I&P is an investment fund that aims to support SME development in Africa. As part of its commitment to environmental, social and governance goals, I&P conducted an internal assessment of its greenhouse gas emissions in 2011. The assessment found total emissions of 177.87 tons of CO2 equivalent. Over 90% of emissions came from air travel, with the remainder from energy use, paper consumption, and rail travel. The results will help I&P identify opportunities to reduce its carbon footprint through actions such as improving energy efficiency and reducing business travel.
2. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 1
Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) is a family of investment funds created in 2002 which aims to go
along with the development of SMEs in Africa. Being aware of the fact that these companies are an
essential step of Africas development process by producing social, environmental and governance
impacts, we wish to accompany companies of our portfolio in the improvement and evaluation of
their environmental, social and governance performance. For this, we are committed in an ESG
(Environment, Social and Governance) policy which will be laid out in several steps and for which
goals will be put in a chart.
Being conscious of the fact that climate change is a major stake for the 21st century, we lay the
reduction of greenhouse gas emission as an environmental goal priority. In order to be coherent and
exemplary toward our investors and entrepreneurs, it seems for us compulsory to measure and
reduce our own greenhouse gas emission. First, we have made internally an assessment of
greenhouse gas emissions with method and results herein. Next, we'll set an action plan aiming to
reduce our carbon trace. Incompressible emissions will be cleared in. This step will intervene after
the establishment of reduction actions.
3. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 2
Table of contents
1. Methodology........................................................................................................................ 3
1.1. Which are measured greenhouse gas emissions? ................................................................. 3
1.2. The measure of carbon mark ..........................................................Erreur ! Signet non d辿fini.
2. Definition of the operational area .....................................................Erreur ! Signet non d辿fini.
2.1. Ademe methodological frame.........................................................Erreur ! Signet non d辿fini.
2.2. Application on I&P................................................................................................................... 5
3. Result: Carbon mark in 2011 for I&P Conseil .......................................................................... 7
3.1. Scope 1: Direct emissions linked to the activity...................................................................... 8
3.2. Scope 2: Indirect energetic emissions..................................................................................... 8
3.3. Scope 3: Other indirect emissions........................................................................................... 8
4. Synthesis and perspectives................................................................Erreur ! Signet non d辿fini.
4.1. Comparisons.......................................................................................................................... 10
4.2. Perspectives.....................................................................................Erreur ! Signet non d辿fini.
Annexe 1: Gas global warming potential ..................................................................................... 12
Annexe 2: Utilized emissions factors ........................................................................................... 12
4. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 3
1. Methodology
The used methodology is inspired from the method of realizing greenhouse gas emissions developed
by the Ademe1
, for the voluntary or regulatory assessments of companies'2
greenhouse gas
emissions (GGE).
1.1. Which are measured greenhouse gases??
Measured greenhouse gases are those included in the Kyoto protocol (cf table 1).
Greenhouse gas Main emission sources
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Fossil combustion
- Aluminum, steel, cement and glass production
Methane(CH4) - Biomass combustion or decomposition
- Gas and oil production or treatment
Nitrous oxide(NO2) - Incineration of solid trash
- Production of fertilizers and transportation
Hydrofluocarbides (HFC) - -Industrial processes for isolating, refrigerating and air
- Aluminum production
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6)
- Industrial processes
Table1: Gas for measure effect included in the Kyoto protocol
These gases which have different consequences on the global warming are characterized by their
global warming potential (GWP). GWP is the unit of measurement for the effect of greenhouse gas
on the global warming in relation to carbon dioxide on a period of 100 years (cf Annex 1). For
instance, one kg of methane has a greenhouse impact 25 times more important than a kg of carbon
dioxide during 100 years. Thus, methane has a GWP of 25, i.e. a warming power 25 times higher than
the one of carbon dioxide.
Ademe Agence de lenvironnement et de maitrise de lenergie (Agency for environment and energy control)
Method for the realization of greenhouse gases emissions assessment in accordance with article 75 from the law n. 2010-788 of july
12th, 2010 about national commitment for environment. (NCE)
5. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 4
1.2. Carbon trace measure
Carbon trace is measured in equivalent Tons CO2 (teqCO2). To obtain a gas emissions differing from
carbon dioxide in teqCO2, one multiplies the quantity of emitted gas by its global warming potential.
The internally developed calculator to measure the carbon trace of I&P relies on emission factors of
the ADEMEs Carbon Base. Emissions factors are multiplier coefficients enabling to convert an activity
datum in emitted GES quantity (in teqCO2).
6. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 5
2. Definition of the operational area
2.1. Ademe methodological frame
The methodology of greenhouse emissions assessment distinguishes emissions into two categories,
corresponding to scope 1 and 2 from our report:
Scope 1: direct emissions produced by fixed and mobile sources, which are necessary to the
moral person activities i.e. emissions coming directly from the companys equipments:
combustibles combustion (fuel, natural gas, charcoal ) on the site, greenhouse gas
emissions at manner, fuel consumption by the companies vehicles (freight,
Scope 2: indirect emissions linked to power, heat or vapor consumption necessary to moral
person activities.
The methodology defines as well a third category of emission gathering other indirect emissions from
the moral person activities. This third category, corresponding to scope 3 of our study, includes
numerous emissions posts more or less pertinent with regard to the studied company activity.
2.2. Application on I&P
As far as I&P is concerned, we dont produce direct emissions of scope 1. The scope 2 includes the
power and natural gas consumption for the locals heating.
For the scope 3, we have included more significant appearing emission posts and for which we had
reliable, measurable and available data: produced emissions by professional moving and those due
to printing paper consumption. Other emissions posts could be added, but we have narrowed to
significant posts and for which, we have reliable data. In this way, we have chosen to not take in
account emissions due to home work journeys of employees because in the Parisian context, all
employees come through public transportation. In consequence, this is not a significant post. The
garbage production is a difficult post to evaluate and has not seemed significant for us firstly.
7. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 6
The description of scopes is summarized in the table below:
Table 2: Description of scopes
The greenhouse gas emission report has been realized from March 2011 to March 2012 about I&P
Conseil activity in Paris locals. The necessary data for the realization of this report come from the
2011 bills and interviews with I&P staff.
Scope 1
Direct emissions
- None
Scope 2
Indirect energetic emissions - Power consumption
- Heating of locals
Scope 3
Other indirect emissions
- air and railway professional
- paper consumption
8. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 7
3. Result: 2011 Carbon trace for I&P Conseil
The quantity of greenhouse gas emitted by the activity of I&P Conseil on 2011 is 177, 87 teqCO2.
Categories Emissions (TeqCO族) Total % of emissions
Power 0,56 0,3
Heating 13,69 7,7
Train 0,06 0,0
Plane 163,22 91,8
Paper Consumption 0,35 0,2
TOTAL 177,87 100,0
Table 1: Greenhouse gases emissions per categories of emissions for 2011
Its important to keep in mind that the carbon base emissions factors used to calculate our emissions
have an uncertainty degree more or less high (cf Annex 2). The carbon trace obtained doesnt
constitute an exact result, at the teqCO2 close, but rather an estimation of I&P emissions for 2011. It
will allow us to identify our main emissions posts and our leeway.
Repartition of Greenhouse Gas
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Picture1: Repartition of greenhouse gas emissions per scopes
9. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 8
3.1. Scope 1: Direct emissions linked to the activity
The action of I&P doesnt cause any direct emission of greenhouse gas. In fact, we dont have an
industrial activity and dont possess vehicles.
3.2. Scope 2: Indirect energetic emissions
The total of scope 2 emissions is 14.25teqCO2, i.e. 8 % of total emissions.
Natural gas consumption
The scope 2 emissions are mainly due to the consumption of natural gas (13.69 teq CO2). The natural
gas emission factor is not very high, 0.3kgCO2e/kWh. Yet, there was a strong consumption in 2011.
The gas heating is done at floor, and the thermostat tuning is done at the neighbor cabinet. Thus, its
not directly available for the I&P staff.
Power consumption
The power consumption doesnt represent a major emissions post. In France, the power
consumption factor of emissions is 0.078kgCO2e/kWh, which is among the weakest worldwide. This
can be explained by the fact that the power produced in France is mainly nuclear, which relatively
emits little greenhouse gas.
3.3. Scope 3: Other indirect emissions
The total of scope 3 emissions is 163.62 teqCO2, i.e. 92% of total emissions..
Professional transportation
I&P action implies many moving inside Africa where are located the companies of the portfolio.
Emissions linked to air journeys of I& P employees have been calculated for aircrafts of 180 to 250
seats, with factors of emissions varying in accordance with the distance of the journey. Air
transportations represent the most important emissions, 163.22 teqCO2, i.e. 91.8% of total
The railway journeys in 2011 have been estimated on a basis of 2 trips per employee per year. Trips
by train are far less often than those by plan and emit much little greenhouse gases. Thus, they have
an almost negligible impact in term of emissions, 0.06 teqCO2 in 2011.
10. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 9
Printing paper consumption
Printing paper consumption has an important carbon impact due to its utilization of forest raw
materials which are carbon wells on one hand and due to paper manufacturing process which
strongly emits greenhouse gases on the other hand (energy consumption, transportation). We
dont take in account emissions linked to the consumed paper.
At I&P, 260 kg of printing papers had been consumed in 2011, what corresponds to greenhouse gas
emission of 0.35 teqCO2.
11. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 10
4. Synthesis and actions plans
4.1. Comparisons
At Investisseurs et Partenaires, on a basis of 10 permanent employees and 3 interns, the 2011 carbon
trace is 13.68teqCO2/employee.
In comparison, the European Bank of Investment (EBI) also realizes a measure of its carbon trace. For
2011, EBI emissions are 19 682 teqCO2 i.e 9.05 teqCO2/ employee by taking in account in scope 3 the
commuting employees, professional trip, paper consumption and waste generated.
The World Bank also realizes a measure of its carbon trace. For fiscal year 2010, it is 15.3 tCO2e /
employee by taking in account in scope 3, professional trip.
4.2. Actions plans
From results obtained in this evaluation, we can determine the most important posts of emissions
and leeway to reduce them. These actions suggestions represent a first reflection and will have to be
deepened by the entire team to arrive to a coherent and applicable action plan.
On scope 2, the most import post of emission is natural gas consumption for locals heating. On this
point, as power consumption, various actions for reduction could be set up (light bulb low
consumption, watchfulness regarding machines standby, thermostat reduction for heating)
On scope 3, the most significant post of emissions is composed of air transports. Yet, the leeway
appears weak. In fact, entrepreneurs support by visits is vital and the amount of directors and people
in charge of investment trips can be reduced difficulty. The printing paper consumption represents a
little carbon impact but the leeway is more important (printing reduction, scratch paper utilization).
Since the majority of emissions wont be reduced, (92% of emissions are due to air trips), we
secondly envisage to counterbalance our incompressible emissions by financing carbon projects:
reforestation, manufacturing of economical wooden ovens
12. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 11
The I&P Conseil evaluation of greenhouse gases emissions will be done every year, what will enable
to measure the carbon trace evolution and the effectiveness of arranged action plan. This first
assessment took in account the most significant posts of emissions. It will be interesting to enlarge
the evaluation zone in following years. The scope 3 will be completed by the measure of greenhouse
gases emissions linked to trash production, fixed assets (mainly the computing devices), home work
journeys of employees, and other secondary posts of emissions. At term, the study zone will be able
to include I&P local offices located in Cameroon, Ghana and Senegal.
13. I&P - Assessment of greenhouse gas emission 2011 12
Annex 1: Gases Global Warming Potential
CO2 1
Methane CH4 25
Nitrous Oxide NO2 298
Perfluocarbons PFC 7390
Hydrofluocarbons HFC 12 000
Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6 22 200
Source: GIEC, 2007
Annex 2: Used emissions factors
Power Natural Gas Air Transportation Railway
Emissions Factors 0.078
Uncertainty degree 10% 5% 50% 60% 20%
Source: Carbon Base Ademe