This document contains questions for a psychology student to answer as part of an assignment. The questions ask the student to provide background information such as their name, year in school, major, and hometown. They are also asked about their reasons for taking the course, hobbies, learning style, and hopes for what they will gain from the class. The final questions inquire about the student's dream business and favorite song.
6. Why did you choose your particular major? How are you hoping to use your major once you graduate?
7. If I had to guess what Social-Organizational Psychology was, I would say
8. Favorite place in Connecticut (could be a restaurant/shop, town, scenic location):
9. Why are you taking this course? Be as honest and candid as you can. People have many reasons for taking a particular course, anywhere from Im just filling a credit to Im interested in the material to Potential career in org psych
10. Where are you from originally (i.e., where did you grow up)?
12. What was one thing a professor did in the past that really helped you learn?
13. Do you see yourself using the knowledge from this class in the real world? Be honest and explain your answer. If you dont think you will/can use the knowledge from this class, explain why.