1) The document summarizes a speech given by Engr. Samson AmehOpaluwah at the ACEN Future Leaders Forum about the importance of developing managerial skills for engineers.
2) It notes that while technical skills are important for engineers, managerial skills are necessary to effectively lead projects and organizations and drive technical expertise to have maximum impact.
3) The job market is changing rapidly due to new technologies, and managerial skills will help engineers innovate and bring their ideas from obscurity to international acclaim.
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Association for Consulting Engineering in Nigeria: Nourishing Engineering Leadership
Leaders and members of ACEN Future Leaders Forum, Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning.
It gives me great pleasure to join you today for the Future Leaders Breakfast
Meeting and to also represent the President of the Association for Consulting
EngineeringinNigeria, Engr.George C. Okoroma, FNSE. This is an important event
as it not only builds our professional skills but also promotes nurturing of
engineering leadership.
Oneof thereasonsIam delightedtobehere isbecause of what it actually signifies.
This event is about the way in which prospects for the future are changing the
opportunitiesforyoungpeople and the things that we need to do to secure our own
prosperity in the future.
The second reason is that only recently was I conferred with the prestigious
Fellowship grade of the Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered), and Im
suchin aprivilegedpositiontoemphasisethe importance of acquiring management
skills in ensuring a roaring success in your career as an Engineer.
Our nation today displays a palpable need for managerial skills in all facets of life,
as evident in the non-performance of almost every sector of our national life. It is
very good, in fact excellent, to be technically equipped as an Engineer, but that is
not enough to give you the prominent leadership position that changes societies.
Your managerial skills are necessary to drive your technical expertise in the
direction of maximum impact in whatever endeavour you are engaged in.
Furthermore, the job market has changed a lot in the past decade, and today it is
changing faster than ever. With the growing influence of the impending fourth
industrial revolution, new disruptive technologies will continue to alter the
employment landscape, especially for the engineers at the epicentre of this shift.
2. Innovation is the key to this revolution. Without adequate managerial skills, even
when you innovate, it will remain at the pedestrian level. It is your management
skills that will drive your findings from obscurity to international acclaim.
On an individual level, your topic is an important one because the development of
yourmanagerialskillmakesa difficulttaskeasierby avoiding thewastageofscarce
resources and improving the standard of living around you. It also increases profit
whichis beneficialto yourbusiness whilst expanding your worldview. I am certain
that the speaker will do justice to this topic.
Ilook forwardtoyourcreatingan excitingfuture foryourself, bythegraceof God,
Iam toassureyou thatin thiscourse whichyouhavechosen, thePresident, Council
membersandindeedthe entiretyofACENstandwith you.
Oncemore, onbehalfof thePresidentofour great AssociationofConsulting
EngineeringinNigeria [ACEN], Ithankyou forthisopportunitytoaddress you.
Engr. Samson AmehOpaluwah,fnse,fnse,fniob,fnim.
ACENZone3 Coordinator.