The teacher will use the ASSURE method to teach students about holiday traditions from around the world. Students will watch video clips, create holiday crafts, sample holiday foods, and examine photographs of different celebrations. The teacher will use YouTube videos, hands-on craft projects, snacks from various holidays, and photos of celebrations. Students will be required to participate by discussing similarities and differences between traditions. The teacher will evaluate students by having them discuss similarities and differences between traditions, foods, and what they learned.
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Assure assignment
1. Darian Sperry
January28, 2015
CI 350
A - My classroomconsistsof 20 students,11 girlsand 9 boys.Withinthisgroup,there are 2 Muslim,3
Jewish,and2 AfricanAmericanstudents.
S - My studentswill recite avarietyof factsof differentholidaytraditionsseenaroundthe worldby
watchingseveral shortvideoclips,creatingholidaythemedcrafts,eatingavarietyof sample from
holidaymeals,andexaminingphotographswith80% accuracy.
S - We will use Youtube toviewourvideos.We willutilize ahandsonprojectbycreatingcrafts unique
to differentholidaytraditions.We will use ourcreativitytocreate andenjoysnacksfromdifferent
holidaycelebrationsfromaroundthe globe.Finally,we will view photographsof differentholiday
traditionsandthe people whocelebratethem.
U- The childrenwillview Youtube videosprovidedbythe teacherondifferentholidaytraditionsfrom
aroundthe globe.The childrenwill create differentcraftsfroma varietyof cultures byusingtheirhands
and creativity. The childrenwillassistthe teacherinmakingsnacksforthe childrentotry that are
unique tothe differenttraditions.Lastly,the childrenwill lookthroughdifferentphotostakenof
differentculturesaroundthe world,celebratingtheirholidays.
R- I will require learnerparticipationwhenviewingthe videosbyaskingthe childrenhow the other
holidaytraditionsare differentfromone anotherandhow theyare the same.I will require participation
whenmakingthe craftsby havingthe childrenuse theirowncreativitytoputaunique touchon
differentholidaycrafts.Iwill have the studentsparticipatewhenmakingholidaysnacksbytryingthe
differentholidaytreatsandevaluatinghow the holidaymealsare different.Finally,Iwill have the
studentscompare andcontrast the differentphotographs
E- I will evaluatestudentsbyhavingthemtell me similaritiesand differencesbetweenthe different
holidaytraditions, the similaritiesanddifferencesbetweenthe typesof foodeatenduringthe holiday
celebrations, whattraditionstheyalsopractice intheirfamily,aswell aswhatnew thingstheylearned