1. Patient profile:
Name:- Diksha
Father Name:- Mr. Sataywan
Age:- 2 year
Sex:- Female
Marital Status:- Unmarried
Religion:- Hindu
Residence:- Dharodi, Jind Haryana
Occupation:- Nil
Date of Admission:- 24/07/2023 at 03:55pm
Mode of Admission:- Emergency(trauma traige)
C.R NO.:- PGIMS/23/65218
Comorbidities:- NO
Unit:- General surgery ward 6(Neuro-surgery)
2. Chief Complains :
Increase in head size
3. History of presenting complain:
Parents of the patient first noticed the Increase in head size at the age of 3 months and
Since then, the deformity gradually increased. Patient was operated at the age of 6
months for hydrocephalus and was discharged.
2 months back patient came with complains of fever and irritability. Infection was
found at shunt site and shunt removed.
Head size again increased from 5-7 days before admission which was associated with
c/o vomiting and irritability. Patient was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and was
decided to be operated for shunt surgery again
4. Past medical history No history of TB, DM , Asthma, convulsion
5. Drug history no history of any drug allergy.
6. Family history- not significant
No history of congenital disease
H/O Full term normal delivery
7. Personal history:
Normal bowel and bladder habits
Average built and nourished, proper breast feeding,
normal developmental milestones
8. Allergic history : No any drug allergy or food allergy.
9. Blood transfusion history:No any history of blood transfusion.
10. Socioeconomic history:
Good sanitation facility.
Good water supply.
3. Good eletrical supply.
11. Developmental history:-
Language and communication:- by syllables( Amma)
Social:- no social smile
Does not recognise mother
Immunized for age
12. Dietary history:-
Exclusive breast feeding till the age of 5 months.
Weaning :- 5 months
Presently eat with family
13. Developmental goals which includes smiling, crawling, walking, being able to roll
over,palmer grisp and pincer grisp are developed acc.to age
B. General Physical Examination:-
1) Vital signs and baseline measurements
Temprature:- 38.8属c ( rectal)
Heart rate:-160 bpm
B.P:- 98/52mm/hg
2) Skin, hair and nails
Skin is smooth and no lesion is present on body.
Little body or facial hairs are present.
Nails are intact and smooth
C. Systemic Examination :
Head is enlarged.
Assessment of eye and vision is appropriate for the developmental stage and age of
2. Lungs and Respiratory system
Respiratory rate:- 40bpm
Palpate the chest with 2-3 fingers.
On Palpation bilateral sounds are equal and clear.
Spo2 :- 95% on room air.
3. Heart and Peripheral vascular system
Auscultate heart with Bell of stethoscope at supraclavicular space .
Child's heart rate and rhythm are normal.
4. Musculoskeletal system
Patient is able to move all four limbs well.
4. 5. Abdomen and GI system
Emesis is present during examination.
6. Neurologic system
Patient is irritable , awake , fussy and difficult to console.
Anterior fontanel is slightly bulging
Pt is conscious
Average built and nourished
Pallor- / Icterus-/ Cyanosis-/ clubbing-
Neck veins not engorged
Pulse 110/min, regular, normal volume , all peripheral pulses palpable
7. Respiratory examination
Chest movements symmetric.
B/L equal air entry,no added sounds
No abnormality detected
8. Cardiovascular examination
S1, S2 Sounds are normal.
No murmur,
No abnormality detected
No history of any cardiovascular disorders includes vessels diseased, structure
problems, blood clots, valvular defects , patent ductus arteriosus etc.
9. Central nervous examination
Conscious , Motor function muscle tone, power and DTR within normal limits
Sensory function within normal limits
No history of central nervous system disorders includes coma,paralysis,meningitis.
10. Head examination:-
Large head (increased circumference)
Shiny scalp with dilated veins
Fullness of the ant.fontanele
Sun set appearance of the eyes.
Eye exam. And reflexes are normal
11. Urinary system :No history of any urinary system disorder includes kidney
stones,kidney infection
12. Genital system : No history of any genital disorder includes sexually transmitted
C. Physical examination
1. Inspection :
Head is enlarged
Bulged parietal bone area.
No pallor, jaundice.
2. Auscultation:
5. Patient is intubated on ventilator
Bilateral lung entry is equal
Heart sounds are normal .
Lungs sounds are normal.
3. Palpation :
No organomegaly.
No temperature.
4. Percussion :
Lungs sound hollow on percussion.
Bones,joints and solid organs such as the liver
Sound solid.
The abdomen sound likes a hollow organ filled
With air,fluid or solids.