The document discusses asymptotic analysis of algorithms. It explains that the correctness of an algorithm is not enough, and efficiency must also be considered. The efficiency of an algorithm is measured by its time and space complexity. Time complexity is how long it takes to execute, while space complexity refers to memory usage. Basic operations like addition and comparison are assumed to take constant time. The document analyzes several algorithms to determine their time complexity using ¦¨ notation. It also discusses analyzing nested loops and determining the dominant term to classify complexity.
2. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
An algorithm is any well-de?ned step-by-step
procedure for solving a computational problem.
Examples -
Problem Input Output
Checking if a number is prime A number Yes/No
Finding a shortest path between your hostel and
your department
IITG Map, your hostel
name, your dept name
Well-defined shortest
Searching an element in an array of numbers An array of numbers Array index
3. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
An algorithm can be speci?ed in English, as a computer
program, or even as a hardware design.
There can be many correct algorithms to solve a given
problem. Is the correctness of an algorithm enough for
its applicability? By the way, how do we know if an
algorithm is correct in the first place?
4. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
The correctness of an algorithm is not enough. We
need to analyze the algorithm for efficiency.
Efficiency of an algorithm is measured in terms of:
?Execution time (Time complexity) ¨C How long does the
algorithm take to produce the output?
?The amount of memory required (Space complexity)
5. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
Let us analyze a few algorithms for space and time
Problem: Given a number n (<=1) as an input, find the
count of all numbers between 1 and n (both inclusive)
whose factorials are divisible by 5.
6. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
1. Initialize current = 1 and count = 0.
2. Calculate fact = 1*2*¡*current.
3. Check if fact%5 == 0. If yes, increment count
by 1.
4. Increment current by 1.
5. If current == n+1, stop. Else, go to step 2.
1. Initialize current = 1, fact = 1 and count = 0.
2. Calculate fact = fact*current.
3. Check if fact%5 == 0. If yes, increment count
by 1.
4. Increment current by 1.
5. If current == n+1, stop. Else, go to step 2.
7. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
1. Initialize current = 1 and count = 0.
2. Calculate fact = 1*2*¡*current.
3. Check if fact%5 == 0. If yes, increment count
by 1.
4. Increment current by 1.
5. If current == n+1, stop. Else, go to step 2.
First note that there are few basic operations
that are used in this algorithm:
1. Addition (+)
2. Product (*)
3. Modulus (%)
4. Comparison (==)
5. Assignment (=)
We assume that each such operation takes
constant time ¡°c¡± to execute.
8. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
1. Initialize current = 1 and count = 0.
2. Calculate fact = 1*2*¡*current.
3. Check if fact%5 == 0. If yes, increment count
by 1.
4. Increment current by 1.
5. If current == n+1, stop. Else, go to step 2.
Note that different basic operations don¡¯t take
same time for execution. Also, the time taken by
any single operation also varies from one
computation system to other(processor to
processor). For simplicity, we assume that each
basic operation takes some constant time
independent of its nature and computation system
on which it is executed.
After making the above simplified assumption to
analyze running time, we need to calculate the
number of times the basic operations are
executed in this algorithm. Can you count them?
9. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
1. Initialize current = 1 and count = 0.
2. Calculate fact = 1*2*¡*current.
3. Check if fact%5 == 0. If yes, increment count
by 1.
4. Increment current by 1.
5. If current == n+1, stop. Else, go to step 2.
10. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
1. Initialize current = 1, fact = 1 and count = 0.
2. Calculate fact = fact*current.
3. Check if fact%5 == 0. If yes, increment count
by 1.
4. Increment current by 1.
5. If current == n+1, stop. Else, go to step 2.
Now find the time complexity of the
other algorithm for the same problem
similarly and appreciate the difference.
11. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
1. Initialize current = 1, fact = 1 and count = 0.
2. Calculate fact = fact*current.
3. Check if fact%5 == 0. If yes, increment count
by 1.
4. Increment current by 1.
5. If current == n+1, stop. Else, go to step 2.
12. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
Verify if the following algorithm is correct.
If n < 5, count = 0. Else, count = n - 4.
A constant time algorithm, isn¡¯t it? For
such algorithms, we say that the time
complexity is ¦¨(1).
Algorithms whose solutions are
independent of the size of the
problem¡¯s inputs are said to have
constant time complexity. Constant
time complexity is denoted as ¦¨(1).
13. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
The previous examples suggest that we need to know the
following two things to calculate running time for an
1. What are the basic or constant time operations present
in the computation system used to implement the
2. How many such basic operations are performed in the
algorithm? We count the number of basic operations
required in terms of input values or input size.
14. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
Similarly, to calculate space requirements for an algorithm,
we need to answer the following.
1. What are the basic or constant space data types present
in the computation system used to implement the
2. How many instances of such basic data types are used in
the algorithm?
15. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
Our computer systems generally support following constant
time instructions:
1. arithmetic (such as add, subtract, multiply, divide,
remainder, ?oor, ceiling)
2. data movement (load, store, copy)
3. control (conditional and unconditional branch,
subroutine call and return).
16. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
The basic data types generally supported in our computer
systems are integer and ?oating point (for storing real
numbers). Note that characters are also stored as 1 byte
integers in our systems.
So, if we use few arrays of ¡®n¡¯ integers in our algorithm, we
can say that the space requirements of the algorithm is
proportional to n. Or, the space complexity is ¦¨(n).
17. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
int x = 0;
for ( int j = 1; j <= n/2; j++ ){
x = x + j;
int n;
int *array;
cin >> n;
array = new int [n];
for ( int j = 0; j < n; j++ ){
array[j] = j + 1;
Now that you know the basic operations and data types present in modern
systems, can you analyze the running time and space requirements of the
following C++ code snippets.
20. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
¦¨ Notation
To determine the time complexity of an algorithm:
Express the amount of work done as a sum f1(n) + f2(n) + ¡ + fk(n)
Identify the dominant term: the fi such that fj is ¦¨(fi) and for k different from j
fk(n) < fj(n) (for all sufficiently large n)
Then the time complexity is ¦¨(fi)
23. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
Let us try analyze a few more C++ codes and express the time and
space complexities in ¦¨ notation.
With independent nested loops: The number of iterations of the
inner loop is independent of the number of iterations of the outer
int x = 0;
for ( int j = 1; j <= n/2; j++ ){
for ( int k = 1; k <= n*n; k++ ){
x = x + j + k;
24. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
Let us try analyze a few more C++ codes and express the time
and space complexities in ¦¨ notation.
With dependent nested loops: Number of iterations of the
inner loop depends on a value from the outer loop
int x = 0;
for ( int j = 1; j <= n; j++ ){
for ( int k = 1; k <= 3*j; k++ ){
x = x + j;
25. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
? C++ codes for algorithms discussed and running time analysis
? Linear search vs binary search
? Worst case time complexity