The document describes a project to verify and map the locations of hazardous sites and sensitive receptors in Richmond, California. It outlines the tasks of confirming information in official databases, identifying additional unrecorded sites, and inputting coordinate data. A sample data chart is presented showing potential hazard and sensitive use facilities along Barrett and 23rd Street, including auto body shops, a gas station, and smog check business. Brief descriptions note other found sites such as a petroleum pipeline near apartments, auto body shop near a preschool, and a McDonald's identified as a problem site.
4. Our Task
Verify presence and accurate location of
existing hazards and sensitive land uses in
Official Sites databases
Find and record the location of all hazards
and sensitive land uses NOT included in
Official Sites databases
Google Earth- longitudes and latitudes
Input to statewide databases
5. Barret & 23 St. rd
Sample Data Chart
Facility Name Address Description HAZ SR Active Latitude Longitude
Contra Costa 2323 Barrett Ave. Richmond, CA Autobody X Yes 122属20'48.33"W
Body Shop shop 37属56'19.19"N
Arco Gas 2230 Barret & 23rd St. Active Gas X Yes 122属20'52.10"W
Station Station 37属56'17.36"N
MA Auto & 501 Barret & 23rd St. Autobody X Yes 122属20'52.00"W
Tires shop 37属56'19.21"N
Sam Auto 521 Barret & 23rd St. Smog Check X Yes 122属20'51.88"W
Express 37属56'19.59"N
GAO Tires N/A Brakes, X Yes 122属20'50.24"W
Alignment, 37属56'22.12"N