An SGOT (AST) blood test measures levels of an enzyme called AST or SGOT that is found in red blood cells, liver cells, and heart muscle cells, which is released when those cells are damaged. This test may be ordered to check for liver damage, help identify liver disease like hepatitis or cirrhosis, check on treatment for liver disease, monitor medications that can affect the liver, or for those who consume excessive alcohol. Results are available within 3-5 business days without any fasting or preparation required other than bringing your LabFinder order and insurance card.
2. What is a SGOT (AST) test?
An SGOT (AST) blood test measures an enzyme called SGOT or AST,
which is found in red blood cells, liver cells, and muscle cells, including
the heart. It is released into the blood when these cells are damaged.
3. Who should get an SGOT test?
This test may be ordered to:
1. To check for liver damage
2. To help identify liver disease, especially hepatitis and cirrhosis
3. To check on the success of treatment for liver disease
4. To keep track of medicines that can affect the liver
5. If you consume alcohol excessively
4. When will I receive my
Once completed, you will receive
your results within 3-5 business days
in your LabFinder portal.
5. How do I prepare? Do I
need to fast?
No preparation or fasting required.
Just bring your LabFinder Order
and Insurance Card to your