The document contains observations and suggestions from Phillip in Peru about renovations and improvements to a restaurant. Some of the key points included using the logo's double S pattern on the walls and ceiling, adding mannequins with food to make the displays more enticing, hanging items from the ceiling to draw attention, and ensuring salespeople are helpful when customers have questions.
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Assignment 2
1. Creativty Course
Assignment #2
Hi my name is
I live in Peru and
these are some
of the
observations and
suggestions I
made when I
went to the
2. The entrance is
kind of square
The two 束SSs損
from the logo
would make a
great decoration
pattern. Giant
束SSs損 on the wall
and the cieleing
Rotating showaces
3. Cute Dummies to
bring people in
the restaurant,
bute they look
kind of awkward
just sitting there.
I would suggest
to put a table in
front of them
and actual food
so people really
get hungry with
looks and
4. Cute stuff could
be hanging from
the ceiling
Theres is nothing
beneath the
showcase tables,
that is wasted
space for
something to
draw attention.
5. TVs could be hanging
from the ceiling in
cool ways.
I don't know if they
where really sold out
but leaving a space
empty with the price
tag is actually not a
bad idea.
Salespersons where
really scattered and
not really helpful
when I asked them
about specs.
6. We need bananas
hanging from the
Banana shoes...
Now that could
interest someone
7. We need a Tour Effeil
The guy in the bench
looks lonely
You could dress up the
束anti-theft devices損
from the entrance.
They look not good.