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Assignment 2 presentaion
I see patterns everywhere!
Stage 1
I see patterns everywhere!
Stage 1   An In te grate d Un it of Wor k
I see patterns everywhere!
Stage 1                        An In te grate d Un it of Wor k

 Essential skill to develop:
I see patterns everywhere!
Stage 1                        An In te grate d Un it of Wor k

 Essential skill to develop:

   Algebraic understanding
I see patterns everywhere!
Stage 1                        An In te grate d Un it of Wor k

 Essential skill to develop:

   Algebraic understanding

   Mathematical Reasoning
I see patterns everywhere!
Stage 1                        An In te grate d Un it of Wor k

 Essential skill to develop:

   Algebraic understanding

   Mathematical Reasoning

   Logical Thinking
I see patterns everywhere!
Stage 1                        An In te grate d Un it of Wor k

 Essential skill to develop:

   Algebraic understanding

   Mathematical Reasoning

   Logical Thinking

 Experience patterns in diverse ways allowing differentiation.
I see patterns everywhere!
Stage 1                        An In te grate d Un it of Wor k

 Essential skill to develop:

   Algebraic understanding

   Mathematical Reasoning

   Logical Thinking

 Experience patterns in diverse ways allowing differentiation.

 Childrens natural curiosity for exploring and discovering.
I see patterns everywhere!
Stage 1                        An In te grate d Un it of Wor k

 Essential skill to develop:

   Algebraic understanding

   Mathematical Reasoning

   Logical Thinking

 Experience patterns in diverse ways allowing differentiation.

 Childrens natural curiosity for exploring and discovering.

 Generalise skills across all KLAs.
I see patterns everywhere!
Stage 1                        An In te grate d Un it of Wor k

 Essential skill to develop:

   Algebraic understanding

   Mathematical Reasoning

   Logical Thinking

 Experience patterns in diverse ways allowing differentiation.

 Childrens natural curiosity for exploring and discovering.

 Generalise skills across all KLAs.

 Real life connections.
Assignment 2 presentaion
Learning Sequence
Learning Sequence
                     Week 1
 Number relationships - Addition Subtraction Facts
 Make generalisations about number relationships
 Make a number pattern that increases or decreases

                   Patterns & Algebra
Learning Sequence
                     Week 1
 Number relationships - Addition Subtraction Facts
 Make generalisations about number relationships
 Make a number pattern that increases or decreases

                   Patterns & Algebra
Learning Sequence
                     Week 1                                              Week 2
 Number relationships - Addition Subtraction Facts    Create a pattern using Two-D Shapes.
 Make generalisations about number relationships      Flip, 際際滷 and Turn.
 Make a number pattern that increases or decreases
                                                      Shared Reading and discussion of picture
                        Maths                         books showing language pattern
                   Patterns & Algebra
                          WM                                 Maths                  English
                                                         Space & Geometry           Reading
                                                               WM              Talking & Listening
Learning Sequence
                     Week 1                                              Week 2
 Number relationships - Addition Subtraction Facts    Create a pattern using Two-D Shapes.
 Make generalisations about number relationships      Flip, 際際滷 and Turn.
 Make a number pattern that increases or decreases
                                                      Shared Reading and discussion of picture
                        Maths                         books showing language pattern
                   Patterns & Algebra
                          WM                                 Maths                  English
                                                         Space & Geometry           Reading
                                                               WM              Talking & Listening
Learning Sequence
                     Week 1                                                         Week 2
 Number relationships - Addition Subtraction Facts               Create a pattern using Two-D Shapes.
 Make generalisations about number relationships                 Flip, 際際滷 and Turn.
 Make a number pattern that increases or decreases
                                                                 Shared Reading and discussion of picture
                        Maths                                    books showing language pattern
                   Patterns & Algebra
                          WM                                             Maths                 English
                                                                     Space & Geometry          Reading
                                                                           WM             Talking & Listening

                                                        Week 3
                                         Explore patterns in Music
                                         Create a dance choreography
                                        Explore body movements using patterns
                                   Maths             Creative Arts             PDHPE
                              Patterns & Algebra         Dance               Gymnastics
                                     WM                  Music                 Dance
Assignment 2 presentaion
Learning Sequence
Learning Sequence
                            Week 4
Investigate patterns in natural
and built environments (around school and home)
 Compare and contrast patterns using photography
 Design your own tessellation
      Maths                 HSIE                   SciTech
  Space & Geometry      Environments         Earth & Surroundings
        WM           Patterns of Place and   Using Technology
Learning Sequence
                            Week 4
Investigate patterns in natural
and built environments (around school and home)
 Compare and contrast patterns using photography
 Design your own tessellation
      Maths                 HSIE                   SciTech
  Space & Geometry      Environments         Earth & Surroundings
        WM           Patterns of Place and   Using Technology
Learning Sequence
                            Week 4
Investigate patterns in natural
and built environments (around school and home)
 Compare and contrast patterns using photography
 Design your own tessellation
      Maths                 HSIE                   SciTech
  Space & Geometry      Environments         Earth & Surroundings
        WM           Patterns of Place and   Using Technology
Learning Sequence
                            Week 4
Investigate patterns in natural
and built environments (around school and home)
 Compare and contrast patterns using photography
 Design your own tessellation
      Maths                 HSIE                   SciTech
  Space & Geometry      Environments         Earth & Surroundings
        WM           Patterns of Place and   Using Technology
Learning Sequence
                            Week 4
Investigate patterns in natural
and built environments (around school and home)
 Compare and contrast patterns using photography
 Design your own tessellation
      Maths                 HSIE                   SciTech
  Space & Geometry      Environments         Earth & Surroundings
        WM           Patterns of Place and   Using Technology

                                                                                Week 5
                                                              Appreciate patterns in artwork
                                                              Make your own artwork using a variety of
                                                             materials to show knowledge of patterns
                                                             Participate in Art Exhibition

                                                     Maths               HSIE
                                                Space & Geometry     Environments       Creative Arts       SciTech
                                                      WM            Patterns of Place    Visual Arts    Using Technology
                                                                     and Location
Learning Sequence
                            Week 4
Investigate patterns in natural
and built environments (around school and home)
 Compare and contrast patterns using photography
 Design your own tessellation
      Maths                 HSIE                   SciTech
  Space & Geometry      Environments         Earth & Surroundings
        WM           Patterns of Place and   Using Technology

                                                                                Week 5
                                                              Appreciate patterns in artwork
                                                              Make your own artwork using a variety of
                                                             materials to show knowledge of patterns
                                                             Participate in Art Exhibition

                                                     Maths               HSIE
                                                Space & Geometry     Environments       Creative Arts       SciTech
                                                      WM            Patterns of Place    Visual Arts    Using Technology
                                                                     and Location

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Assignment 2 presentaion

  • 2. I see patterns everywhere! Stage 1
  • 3. I see patterns everywhere! Stage 1 An In te grate d Un it of Wor k
  • 4. I see patterns everywhere! Stage 1 An In te grate d Un it of Wor k Essential skill to develop:
  • 5. I see patterns everywhere! Stage 1 An In te grate d Un it of Wor k Essential skill to develop: Algebraic understanding
  • 6. I see patterns everywhere! Stage 1 An In te grate d Un it of Wor k Essential skill to develop: Algebraic understanding Mathematical Reasoning
  • 7. I see patterns everywhere! Stage 1 An In te grate d Un it of Wor k Essential skill to develop: Algebraic understanding Mathematical Reasoning Logical Thinking
  • 8. I see patterns everywhere! Stage 1 An In te grate d Un it of Wor k Essential skill to develop: Algebraic understanding Mathematical Reasoning Logical Thinking Experience patterns in diverse ways allowing differentiation.
  • 9. I see patterns everywhere! Stage 1 An In te grate d Un it of Wor k Essential skill to develop: Algebraic understanding Mathematical Reasoning Logical Thinking Experience patterns in diverse ways allowing differentiation. Childrens natural curiosity for exploring and discovering.
  • 10. I see patterns everywhere! Stage 1 An In te grate d Un it of Wor k Essential skill to develop: Algebraic understanding Mathematical Reasoning Logical Thinking Experience patterns in diverse ways allowing differentiation. Childrens natural curiosity for exploring and discovering. Generalise skills across all KLAs.
  • 11. I see patterns everywhere! Stage 1 An In te grate d Un it of Wor k Essential skill to develop: Algebraic understanding Mathematical Reasoning Logical Thinking Experience patterns in diverse ways allowing differentiation. Childrens natural curiosity for exploring and discovering. Generalise skills across all KLAs. Real life connections.
  • 14. Learning Sequence Week 1 Number relationships - Addition Subtraction Facts Make generalisations about number relationships Make a number pattern that increases or decreases Maths Patterns & Algebra WM
  • 15. Learning Sequence Week 1 Number relationships - Addition Subtraction Facts Make generalisations about number relationships Make a number pattern that increases or decreases Maths Patterns & Algebra WM
  • 16. Learning Sequence Week 1 Week 2 Number relationships - Addition Subtraction Facts Create a pattern using Two-D Shapes. Make generalisations about number relationships Flip, 際際滷 and Turn. Make a number pattern that increases or decreases Shared Reading and discussion of picture Maths books showing language pattern Patterns & Algebra WM Maths English Space & Geometry Reading WM Talking & Listening
  • 17. Learning Sequence Week 1 Week 2 Number relationships - Addition Subtraction Facts Create a pattern using Two-D Shapes. Make generalisations about number relationships Flip, 際際滷 and Turn. Make a number pattern that increases or decreases Shared Reading and discussion of picture Maths books showing language pattern Patterns & Algebra WM Maths English Space & Geometry Reading WM Talking & Listening
  • 18. Learning Sequence Week 1 Week 2 Number relationships - Addition Subtraction Facts Create a pattern using Two-D Shapes. Make generalisations about number relationships Flip, 際際滷 and Turn. Make a number pattern that increases or decreases Shared Reading and discussion of picture Maths books showing language pattern Patterns & Algebra WM Maths English Space & Geometry Reading WM Talking & Listening Week 3 Explore patterns in Music Create a dance choreography Explore body movements using patterns Maths Creative Arts PDHPE Patterns & Algebra Dance Gymnastics WM Music Dance
  • 21. Learning Sequence Week 4 Investigate patterns in natural and built environments (around school and home) Compare and contrast patterns using photography Design your own tessellation Maths HSIE SciTech Space & Geometry Environments Earth & Surroundings WM Patterns of Place and Using Technology Location
  • 22. Learning Sequence Week 4 Investigate patterns in natural and built environments (around school and home) Compare and contrast patterns using photography Design your own tessellation Maths HSIE SciTech Space & Geometry Environments Earth & Surroundings WM Patterns of Place and Using Technology Location
  • 23. Learning Sequence Week 4 Investigate patterns in natural and built environments (around school and home) Compare and contrast patterns using photography Design your own tessellation Maths HSIE SciTech Space & Geometry Environments Earth & Surroundings WM Patterns of Place and Using Technology Location
  • 24. Learning Sequence Week 4 Investigate patterns in natural and built environments (around school and home) Compare and contrast patterns using photography Design your own tessellation Maths HSIE SciTech Space & Geometry Environments Earth & Surroundings WM Patterns of Place and Using Technology Location
  • 25. Learning Sequence Week 4 Investigate patterns in natural and built environments (around school and home) Compare and contrast patterns using photography Design your own tessellation Maths HSIE SciTech Space & Geometry Environments Earth & Surroundings WM Patterns of Place and Using Technology Location Week 5 Appreciate patterns in artwork Make your own artwork using a variety of materials to show knowledge of patterns Participate in Art Exhibition Maths HSIE Space & Geometry Environments Creative Arts SciTech WM Patterns of Place Visual Arts Using Technology and Location
  • 26. Learning Sequence Week 4 Investigate patterns in natural and built environments (around school and home) Compare and contrast patterns using photography Design your own tessellation Maths HSIE SciTech Space & Geometry Environments Earth & Surroundings WM Patterns of Place and Using Technology Location Week 5 Appreciate patterns in artwork Make your own artwork using a variety of materials to show knowledge of patterns Participate in Art Exhibition Maths HSIE Space & Geometry Environments Creative Arts SciTech WM Patterns of Place Visual Arts Using Technology and Location

Editor's Notes