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Angott Search Group

                                Setting the Standard in                                                    

  Our mission at                   Executive Search
   Angott Search
Group is to provide         Our mission is accomplished by creating partnerships
premier search and        with our client companies where we, through an in-depth
 recruiting services      understanding of their needs, priorities, and expectations,
   to our clients.        assist them in achieving their business and financial goals.
                              These partnerships are created and maintained by
                              adhering to our core values: honesty, integrity and

                         Angott Search Group is committed to open and honest
                         communication with our clients in order to remain sensitive to
 101 South Main Street   their ever-changing needs and requirements. We shall always strive
  Rochester, MI 48307
                         to deliver state-of-the-art technologies and innovative strategies,
Phone  (248) 650-4800
  Fax  (248) 650-4817   which together will result in complete client satisfaction and
                         successful, long-term professional relationships.
                         ASG has enjoyed a sustained and progressive rate of growth over
 Connect with us on
Facebook & Linked In!                         the past two decades by...

 www.facebook.com/         Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together
                                                                              息 2009 Angott Search Group
About the firm

               Since 1981, we have been recognized as one of the nations
                   premier providers of search and recruiting services.
                                      Let us tell you why.

                                                   Dedicated to Building & Developing
 Consistent Growth & Stability                     Long-Term Partnerships

 Angott Search Group (ASG), located in              Angott Search Group is committed to
 Rochester, Michigan opened in March                providing quality service. We strive to
 of 1981 with the goal of positively                become a partner with our clients
 impacting companies and enhancing                  management team. This dedication has
 careers with a business approach that              resulted in a strong track record of
 embodies the principles of honesty,                success. We have been privileged to
 integrity, and professionalism. It is this         serve many of our clients for over two
 belief coupled with our mission that has           decades. As a result, over 75% of our
 made Angott Search Group one of the                business is generated from existing
 leading executive search firms in the              clients.

                         Full Service Human Resources Provider
   Whether your search is national or international in scope: retained, contingency or contract/RPO
 (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) in nature; our account managers specialize in a variety of industries
                                and disciplines, including the following:

     Administration / Human Resources                  Finance / Accounting

     Banking / Financial Services                      Information Technology

     Credit Unions                                     Insurance

     Energy                                            Life Sciences

     Engineering / Manufacturing                       Sales & Marketing
                                                                                   息 2009 Angott Search Group
Target solutions offered

 Angott Search Group offers a complete portfolio of staffing solutions to service a wide
range of your needs and to establish a reliable partnership with you. These solutions will
provide you with the ability to pick and choose various paths of our techniques to assist
                                you in your hiring process.

Testing & Assessment                                   Internal Interviewing
 We offer tools that determine competency and            Our expert resume screening and industry
 long-term compatibility of future employees with        knowledge can be utilized to interview all your
 your business culture. The tools we use help to         prospective candidates and give you a complete
 improve the accuracy of your hiring decisions.          assessment on each candidate.

Background Checking                                    Contract Staffing
 We provide access to a full suite of pre - employ-      ASG can provide professional candidates who
 ment screening services including education,            can hit the ground running for long or short
 criminal and credit reports.                            engagements.

Reference Checking                                     Market Analysis
 Our team can complete comprehensive,                    Our team can provide you with a summary of
 thorough, professional references for any of your       market competition such as trends in the industry
 candidates.                                             and deep market knowledge.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing                        Succession Planning
 Discover how to create a strategic partnership          Succession planning is an organizations dynamic
 that encompasses accountability, continuous             ability to look at the future and prepare tomorrows
 improvement, and access to top talent and most          talent today. We can help companies obtain this
 importantly, create a talent acquisition model that     competitive advantage by developing a formal
 helps you reach your business and financial             plan that will promote the culture and mission of
 objectives.                                             the organization.

Search Execution & Management                          Relocation Services
 When complex staffing assignments require it,           We help our client companies and candidates deal
 our online systems provide real time exchanges          with the stress of moving by assisting them with
 between your hiring manager and our recruiters,         coordinating the process at both ends. We have
 expediting interviewing schedules, collecting data,     access to tools such as cost of living reports and
 and tracking metrics.                                   salary comparisons.

              Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together                         息 2009 Angott Search Group
Search service options

Retained Search                                            Recruitment Process Outsourcing
                                                           (RPO) / Contract
     A team is assembled consisting of a                       A specialized and customized service that allows
  Managing Director/Director and Search                      companies to outsource some or all of the recruitment
  Consultants who concentrate fully on completion            function, in total or on a project basis, to a trusted
  of the search.                                             outside provider.

     Screening of candidates will either be in person          Operating as a strategic partner, managing part(s)
  or by video conference.                                    or all of the clients internal recruitment function, our
                                                             team works closely with the client to improve the
    The fee is a percentage of the candidate's first-
                                                             quality of hire, speed of delivery and cost containment.
  year earnings.
                                                               Improvements measured and monitored through
     The first one-third of the fee is paid to
                                                             real-time metrics are then tied to strict service level
  initiate the search. At this point, a position profile
  is     developed,       the     desired       target
  market is identified, and the exact search process            RPO has evolved from purely transactional and
  is decided upon. ASG commits to deliver the top            cost-based agendas to combining those with best-in-
  candidates in the market who meet the                      class talent management models.
                                                                RPO enables organizations to efficiently meet their
    The second-third is paid at the submittal of the         escalating enterprise-wide needs for best in class
  short list of qualified candidates after                   talent while simultaneously and dramatically improving
  thorough review with the client.                           recruiting efficiencies, effectiveness and cost
    The final third is paid when the candidate starts

                                         Contingency Search
    No financial commitment is required to initiate           The fee is a percentage of first-year earnings
  the search.                                               payable when candidate starts employment.

    A good way to stay aware of top talent as it              A great way to add top talent to your
  becomes available.                                        organization.

                   Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together
                                                                                          息 2009 Angott Search Group
Current and recently
completed searches

 $800M MI community bank                     $5.7B Fortune 500 company

 President / Chief Executive Officer         Senior Director of Consumer Strategy

CA Hybrid electric vehicle manufacturer      Fortune 500 insurance company

 Director of Engineering                     VP of Marketing

                                             $1.7B regional bank
Regional insurance company

 VP of Human Resources                       Mortgage Banking President

                                             Top brokerage distribution company
Leading financial services company

 Director of Global Benefits                 VP of Sales & Distribution

                                             $1.7B regional bank
$3.4B marketer of medical devices

 Senior Global Marketing Director            Regional President

                                             $250M SE MI community bank
$250M MI community bank

 Executive Vice President                    Chief Operating Officer

                                             Global software and solutions leader
$180M global financial services division
 Director of Corporate Communications        US Regional Sales Manager

$270M WV community bank                       Highly respected MO based wind
                                              energy business
 President / Chief Executive Officer
                                              VP, Commercial

               Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together

                                                                    息 2009 Angott Search Group
The ASG process

Angott Search Group
   Our search consultants approach each executive search assignment with a consistent,
time-tested, thorough process, derived from decades of executive recruitment experience.
                                                                      息 2009 Angott Search Group
Brian Rhonemus
Managing Director

With more than twenty years of service to the banking, financial services and recruiting
industries, Brian brings real-world experience to his clients. His keen understanding of
commercial lending, credit administration and retail banking allows him to identify top
candidates who will become successful, stable performers for his client companies.

Brian manages the banking team, which focuses on mid-to-senior level positions within banks, community
banks,       and    credit     unions.      The    teams       goal  is  to   give    their   clients    a
competitive advantage in the marketplace by making sure every match is the right
long-term fit for both the client company and the candidate. Brian joined Angott Search Group in 2001 after
directing a temporary staffing division of Robert Half International.

                                                                                                          (248) 453-0106

     ASG's Banking & Financial Services practice provides search assistance in the following areas:

                                                      Executive Management:
        President     Chief Executive Officer   Human Resource Director    Chief Administration Officer   Chief Financial Officer

                                                       Wealth Management:
           Private Banking Personal Trust Estate Administration Investments Financial Advisory            Employee Benefits
                                         Portfolio Management Trust Administration

                                                        Corporate Banking:
        Leasing      International Banking  Special Assets Cash Management Treasury Management Credit Administration
                          Commercial Real Estate    Middle Market Business Banking Asset Based Lending

                     Retail Mortgage Lending Model Branch Lending    Construction Lending Secondary Marketing
                                 Operations Management Underwriting (FHA/VA/MSHDA) Processing

                                                          Retail Banking:
     Collection     Credit Card Sales   Regional Management      Consumer Lending      Branch Administration Retail Operations

                                                 Accounting / Finance / Treasury:
      Mergers & Acquisitions    Audit    Tax    Financial Planning   Corporate Accounting Cash Management Capital Markets

                    Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together
                                                                                                                 息 2009 Angott Search Group
What our clients say...

My 25-year career as an executive in the mortgage banking industry has afforded me opportunity to experience
many personal and professional relationships. One such relationship that I have continually relied upon for more
than 17-years has been with Angott Search Group and Brian Rhonemus. Although there are many very good
professional employment firms in the world today, the effort put forth by Brian and his group to accurately match
the most qualified candidate with positions they have been contracted to fill has developed into a trust that has
supported both my business and personal goals. In fact, the current position I hold as President/CEO of Member
First Mortgage was presented to me by Brian. Through the continual networking efforts of Angott Search Group
they were well aware of my past achievements and thought I might be interested in the opportunity. The manner
in which Brian handled the subsequent processes of presentment, interviewing, and negotiating ultimately
resulted in my affiliation with Member First Mortgage. Without Brians involvement it is doubtful we would have
found such a qualified individual. Angott Search Group and Brian Rhonemus have never failed me and I
would encourage anyone to utilize their services.

           Kathryn Carlson, President & Chief Executive Officer
            Member First Mortgage

 I have worked with Angott Search Group since 1986 and during that period, I have found them to be a
wonderful resource and a consultant to management on a number of different occasions. A S G  s          staff is
always accessible to answer questions or give advice, many times on short notice  they epitomize the term
partnership. I appreciate the expertise, dedication, professionalism and ability to get the job done.

           Greg Bader, Vice President & Corporate Employment Manager
            National City  Now a part of PNC

 Our bank needed to make a strategic change in direction and fill a key senior management position. The easiest
part in the process was choosing Angott Search Group on a retained basis. Brian Rhonemus was fantastic, a
real pro. His vast experience was evident and paved the way for a smooth process via constant follow-up and
excellent communication.

           Jim Gillen, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
            Huntingdon Valley Bank

 Angott Search Group has been a part of our recruitment team for many years. They have extensive
knowledge of our organization which greatly assists in providing exceptional candidates, and we value ASG as a
true partner and valued consultant. ASG is our first choice in finding executive talent.

           Michael Ross, President & Chief Executive Officer
            Fidelity Bank
                                                                                               息 2009 Angott Search Group
Banking references

Ms. Nancy Morgan                       Mr. Bob Palmer                    Mr. Doug Chaffin
  Senior Vice President                   President / CEO                  President / CEO

  First National Bank - Howell            CBAO                             Monroe Bank & Trust

  Wk: (517) 545-2218                      Wk: (614) 846-8124               Wk: (734) 384-8123

  nmorgan@fnbsite.com                     rlpalmer@cbao.com                doug.chaffin@mbandt.com

Ms. Renee Shepko                     Mr. Allen Carson                    Mr. Donny Palmer
  President / CEO                         EVP/Corporate Human Resource     Executive Vice President

  First National Bank                     First National Bank              Texas Bankers Association

  Wk: (304) 647-4253                      Wk: (304) 647-4500               Wk: (512) 472-8388

  rshepko@fnbwv.com                       acarson@grcs.com                 donny@texasbankers.com

Mr. Rick Robertson                   Mr. Robin Hoag                      Mr. Dean Keller
  Executive Vice President /Retail        Partner                          President / CEO

  ViewPoint Bank                          Doeren Mayhew And Company        First National Bank of Sycamore

  Wk: (972) 801-5853                      Wk: (248) 244-3242               Wk: (419) 927-6392

  rick.robertson@viewpointbank.com        hoag@doeren.com                  dkeller.fnb@bright.net

                    Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together
                                                                                       息 2009 Angott Search Group

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ASG Brochure

  • 1. Angott Search Group Setting the Standard in Our mission at Executive Search Angott Search Group is to provide Our mission is accomplished by creating partnerships premier search and with our client companies where we, through an in-depth recruiting services understanding of their needs, priorities, and expectations, to our clients. assist them in achieving their business and financial goals. These partnerships are created and maintained by adhering to our core values: honesty, integrity and professionalism. Angott Search Group is committed to open and honest communication with our clients in order to remain sensitive to 101 South Main Street their ever-changing needs and requirements. We shall always strive Rochester, MI 48307 to deliver state-of-the-art technologies and innovative strategies, Phone (248) 650-4800 Fax (248) 650-4817 which together will result in complete client satisfaction and info@ASGteam.com successful, long-term professional relationships. www.ASGteam.com ASG has enjoyed a sustained and progressive rate of growth over Connect with us on Facebook & Linked In! the past two decades by... www.facebook.com/ Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together asgteam 息 2009 Angott Search Group
  • 2. About the firm Since 1981, we have been recognized as one of the nations premier providers of search and recruiting services. Let us tell you why. Dedicated to Building & Developing Consistent Growth & Stability Long-Term Partnerships Angott Search Group (ASG), located in Angott Search Group is committed to Rochester, Michigan opened in March providing quality service. We strive to of 1981 with the goal of positively become a partner with our clients impacting companies and enhancing management team. This dedication has careers with a business approach that resulted in a strong track record of embodies the principles of honesty, success. We have been privileged to integrity, and professionalism. It is this serve many of our clients for over two belief coupled with our mission that has decades. As a result, over 75% of our made Angott Search Group one of the business is generated from existing leading executive search firms in the clients. nation. Full Service Human Resources Provider Whether your search is national or international in scope: retained, contingency or contract/RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) in nature; our account managers specialize in a variety of industries and disciplines, including the following: Administration / Human Resources Finance / Accounting Banking / Financial Services Information Technology Credit Unions Insurance Energy Life Sciences Engineering / Manufacturing Sales & Marketing 息 2009 Angott Search Group
  • 3. Target solutions offered Angott Search Group offers a complete portfolio of staffing solutions to service a wide range of your needs and to establish a reliable partnership with you. These solutions will provide you with the ability to pick and choose various paths of our techniques to assist you in your hiring process. Testing & Assessment Internal Interviewing We offer tools that determine competency and Our expert resume screening and industry long-term compatibility of future employees with knowledge can be utilized to interview all your your business culture. The tools we use help to prospective candidates and give you a complete improve the accuracy of your hiring decisions. assessment on each candidate. Background Checking Contract Staffing We provide access to a full suite of pre - employ- ASG can provide professional candidates who ment screening services including education, can hit the ground running for long or short criminal and credit reports. engagements. Reference Checking Market Analysis Our team can complete comprehensive, Our team can provide you with a summary of thorough, professional references for any of your market competition such as trends in the industry candidates. and deep market knowledge. Recruitment Process Outsourcing Succession Planning Discover how to create a strategic partnership Succession planning is an organizations dynamic that encompasses accountability, continuous ability to look at the future and prepare tomorrows improvement, and access to top talent and most talent today. We can help companies obtain this importantly, create a talent acquisition model that competitive advantage by developing a formal helps you reach your business and financial plan that will promote the culture and mission of objectives. the organization. Search Execution & Management Relocation Services When complex staffing assignments require it, We help our client companies and candidates deal our online systems provide real time exchanges with the stress of moving by assisting them with between your hiring manager and our recruiters, coordinating the process at both ends. We have expediting interviewing schedules, collecting data, access to tools such as cost of living reports and and tracking metrics. salary comparisons. Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together 息 2009 Angott Search Group
  • 4. Search service options Retained Search Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) / Contract A team is assembled consisting of a A specialized and customized service that allows Managing Director/Director and Search companies to outsource some or all of the recruitment Consultants who concentrate fully on completion function, in total or on a project basis, to a trusted of the search. outside provider. Screening of candidates will either be in person Operating as a strategic partner, managing part(s) or by video conference. or all of the clients internal recruitment function, our team works closely with the client to improve the The fee is a percentage of the candidate's first- quality of hire, speed of delivery and cost containment. year earnings. Improvements measured and monitored through The first one-third of the fee is paid to real-time metrics are then tied to strict service level initiate the search. At this point, a position profile agreements. is developed, the desired target market is identified, and the exact search process RPO has evolved from purely transactional and is decided upon. ASG commits to deliver the top cost-based agendas to combining those with best-in- candidates in the market who meet the class talent management models. qualifications. RPO enables organizations to efficiently meet their The second-third is paid at the submittal of the escalating enterprise-wide needs for best in class short list of qualified candidates after talent while simultaneously and dramatically improving thorough review with the client. recruiting efficiencies, effectiveness and cost containment. The final third is paid when the candidate starts employment. Contingency Search No financial commitment is required to initiate The fee is a percentage of first-year earnings the search. payable when candidate starts employment. A good way to stay aware of top talent as it A great way to add top talent to your becomes available. organization. Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together 息 2009 Angott Search Group
  • 5. Current and recently completed searches $800M MI community bank $5.7B Fortune 500 company President / Chief Executive Officer Senior Director of Consumer Strategy CA Hybrid electric vehicle manufacturer Fortune 500 insurance company Director of Engineering VP of Marketing $1.7B regional bank Regional insurance company VP of Human Resources Mortgage Banking President Top brokerage distribution company Leading financial services company Director of Global Benefits VP of Sales & Distribution $1.7B regional bank $3.4B marketer of medical devices Senior Global Marketing Director Regional President $250M SE MI community bank $250M MI community bank Executive Vice President Chief Operating Officer Global software and solutions leader $180M global financial services division Director of Corporate Communications US Regional Sales Manager $270M WV community bank Highly respected MO based wind energy business President / Chief Executive Officer VP, Commercial Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together 息 2009 Angott Search Group
  • 6. The ASG process Angott Search Group Our search consultants approach each executive search assignment with a consistent, time-tested, thorough process, derived from decades of executive recruitment experience. 息 2009 Angott Search Group
  • 7. Brian Rhonemus Managing Director With more than twenty years of service to the banking, financial services and recruiting industries, Brian brings real-world experience to his clients. His keen understanding of commercial lending, credit administration and retail banking allows him to identify top candidates who will become successful, stable performers for his client companies. Brian manages the banking team, which focuses on mid-to-senior level positions within banks, community banks, and credit unions. The teams goal is to give their clients a competitive advantage in the marketplace by making sure every match is the right long-term fit for both the client company and the candidate. Brian joined Angott Search Group in 2001 after directing a temporary staffing division of Robert Half International. BrianR@ASGteam.com (248) 453-0106 ASG's Banking & Financial Services practice provides search assistance in the following areas: Executive Management: President Chief Executive Officer Human Resource Director Chief Administration Officer Chief Financial Officer Wealth Management: Private Banking Personal Trust Estate Administration Investments Financial Advisory Employee Benefits Portfolio Management Trust Administration Corporate Banking: Leasing International Banking Special Assets Cash Management Treasury Management Credit Administration Commercial Real Estate Middle Market Business Banking Asset Based Lending Mortgage: Retail Mortgage Lending Model Branch Lending Construction Lending Secondary Marketing Operations Management Underwriting (FHA/VA/MSHDA) Processing Retail Banking: Collection Credit Card Sales Regional Management Consumer Lending Branch Administration Retail Operations Accounting / Finance / Treasury: Mergers & Acquisitions Audit Tax Financial Planning Corporate Accounting Cash Management Capital Markets Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together 息 2009 Angott Search Group
  • 8. What our clients say... My 25-year career as an executive in the mortgage banking industry has afforded me opportunity to experience many personal and professional relationships. One such relationship that I have continually relied upon for more than 17-years has been with Angott Search Group and Brian Rhonemus. Although there are many very good professional employment firms in the world today, the effort put forth by Brian and his group to accurately match the most qualified candidate with positions they have been contracted to fill has developed into a trust that has supported both my business and personal goals. In fact, the current position I hold as President/CEO of Member First Mortgage was presented to me by Brian. Through the continual networking efforts of Angott Search Group they were well aware of my past achievements and thought I might be interested in the opportunity. The manner in which Brian handled the subsequent processes of presentment, interviewing, and negotiating ultimately resulted in my affiliation with Member First Mortgage. Without Brians involvement it is doubtful we would have found such a qualified individual. Angott Search Group and Brian Rhonemus have never failed me and I would encourage anyone to utilize their services. Kathryn Carlson, President & Chief Executive Officer Member First Mortgage I have worked with Angott Search Group since 1986 and during that period, I have found them to be a wonderful resource and a consultant to management on a number of different occasions. A S G s staff is always accessible to answer questions or give advice, many times on short notice they epitomize the term partnership. I appreciate the expertise, dedication, professionalism and ability to get the job done. Greg Bader, Vice President & Corporate Employment Manager National City Now a part of PNC Our bank needed to make a strategic change in direction and fill a key senior management position. The easiest part in the process was choosing Angott Search Group on a retained basis. Brian Rhonemus was fantastic, a real pro. His vast experience was evident and paved the way for a smooth process via constant follow-up and excellent communication. Jim Gillen, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Huntingdon Valley Bank Angott Search Group has been a part of our recruitment team for many years. They have extensive knowledge of our organization which greatly assists in providing exceptional candidates, and we value ASG as a true partner and valued consultant. ASG is our first choice in finding executive talent. Michael Ross, President & Chief Executive Officer Fidelity Bank 息 2009 Angott Search Group
  • 9. Banking references Ms. Nancy Morgan Mr. Bob Palmer Mr. Doug Chaffin Senior Vice President President / CEO President / CEO First National Bank - Howell CBAO Monroe Bank & Trust Wk: (517) 545-2218 Wk: (614) 846-8124 Wk: (734) 384-8123 nmorgan@fnbsite.com rlpalmer@cbao.com doug.chaffin@mbandt.com Ms. Renee Shepko Mr. Allen Carson Mr. Donny Palmer President / CEO EVP/Corporate Human Resource Executive Vice President First National Bank First National Bank Texas Bankers Association Wk: (304) 647-4253 Wk: (304) 647-4500 Wk: (512) 472-8388 rshepko@fnbwv.com acarson@grcs.com donny@texasbankers.com Mr. Rick Robertson Mr. Robin Hoag Mr. Dean Keller Executive Vice President /Retail Partner President / CEO ViewPoint Bank Doeren Mayhew And Company First National Bank of Sycamore Wk: (972) 801-5853 Wk: (248) 244-3242 Wk: (419) 927-6392 rick.robertson@viewpointbank.com hoag@doeren.com dkeller.fnb@bright.net Bringing Great People and Great Companies Together 息 2009 Angott Search Group