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Asset Management
  Tips and Tricks
Agenda: Asset Management

 Introductions of Asset Management
    Charlotte Homer
    Wilma Hays
    Bob Kreyenhagen
 Demonstration of Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks
 General Information
   Create Asset Master Shells outside of the Purchase
   DO NOT select an Asset Number from the dropdown
    box on the Requisition or P-Card
   Create an Asset Master Shell for each and every asset
    (i.e. 5 Computers = 5 Asset Master Shells)
   Establish one Asset Master Shell when purchasing a
    system (i.e. Computer with Standard Equipment)
   Establish sub-numbers for assets funded with multiple
    funding sources (0 = default for one funding source)
Tips and Tricks
 General Information
   Print Screens
       Click on the multi-colored icon
Tips and Tricks
 AS01- Create Asset Master Shell
    Have the following required information ready
         Asset Class
         Description of Asset
         Cost Center
         Responsible Cost Center
         Functional Area
         Grant (If Applicable)
         Building / Room #
Tips and Tricks
 AS01- Create Asset Master Record
    Asset Class
       Selecting the correct asset class is extremely important
            If the wrong asset class is selected when creating the asset master
             shell, you cannot go into the asset master shell and change the
             asset class  you will be required to create a new Asset Master

           In addition
                 損 If a Requisition or Purchase Order has already been issued
                     with the incorrect asset number, you will be required to
                     process a Change Order
                 損 If the Invoice has already been posted an Asset Transfer
                     Transaction will be required
Tips and Tricks
 AS01- Create Asset Master Record
    Asset Description
       Enter Generic Description in the 1st Line of Description (General
           i.e. Computer or Computer System, Data Projector
           Do not enter descriptions such as part numbers or model numbers
       Enter Model Number in the 2nd Line of Description (General Tab)
            i.e. Model 125B
Tips and Tricks
 AS01- Create Asset Master Record
    Asset Description
       Additional Information in Long Text (General Tab)
            i.e. Computer for Student Labs
Tips and Tricks
 AS01- Create Asset Master Record
    Fields derived from the Purchase Order
       DO NOT enter anything in the Quantity fields of the
        Asset Master Shell (General Tab)
Tips and Tricks
 AS01- Create Asset Master Record
    Fields derived from the Purchase Order
       DO NOT enter anything in the Vendor fields of the Asset
        Master Shell (Origin Tab) unless the purchase is being made outside
        the Purchase Order (i.e. P-Card, A114 or Bookstore Order)
Tips and Tricks
 AS01- Create Asset Master Record
      Accounting information (Time Dependant Tab) must be in the SAP
       Validation Table otherwise you will get a Validation Error
           Correct Combination - Cost Center / Fund / Functional Area / Grant (if applicable)
Tips and Tricks
 AS01- Create Asset Master Record
      Building / Room # (Time Dependant Tab) must be in the Space Management System
       to be valid
             Click on Building dropdown

             Click on the small gray down arrow located on the thin bar directly above the initial list of
              building / room numbers
Tips and Tricks
 AS01- Create Asset Master Record
         Enter the room number in the room number field (this will generate a list of all the
          buildings with that particular room number)

         Double Click on the correct Building / Room Number Combination
Tips and Tricks
 AS01- Create Multiple Asset Shells
      All Assets MUST be for the same Asset Class
      All Data will be duplicated in each Asset Master Shell
          Can change selected data (other than asset class) via the AS02
            transaction after the asset shell is created
                i.e. Cost Center / Fund / Building & Room
Tips and Tricks
 AS01  Create Asset Shells By Reference
      All Assets MUST be for the Same Asset Class
      All Data from referenced Asset will be duplicated in new Asset Master Shell
          Can change selected data (other than asset class) without going to the
            AS02 transaction
                i.e. Cost Center / Fund / Building & Room
Tips and Tricks
 Creating AuC  Departmental Asset Master
   Create two Asset Master Shells
      AuC  Departmental (Asset Class 44200)
      Real Asset (Asset Class of Asset to be Constructed
   Submit Asset Acquisition (web form) to Asset
    Management with required information
   Reference the AuC Asset Number on all purchases
    required to build the asset
   Notify Asset Management when the construction is
    complete and in service - the AuC costs will now be
    settled to the Real Asset
Tips and Tricks
 Creating Non-UC Titled Asset Master Shells
    Create the Asset Master Shell with Asset Class 49700 no
     matter what type of asset is being purchased
        Identify the Asset on line 1 of the Description (General Tab)

    Reference this one Asset Master Number / Sub Number on
     all purchases required to build the asset if a Non-UC Titled
     Asset is being built.
        Identify the Asset being built on line 1 of the Description
        All costs will be detailed in this one Asset Master Record for
         external reporting purposes
        These costs will not be reflected on the University Financial
         Statements as UC Assets
Tips and Tricks
 Purchase Requisitions
   By creating the Asset Master Shell outside the Purchase
    Requisition, the only asset information you will be required to enter
    in Account Assignment section of the Purchase Requisition for
    each asset being purchased is:
          Asset / Sub Number
Tips and Tricks
 P-Card Asset Purchases
   Create the Asset Master Shell before attempting to
    allocate costs. You will be required to enter the asset
    number / sub-number for assets purchased
   Submit the Asset Acquisition (web form) to Asset
    Management with required information
       Go to the Asset Management Web Site through the
Tips and Tricks
 Bookstore Asset Purchases
   Create the Asset Master Shell
   Submit the Asset Acquisition (web form) to Asset
    Management with required information
       Asset Management will process the accounting transaction
        required to link the asset cost to the asset master record

 A114 Asset Purchases
   Create the Asset Master Shell
   Enter the Asset Number / Sub-Number on the A114
   Submit the Asset Acquisition (web form) to Asset
    Management with required information
       Asset Management will process the accounting transaction
        required to link the asset cost to the asset master record
Tips and Tricks
 Asset Transfers / Disposals
    Receiving Department must create an Asset Master
     Shell (by reference) in order to receive the asset
    Transferring Department must submit the Asset
     Disposition (web form) to Asset Management
    Asset Management will process the accounting
     transaction to transfer the asset from the Transferring
     Department to the Receiving Department

       This includes asset transfers to SURPLUS
Tips and Tricks
 Helpful Asset Reports
   Standard SAP Reports
      S_ALR_87011963  Asset Balances
      S_ALR_87012056  Directory of Unposted Assets

   BW Reports
          AA310  Asst Detail Report
          AA150  Search by Tag Number
Asset Management Demonstration

   Create an Asset Master Shell (Record) / AS01
   Change an Asset Master Record / AS02
   Create Asset Sub-Numbers / AS11
   Create Purchase Requisition / ME51N
   SAP Standard Reports
   BW Reports
   Asset Management Web Site
Asset Management

Questions & Answers

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Assets managment slide

  • 1. Asset Management Tips and Tricks
  • 2. Agenda: Asset Management Introductions of Asset Management Team Charlotte Homer Wilma Hays Bob Kreyenhagen Demonstration of Tips and Tricks
  • 3. Tips and Tricks General Information Create Asset Master Shells outside of the Purchase Requisition DO NOT select an Asset Number from the dropdown box on the Requisition or P-Card Create an Asset Master Shell for each and every asset (i.e. 5 Computers = 5 Asset Master Shells) Establish one Asset Master Shell when purchasing a system (i.e. Computer with Standard Equipment) Establish sub-numbers for assets funded with multiple funding sources (0 = default for one funding source)
  • 4. Tips and Tricks General Information Print Screens Click on the multi-colored icon
  • 5. Tips and Tricks AS01- Create Asset Master Shell Have the following required information ready Asset Class Description of Asset Cost Center Responsible Cost Center Fund Functional Area Grant (If Applicable) Building / Room #
  • 6. Tips and Tricks AS01- Create Asset Master Record Asset Class Selecting the correct asset class is extremely important If the wrong asset class is selected when creating the asset master shell, you cannot go into the asset master shell and change the asset class you will be required to create a new Asset Master Shell In addition 損 If a Requisition or Purchase Order has already been issued with the incorrect asset number, you will be required to process a Change Order 損 If the Invoice has already been posted an Asset Transfer Transaction will be required
  • 7. Tips and Tricks AS01- Create Asset Master Record Asset Description Enter Generic Description in the 1st Line of Description (General Tab) i.e. Computer or Computer System, Data Projector Do not enter descriptions such as part numbers or model numbers Enter Model Number in the 2nd Line of Description (General Tab) i.e. Model 125B
  • 8. Tips and Tricks AS01- Create Asset Master Record Asset Description Additional Information in Long Text (General Tab) i.e. Computer for Student Labs
  • 9. Tips and Tricks AS01- Create Asset Master Record Fields derived from the Purchase Order DO NOT enter anything in the Quantity fields of the Asset Master Shell (General Tab)
  • 10. Tips and Tricks AS01- Create Asset Master Record Fields derived from the Purchase Order DO NOT enter anything in the Vendor fields of the Asset Master Shell (Origin Tab) unless the purchase is being made outside the Purchase Order (i.e. P-Card, A114 or Bookstore Order)
  • 11. Tips and Tricks AS01- Create Asset Master Record Accounting information (Time Dependant Tab) must be in the SAP Validation Table otherwise you will get a Validation Error Correct Combination - Cost Center / Fund / Functional Area / Grant (if applicable)
  • 12. Tips and Tricks AS01- Create Asset Master Record Building / Room # (Time Dependant Tab) must be in the Space Management System to be valid Click on Building dropdown Click on the small gray down arrow located on the thin bar directly above the initial list of building / room numbers
  • 13. Tips and Tricks AS01- Create Asset Master Record Enter the room number in the room number field (this will generate a list of all the buildings with that particular room number) Double Click on the correct Building / Room Number Combination
  • 14. Tips and Tricks AS01- Create Multiple Asset Shells Simultaneously All Assets MUST be for the same Asset Class All Data will be duplicated in each Asset Master Shell Can change selected data (other than asset class) via the AS02 transaction after the asset shell is created i.e. Cost Center / Fund / Building & Room
  • 15. Tips and Tricks AS01 Create Asset Shells By Reference All Assets MUST be for the Same Asset Class All Data from referenced Asset will be duplicated in new Asset Master Shell Can change selected data (other than asset class) without going to the AS02 transaction i.e. Cost Center / Fund / Building & Room
  • 16. Tips and Tricks Creating AuC Departmental Asset Master Shells Create two Asset Master Shells AuC Departmental (Asset Class 44200) Real Asset (Asset Class of Asset to be Constructed Submit Asset Acquisition (web form) to Asset Management with required information Reference the AuC Asset Number on all purchases required to build the asset Notify Asset Management when the construction is complete and in service - the AuC costs will now be settled to the Real Asset
  • 17. Tips and Tricks Creating Non-UC Titled Asset Master Shells Create the Asset Master Shell with Asset Class 49700 no matter what type of asset is being purchased Identify the Asset on line 1 of the Description (General Tab) Reference this one Asset Master Number / Sub Number on all purchases required to build the asset if a Non-UC Titled Asset is being built. Identify the Asset being built on line 1 of the Description All costs will be detailed in this one Asset Master Record for external reporting purposes These costs will not be reflected on the University Financial Statements as UC Assets
  • 18. Tips and Tricks Purchase Requisitions By creating the Asset Master Shell outside the Purchase Requisition, the only asset information you will be required to enter in Account Assignment section of the Purchase Requisition for each asset being purchased is: Quantity Asset / Sub Number
  • 19. Tips and Tricks P-Card Asset Purchases Create the Asset Master Shell before attempting to allocate costs. You will be required to enter the asset number / sub-number for assets purchased Submit the Asset Acquisition (web form) to Asset Management with required information Go to the Asset Management Web Site through the Portal
  • 20. Tips and Tricks Bookstore Asset Purchases Create the Asset Master Shell Submit the Asset Acquisition (web form) to Asset Management with required information Asset Management will process the accounting transaction required to link the asset cost to the asset master record A114 Asset Purchases Create the Asset Master Shell Enter the Asset Number / Sub-Number on the A114 Submit the Asset Acquisition (web form) to Asset Management with required information Asset Management will process the accounting transaction required to link the asset cost to the asset master record
  • 21. Tips and Tricks Asset Transfers / Disposals Receiving Department must create an Asset Master Shell (by reference) in order to receive the asset Transferring Department must submit the Asset Disposition (web form) to Asset Management Asset Management will process the accounting transaction to transfer the asset from the Transferring Department to the Receiving Department This includes asset transfers to SURPLUS
  • 22. Tips and Tricks Helpful Asset Reports Standard SAP Reports S_ALR_87011963 Asset Balances S_ALR_87012056 Directory of Unposted Assets BW Reports De-Central AA310 Asst Detail Report Public AA150 Search by Tag Number
  • 23. Asset Management Demonstration Create an Asset Master Shell (Record) / AS01 Change an Asset Master Record / AS02 Create Asset Sub-Numbers / AS11 Create Purchase Requisition / ME51N SAP Standard Reports BW Reports Asset Management Web Site