The document summarizes the plot of Oedipus Rex according to Freytag's pyramid. It discusses how Oedipus' pride leads him to declare finding the murderer of King Laius, triggering rising tension. His refusal to heed warnings causes further tension until the revelation that he himself killed Laius and married his mother. This brings simultaneous peripeteia and anagnorisis, followed by Jocasta's suicide leaving Oedipus with nothing. For his people, Oedipus fulfills his promise by banishing himself.
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Oedipus Rex according to Freytag’s pyramid
1. ‘Oedipus Rex’ according to Freytag’s pyramid
Plot of Oedipus Rex according to Freytag’s pyramid
Masuda Akter Tonima
ID: 11115002
Dept: MNS
2. ‘Oedipus Rex’ according to Freytag’s pyramid
According to Aristotle, tragedy that has its outcome depending on its tightly constructed structure is
superior to those that are simple and only depending on the character of the protagonist. The plot
must have and unity of action where one is the result of the other and fits. Freytag’s diagram is a
modern and improved version of the plot of a superior tragedy.
Both Aristotle’s and Freytag’s theories are based on Oedipus Rex. Therefore Oedipus Rex is the
perfect example since it shows perfectly how one action is directly proportional to its preceding
Oedipus being the proud king that he is, declares publically his decision of finding out the
murderer of King Laius and either killing or banishing him. That is the moment that triggers the
rising tension of the play. His pride being the reason for him, ignoring all the signs. This is what
would be typically called the incentive moment of this great Greek tragedy.
Then, gradually his actions in order to find the truth causes increase in tension, which clearly
represents the steep rise in the Freytag’s diagram. His pride, his Hamartia, again, blinds him
from seeing all the warnings around him by, at first by Tiresias followed by the warning of the
shepherd and finally Jocasta.
Peripeteia and Anagnorisis comes simultaneously to Oedipus very closely followed by his falling
action. The great ruler finally discovers the truth, realises his mistake and falls towards his
demise. Tiresias being offended by Oedipus finally reveals the truth about him. Oedipus being a
reasonable man tries to find evidence of the accusations and finally realises his mistake and the
incest that has been caused by him which he tried so hard to avoid.
Jocasta’s suicide causes Oedipus to be broken completely and leaves him at the lowest level of
psychological stability. This is where a great ruler is finally left with nothing, and can be
considered, a beggar, where he has no one to lean on to.
3. ‘Oedipus Rex’ according to Freytag’s pyramid
But this was not all that had to happen in the great Oedipus’ life, even though he had lost
everything and everyone that ever mattered to him, he still had duty left towards his people as a
king. He had promised to solve their problems by finding out the killer of Laius and banishing
him. Hence the great ruler had to banish himself from his own kingdom which was his both by
birth and moral right, for the sake of his people.
4. ‘Oedipus Rex’ according to Freytag’s pyramid
King Oedipus
Theories of Drama