This document outlines an ASSURE lesson plan for teaching students about holiday traditions from around the world. The class has 20 students from various religious and ethnic backgrounds. Students will be assigned a holiday to research and will create a YouTube video, poster, and Twitter account depicting the traditions of that holiday. The teacher will require students to actively participate by writing scripts, acting in videos, editing, posting to social media. Students will be evaluated based on their YouTube videos, posters displayed in class, and content on their Twitter accounts.
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Assure Assignment Revised
1. Darian Sperry
May 3, 2015
CI 350
A - My classroomconsistsof 20 students,11 girlsand 9 boys.Withinthisgroup,there are 2 Muslim,3
Jewish,and2 AfricanAmericanstudents.
S - My studentswill describe differentholidaytraditions fromaroundthe worldbyrecordingaYoutube
videodepictingthemselvesactingoutatypical holidayinaforeigncountry,creatingaposteron a
specificholidayandthe detailsof the celebration,andcreate aTwitteraccount ona unique andforeign
S - The studentswill use YouTube touploadtheirvideoof theirassignedholidaytradition.Theywilluse
Movie Maker to editandanalyze theirvideo.The studentswillcreate aposteronline onPowerPoint
depictingtheirholidayandthe activitiessurroundingthe holidaytradition.The studentswill thencreate
a Twitteraccount of theirholidaytradition.
U- The studentswill make avideobasedoff of aholidaytradition.Theywill edititthroughMovie Maker,
and theywill uploadthe final projecttoYouTube.The studentswillviewotherexamplesof posters,and
theywill create one basedoff the holidaytraditionthattheywere assigned.The studentswillalso
create a Twitteraccount aboutthe holidaytheywere assigned,andonthisaccount,theywill tweetand
postarticles,facts,and sitesbasedoff of thistradition.
R- I will require learnerparticipation byhavingthe studentswrite theirownscriptfortheirmovies,play
a role withinthe movie,edittheirmovie,andpostitto YouTube.Iwill have the studentseachcreate
theirownindividualpostertodisplayinthe classroom.Iwill alsohave eachstudentcreate aTwitter
account basedonthe traditioninwhichtheywere assigned.
E- I will evaluatestudentsby viewingandevaluatingtheirfinalYouTube videos.Iwill evaluateeach
posterwithinthe classroom,basedontheirrubric.Iwill judge theirTwitteraccountsbyreadingthe
postsand activitiesoneachstudent’sTwitteraccount.