This document discusses whether asteroids pose a threat to Earth. It presents evidence both for and against the idea that an asteroid could collide with Earth. The document explores recent reports of potential asteroid impacts, how impact angle and size affect crater size and damage. It examines evidence from the asteroid hypothesized to have caused the KT extinction event that killed the dinosaurs. The conclusion weighs all evidence presented to answer whether asteroids threaten Earth.
2. Introduction
What is this report about?
In this report I will discuss..
What is an asteroid?
A brief description of an asteroid
What is a NEO?
A brief description of a NEO
What information will you need to find
Chances of hitting the Earth, damage it will do if it does
Where will you find this information?
Internet, newspapers, journals, resource materials etc
3. Main Section - For
Are there any recent reports that an asteroid will crash?
When will it hit, how big is it? See pg1 of the resource material
Does it matter what angle it comes in at? Use the internet to
find out 30 degrees!
Is there any relationship between the size of an asteroid
and the size of the crater and therefore devastation it
causes? In excel use the table on pg2 of the resource material to
make a table and graph spot the trends
How big was the KT boundary asteroid? The one that wiped
out the dinosaurs. What happened to them?
What would happen if a large asteroid hit the Earth?
What sequence of events would occur?
Remember to explain each piece of evidence you use then
discuss how reliable it is
4. Main section - against
What reasons are there for not expecting an asteroid to
collide with the Earth?
Is there conclusive proof that an asteroid caused the
extinction of the dinosaurs?
Copy out the 2 tables on pg3 of the resource material
into an excel sheet. Make it 1 big table instead of 2 and
create some different graphs from it. Put them into your
Look for trends and comment on them. Use the Torino
scale to point out how slim the chances of collision are.
Put a copy of the Torino scale into your report explain
what it is and how reliable it is.
5. Conclusion
Answer the question! Are asteroids a
threat to us?
Refer to the evidence you have put in your
report when making you argument.
You must explain WHY you think this?
WHAT brought you to this conclusion?
References/Bibliography at least 8
different. Dont forget the OCR stimulus material