it would be, so THANK YOU!!!!! Sophie Jackson Publications Manager IMEX Group Love working with the Ascend team on the IMEX America publications. They are dedicated, creative, professional, hyper-organized and 100 percent reliable exactly what you need when producing publications on the scale of ours. They make my job easy! Peggy S.Tresky Director of Communications American Podiatric Medical Association Ascends professionalism, positive attitude, and outstanding product make [producing our daily paper] a wonderful experience every year. Our members love our onsite daily paper and consider it a unique benefit of their meeting experience. Erin Pressley Vice President, Publishing NACS The Association For Convenience & Fuel Retailing Weve had a robust partnership with Ascend for many years. Its clear that they make our associations success their top priority.They are steady, collaborative and always bring new ideas for us to be thinking about. We couldnt ask for a better partner! Mona Cotton Vice President, Partner Relations & Business Development Professional Convention Management Association Ascend understands our brand and our objectives, and project manages the entire process.Theyre such a natural fit for us theyve become an extension of our PCMA staff and partnership family. Barbara Kay, CEO 913-344-1401 bkay@ascendmedia.com