The document is a production diary for a BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production final major project. In the first entry, the student has come up with an initial idea and created a timeline. Their plan is to explain the idea in detail, do market research on similar magazines, and create questionnaires for their target audience. In the second entry, they will conduct market research, look at other magazines in their genre, and create questionnaires to understand what their target audience wants from the magazine.
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Ashleigh darlington final major project production diary wb 21.01.13
1. BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production
IG4 Final Major Project
Production Diary
Contingency Plans If Problems Anticipated)
Mon W/B 07/01/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 14/01/13 I have now come up with my initial idea and now that I have this I My plan for next week is to explain my initial idea in
(Detailed Weekly Summary) have been able to begin filling in my time management timeline as detail which I will write up on a word document then I
I know exactly what things I will need to do for: research, pre- will start my research, I firstly want to start by doing
production, production and post-production. I have now market research this is where I will begin looking at
completed this time management task and uploaded it to my blog, other magazines with the same genre that I have chosen
linking it to the label, so that piece of work has now been and then start writing questionnaires that I will hand
completed and evidenced. out to the group of people that my magazine is
targeting to try and get a better and more clearer idea
of what they want to ensure my magazine will meet
these things.
Mon W/B 21/01/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 28/01/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 04/02/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 11/02/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 18/02/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 25/02/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
2. BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production
IG4 Final Major Project
Production Diary
Mon W/B 04/03/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 11/03/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 18/03/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 01/04/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 08/04/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Mon W/B 15/04/13
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Contingency Plans)