The document provides information about using the ASRM Career Center website for both job seekers and employers. It outlines the key sections and functions available for each user type. For job seekers, it describes how to search for jobs, create profiles and resumes, set up job alerts, and participate in career fairs. For employers, it outlines how to post jobs, search resume databases, schedule career fair interviews, and manage applicant information. Customer support contact details are also provided.
2. All Job
links are All Employer
on the links are on
left. the right.
You must
create an
before doing
anything in the
Career Center.
Once you've
created an
This link goes to the email address
account, you can
for help: but
access it here.
you can also call 1-860-437-5700.
3. Password Login
If someone has forgotten how to login to their account, there is an automated password
This page will then appear--
Users must have access to the email they associate with their account in order to
receive the email with their account information on it. It can sometimes take several
minutes for the email to arrive.
4. Employers:
Listed here is a brief overview of the sections of your online recruitment account.
You may be prompted to validate your account. Validation process is simple. It takes
only 5 minutes during regular business hours, and protects our users from spam.
Please follow validation instructions provided, and if you have any specific questions or
concerns please contact the support team at 888-575-9675 or 860-437-5700 (Monday
through Friday 7:30am 7pm EST) or via email at
My Account:
Your My Account area lets you manage your jobs, candidates, and more. It gives you
full control over your recruitment all from one area.
Navigation Links -
5. My Jobs:
The My Jobs Section allows you to post new job opportunities as well as manage all
your other job postings. In the My Jobs area you are able to view all products and
packages our site has to offer.
Resume Bank: Search for Candidates by Location and Candidate ID.
My Candidates:
Use this area to find new candidates and to search through your existing candidates.
Search our Resume Bank for great prospects. Our Pay-per-Prospect service allows you
to view the anonymous resumes and only pay for the candidates we connect you with.
My Company:
Within this section you can manage your Company Profile, which job seekers view to
learn more about your company. Your Profile gives you the perfect venue to broadcast
your company and its benefits to a large user base of potential employees. You can
also add/manage your billing and resume contacts. Additionally, this section allows you
to connect your account with those of your colleagues so that data, jobs, and
candidates can be shared.
My Templates:
The My Templates section makes your recruiting much faster because here you are
able to save job posting templates, letter templates, and filter templates. You will now
be able to re-use your templates when making job postings and when creating emails.
7. Career Fair for Employers
If you are attending the ASRM Annual Meeting and would like to meeting with potential
candidates, on the Career Center homepage, make sure you click this link to register for
the Career Fair:
After registering youll find the following sections on your Account page during Career
Fairs: Once
registered for
the career
Employers can
look on their
account page
and schedule
time in the
Career Fairs:
Lists Career Fairs you have registered for links in this section can lead you directly to
the resumes of candidates who have indicated they will be at the meeting and manage
reservations of time in the ASRM Career Center Interview Room located in the Exhibit
Career Fair Schedule:
Information about appointments you have made with candidates will be displayed here.
8. Interview Room
Select the day you'd like to schedule your
interview in the ASRM Interview Room located
in the Exhibit Hall near the ASRM Booth.
Click Show Tables
to see if the time
is already
Check to reserve your time
in the room. If it is already
selected, someone has
already reserved time in the
Then click the Complete
room there already.
Reservation button and follow the
instructions to reserve your spot.
9. Frequently Asked Questions by Employers:
Registration and validation
In order to utilize the career site you must first register and create an employer account.
You may be prompted to validate your account. Validation process is simple. It takes
only 5 minutes during regular business hours, and protects our users from spam.
Please follow validation instructions provided, and if you have any specific questions or
concerns please contact the support team at 888-575-9675 (Monday through Friday
7:30am 7pm EST) or via email at
Trouble logging in
You must be a registered user to access the career site and post positions. If you think
you are already registered you can click on the link Forgot your password or having
trouble logging in? on the login page.
Before you submit your email address and last name to retrieve your password, be sure
to test your browser cookies. They must be enabled. If you still cannot log in, enter your
email address and last name in the provided fields and click Retrieve Password. Your
log in information will be emailed to you.
Please note that this site is powered by JobTarget. You may be a registered user on
another career site powered by JobTarget. Please try logging in with those credentials.
If you are still having trouble, please call us at 888-575-9675.
What are cookies and why do they need to be enabled?
Our system requires cookies in order to function properly. A cookie is simply a small
piece of text stored on your computer by your browser. They are used for authentication
and storing your website preferences. You can check your browser settings to adjust
and customize your preferences.
How do I post a job?
To post a job you must be a registered user and be logged in to your account.
You can click on the Post a Job link, which brings you to the Post/Create a Job page.
Choose the type of posting you wish to purchase and scroll down to enter your posting
Please be sure to fill in all required fields marked with a red *. All other fields are not
required; however we do recommend you provide as much information as possible to
10. the job seekers. When you have entered all the information you can preview and post
your job.
How do I renew a posting?
You can begin renewing your posting up to 4 days before it is about to expire and up to
4 days after it expires. To renew a job posting, login to your employer account and click
on the My Jobs tab. Here you will see the name of your position and to the right an
icon with the heading of Actions. Mouse over this icon and click on the Renew link.
What payment options do I have?
We offer a variety of payment options. You will be prompted with available options after
you create the posting and click on Post a Job button which will direct you to the final
payment page.
How do I edit my currently posted job?
To edit a currently posted job log in to your employer account and click on the My Jobs
tab. Here you will see the name of your position listed and to the right an icon with the
heading of Actions. Mouse over this icon and click on the Edit link.
How long does it take for my job posting to be searchable by job seekers?
The job postings may take up to an hour to become viewable on the career site by job
seekers. Please note that you may not be able to search for your position by all possible
search terms immediately after the posting goes live, as it can take up to 24 hours for all
of the possible keyword combinations to be entered into our search system.
We strive to keep the content of this page current and useful. We welcome your
comments and suggestions, and if you have more questions send us a message by
filling out the form below or call us 888-575-9675 (Monday through Friday 7:30am
7pm EST).
11. Job Seekers:
There are a number of benefits to our service and we hope you find them useful.
Navigation Links
When an
reviews your
resume and
decides they
want to
consider you
for an
they will
construct an
overview that
will be emailed
to you and
placed in the
"My Contact
section of your
12. Job Search: Search through available jobs by Location, Keyword, or Job Type. From
here you can also save the jobs to look at later or apply for the position.
Resume/Letters: The first thing you need to do is create a Resume. You can either
upload a resume document or manually type data into your Career Profile. This Career
Profile replaces the traditional Resume. It is a highly organized presentation of your
skills and your experiences that can be easily searched and viewed by employers and
recruiters (all while maintaining your anonymity). Once an employer identifies you as a
Candidate for an opportunity they have available, they then submit an overview of the
position/project to you. If you decide you are interested in being considered for the
position, we then release your contact information to them. You maintain complete
control over whom your contact information is released to. Jobs will now find you and
you may now receive job offers even if not actively seeking employment.
Job Alerts:
13. Job Seekers at Career Fair:
If you are attending the ASRM Annual Meeting and would like to meeting with potential
employers, on the Career Center homepage, make sure you click this link to register for
the Career Fair:
After registering youll find the following sections on your Account page during Career
This will allow you to instantly view jobs by employers who will be attending the ASRM
Annual Meeting and print any invitations to interview from those employers.
14. Frequently Asked Questions by Jobseekers
Is the information I enter protected?
Absolutely. Our Privacy Statement clearly states that we will not sell your contact
information to third parties for the purpose of marketing directly to you.
Can I upload my resume to my account?
Yes! Click on the Resumes/Letters tab and you should see a button towards the bottom
of the page that says Upload a Document. Click on this button to upload your resume to
your account.
What types of files does the website accept if I want to upload my resume?
Currently the job board accepts either Word documents (.doc) or PDF documents (.pdf).
What if I dont have a document to upload? Can I build a resume online?
Yes! Click on the Resumes/Letters tab and you will see a button towards the bottom of
the page that says Build Online. Click on this button to build your resume online.
What is my resume used for on the job board?
Your anonymous resume gets listed in the resume bank for employers to view. They will
see everything you put in except for your name and contact information. When an
employer reviews your anonymous resume and decides they want to consider you for
an opportunity, they will construct an overview that will be emailed to you and placed in
the "My Contact Requests" section of your account. You will be able to review these
opportunities and decide whether you want to be considered for the position. You can
also use your resume to apply for job postings currently posted on the job board that
have the Allow Online Applications button enabled.
Is my information listed anonymously?
Yes. Employers will be able to review all the information you decide to include in your
career profile except for your name and contact information. If you are concerned your
current employer may come across your career profile, there are ways that you can
further disguise yourself. Examples of limiting your information in your career profile
may be using a short phrase that describes your job instead of the name of your
company ("small pharmaceutical company"). Another way to limit information may be
instead of listing the town your company is located in, use the county. Tactics like this
may help you further protect your anonymity.
15. Does my resume have to be listed in the resume bank?
No. It is not required that you have your anonymous resume listed in the resume bank,
you can simply use it to apply online for job postings if you wish. Though listing your
anonymous resume in the resume bank will give you increased exposure to find your
perfect position.
How can I search for job postings?
You can search through the currently posted jobs by clicking on the Job Search tab at
the top of the page. Here you will be able to search by Keyword, location, industry or job
function; or a combination of the four job search options.
Why do I see a red arrow next to some job postings?
The red arrow indicates that that position is the most recently viewed position by you.
This is an easy way to keep track of where you last left off when looking through the job
Can I sort the job postings by date?
Yes! At the top of the column of dates you will see the word Posted clicking on the
word Posted will change how the job postings are sorted. The job postings are initially
sorted by the most recent positions listed at the top and they get older as you go down
the list.
Can I save a job posting to my account?
Yes! When you pull up a job posting to view its full description you will see a button at
the top of the job posting that will say Save Job. Clicking on this button will save the job
to your account. To retrieve the job posting once it has been saved click on the My
Account tab, here you will see a section labeled My Saved Jobs, all of the job postings
you have saved will be listed in this section.
Can I save my job search?
Yes! Once you do a search either by keyword, location, industry or job function you will
be able to save this search criteria by clicking on the Save this Search link at the top of
the page. This will allow you to save your search for future use and will also allow you to
name it so that you can easily reference the search in case you have multiple saved
searches. Once you are ready to pull up a saved search you will want to login to your
job seeker account and click on the Job Search tab. Here you will see a new tab at the
top of the page that says Saved Searches. Click on this tab to bring up a list of the
searches you currently have saved.
16. Can I search the job postings by city?
There is no way to search the job postings just by city, you can however search the job
postings by state and then do a keyword search for the city.
What is a Job Alert?
A Job Alert is an automated search that will search the most recently posted job
postings on the job board, when it finds job postings that match the criteria you set it will
send you an email alerting you of these job postings. This is a great tool to use as it
does not require you to visit the job board every day to check on the new jobs that have
been posted, instead the postings will be sent straight to you!
How do I create a Job Alert?
Once logged into your account on the job board, click on the Job Alerts tab. Here you
will be able to select the criteria you wish to your Job Agent search for. The broader
your criteria the more job postings you are going to receive each day or week
depending on you delivery preference. When creating a job alert you will have the ability
to select the Job Function, Location and Industry you wish for your Job Agent to search
Can I start and stop a Job Alert?
Yes! When you click on the Job Alert tab you will notice the name of your Job Alert will
be listed and towards the right three links, stop, update and delete. Stopping the Job
Alert will put it on hold so that you do not receive any more Job Alert emails. Updating
the Job Alert will allow you to update the criteria you previously selected. Deleting the
Job Alert will delete the job alert completely from your account.
Can I edit my account settings such as my email address or name?
Yes! Once you login to your Job Seeker account and click on the My Account tab you
will see a section labeled Quick Links. Under this section will be a link that says Edit
Account Settings. Clicking on this link will allow you to change information such as your
email address, name or password.