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at home with

Classic American Recipes from
the Owner of Magnolia Bakery

                                Allysa Torey

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Most of my life is spent cooking, baking, gardening, talking about

food and writing about food. I love food. I love creating new recipes.

I love when I open up the fridge to see a wide array of beautiful fresh

ingredients and can spend a lazy afternoon puttering around the

kitchen, putting together an elaborate, fun little feast just for the two of

us on a Sunday, or a simple dinner on the back porch for neighbors

on a summer evening. Im very lucky to live with someone who is as

enthusiastic about eating as I am. When we have guests visiting, they

think its a bit crazy when over our 鍖rst cup of coffee weve already

created our menu for the entire day, complete with dessert.

   I like to cook simple foods made with seasonal ingredients.

Im just about as passionate about gardening as I am about cooking.

I have a cottage garden 鍖lled with roses and old-fashioned 鍖owers,

and we have a large organic kitchen garden where I grow all of our

vegetables. The greatest thing about having your own garden is

being able to run out barefoot and pick a few ears of corn or a hand-

ful of green beans.You cant get any fresher than food grown in your
own backyard, and it really is amazing what a difference such fresh           Although I love to spend time in the kitchen, I still try to keep

                       ingredients have in the outcome of your dishes.                            things simple and I avoid recipes that are fancy with unnecessary

                          Its important to me to know where my food comes from. What I           steps. Many cookbooks and food magazines are 鍖lled with long,

                       love about living in the country is that it gives me the opportunity to    overwhelming recipes that look interesting at 鍖rst glance, but have

                       get to know and support the local farmers who are raising the animals      too many ingredients and too many complicated instructions to

                       and growing the fruits and vegetables that end up on our kitchen           make them realistic options for everyday meals. There arent enough

                       table. For about six months out of the year, the farmers market is a      cookbooks that encourage the home cook to make dinner, any night

                       wonderful option for high quality, locally grown and raised foods.         of the week.

                          I feel pretty strongly about cooking only with seasonal produce.           Maybe it would be easier to get people back into the evening

                       Rather than feeling deprived, I 鍖nd it satisfying to eat foods only when   ritual of sitting down together around the table if they had a nice

                       theyre at their peak seasonally, and then theres the sweet anticipa-     collection of simple recipes to cook from. It seems that people think

                       tion of enjoying them the next year. I actually appreciate it more that    they dont have the time, or perhaps they dont realize how quickly

                       theres only a few week period when I can bring home the perfect           they can prepare a fresh, home-cooked meal. Whether youre cook-

                       juicy nectarines or gorgeous ripe strawberries to make a pie, and          ing for one or for 鍖ve, it isnt as dif鍖cult as it might seem.

                       that there are bushels of tomatoes for summer salads and pasta                Theres one great tip that has always worked for me. Whether

                       sauces for only a couple of months . . . and then in the winter, you       entertaining friends or cooking a weeknight dinner for the family,

                       make stew.                                                                 planning ahead makes all the difference. What I like to do is to spend

                                                                                                  some time earlier in the day preparing for dinner so that I can come

                                                                                                  in and cook quickly, but in a relaxed manner, in the evening. I chop

                       This book is a long time in the making. After writing two dessert          and measure garlic, onion and other vegetables in advance, grate

                       books, Im really happy to 鍖nally put together a collection that           cheeses, prepare a salad dressing, and just generally organize my

                       includes not only desserts but a lot of my favorite savory food recipes    ingredients and set them aside for later. For those of you who 鍖nd

                       that Ive been copying down for friends and dinner guests for years.       yourselves coming in from work at the end of the day feeling like

                       Many of the recipes in this book are things I learned to cook as a         youre too tired to cook, preparing before you leave in the morning

                       child and Im still making today. But Im also always experimenting        makes it much easier to put together a healthy meal when you get

                       with new ideas and different combinations of ingredients.                  home.

(xiv)   introduction                                                                                                                                                       introduction (xv)
And when Im entertaining, I 鍖nd that if I prepare things in advance,

                       I can really enjoy the time I have with my guests, whether its a few

                       friends from town, or the whole family up for a barbecue. Its less

                       stressful for me, and so its more fun for everyone.

                       Ive organized the book into sections for starters, soups, lunches,

                       dinners, sides, vegetables, and, of course, desserts. The dinners have

                       been separated into two categories, weekday and weekend meals,

                       which are based on how complicated the recipe is, and how long its

                       preparation might take. These categories are just guides, though, and

                       quick dishes with a nice presentation could easily be made when

                       entertaining guests.

                          The recipes Ive gathered here re鍖ect the all-American sensibili-

                       ties of my bakery and my home. My style is the same whether Im

                       making something sweet or savorysimple steps, fresh ingredients,

                       and classic combinations.

                                                                              Allysa Torey

                                                                               January, 2005

                                                                                                  appetizers and salads

(xvi)   introduction
corn fritters with chile-lime mayonnaise                                                                             chile-lime mayonnaise

makes 6 servings (1 dozen fritters)   When I entertain I like to make something a little different that my           makes about 1遜 cups                  This recipe comes from my friend Dave Cole, who owns Daves Big Eddy
                                      friends wouldnt necessarily make for themselves at home. Corn fritters        1遜 cups mayonnaise                   Diner, our favorite restaurant near my home in upstate New York. It can be
                                      are a great appetizer to serve in the late summer when fresh corn is at        2 tablespoons fresh lime juice       served with crab and cray鍖sh cakes (see page 000) as well as corn fritters
                                      its best, but frozen corn works just 鍖ne in this recipe as well.               1 tablespoon minced jalepe単o chile   (see previous recipe).
                                                                                                                     pepper (seeds and ribs removed)
                                                                                                                     2 teaspoons grated lime zest         Place all the ingredients in a small bowl and stir together until well blended.
I cup all-purpose 鍖our                In a medium-size bowl, combine the 鍖our, cornmeal, romano cheese,
I cup yellow cornmeal                 baking powder, salt, and chili powder.
 cup 鍖nely grated Locatelli
Romano cheese                         In a small bowl, beat the whole egg and egg yolk with the buttermilk and

1遜 teaspoon baking powder             add to the dry ingredients, mixing until well combined. Stir in the corn and

I teaspoon salt                       scallions.

村 teaspoon chili powder               Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil and 1 H tablespoon of the butter in a large
1 large egg, at room temperature      skillet over medium-high heat. Working in batches, spoon the batter
1 large egg yolk, at room             (about 3 tablespoons for each fritteran ice cream scoop works great for
                                      making these) into the skillet to make 3-inch fritters. Cook until golden,
1遜 cups buttermilk
                                      3 to 4 minutes on each side, adding additional oil and butter as needed for
1遜 cups fresh or frozen corn
kernels, blanched (see Note)          each batch. Serve warm with the Chili-Lime Mayonnaise, garnishing with

村 cup chopped scallions               the corn kernels and lime wedges.
(green parts only)
                                      To blanch fresh or frozen corn, bring a medium-size saucepan of cold
村 cup olive oil
                                      water to a boil. Add the corn and cook until crisp-tender, 2 to 3 minutes.
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
                                      Remove from the heat, drain, and rinse under cold water.
1 recipe Chile-Lime Mayonnaise
(recipe follows)
About 1 cup fresh or frozen corn
kernels, blanched (see Note),
for garnish
Lime wedges, for garnish

(2)   AT HOME WITH MAGNOLIA                                                                                                                                                                            starters: appetizers and salads (3)
cream of carrot soup

makes 8 to 10 starter servings   Theres nothing like a big pot of homemade soup simmering on the
                                 stove on a chilly afternoon. This rich soup is great served as an appetizer
                                 when youre entertaining. It can be made in advance and stored in the
                                 refrigerator for up to two days.

4遜 cups chicken stock            Combine the chicken stock, carrots, onion, garlic, basil, salt, and pepper
1 pound carrots, cut into        in a heavy large pot over high heat. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce the
村-inch slices                    heat and simmer gently, until the carrots are tender, about 10 minutes.
1遜 cups coarsely chopped         Remove from the heat and, working in batches (about 1 cup at a time),
yellow onion
                                 transfer the soup to a blender, and puree until very smooth. Set aside.
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1 tablespoon dried basil         In the same pot, melt the butter over medium-high heat. When the butter
1遜 teaspoons salt                is completely melted and bubbling, add the 鍖our, whisking until well
遜 teaspoon white pepper          blended. Let the butter and 鍖our cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
6 tablespoons unsalted butter
                                 Meanwhile, in a separate medium-size saucepan, scald the milk (heat until
6 tablespoons all-purpose 鍖our
                                 just beginning to bubble on the sides of the pan). Add it to the butter and
3 cups whole milk
                                 鍖our mixture gradually, while stirring constantly. Continue stirring until the
                                 mixture is smooth and thickened, about 5 minutes.

                                 Return the carrot puree to the pot with the milk mixture and stir together
                                 over medium heat until heated through.

                                                                                                     soups (7)

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At Home with Magnolia

  • 1. at home with magnolia Classic American Recipes from the Owner of Magnolia Bakery Allysa Torey John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • 2. introduction Most of my life is spent cooking, baking, gardening, talking about food and writing about food. I love food. I love creating new recipes. I love when I open up the fridge to see a wide array of beautiful fresh ingredients and can spend a lazy afternoon puttering around the kitchen, putting together an elaborate, fun little feast just for the two of us on a Sunday, or a simple dinner on the back porch for neighbors on a summer evening. Im very lucky to live with someone who is as enthusiastic about eating as I am. When we have guests visiting, they think its a bit crazy when over our 鍖rst cup of coffee weve already created our menu for the entire day, complete with dessert. I like to cook simple foods made with seasonal ingredients. Im just about as passionate about gardening as I am about cooking. I have a cottage garden 鍖lled with roses and old-fashioned 鍖owers, and we have a large organic kitchen garden where I grow all of our vegetables. The greatest thing about having your own garden is being able to run out barefoot and pick a few ears of corn or a hand- ful of green beans.You cant get any fresher than food grown in your
  • 3. own backyard, and it really is amazing what a difference such fresh Although I love to spend time in the kitchen, I still try to keep ingredients have in the outcome of your dishes. things simple and I avoid recipes that are fancy with unnecessary Its important to me to know where my food comes from. What I steps. Many cookbooks and food magazines are 鍖lled with long, love about living in the country is that it gives me the opportunity to overwhelming recipes that look interesting at 鍖rst glance, but have get to know and support the local farmers who are raising the animals too many ingredients and too many complicated instructions to and growing the fruits and vegetables that end up on our kitchen make them realistic options for everyday meals. There arent enough table. For about six months out of the year, the farmers market is a cookbooks that encourage the home cook to make dinner, any night wonderful option for high quality, locally grown and raised foods. of the week. I feel pretty strongly about cooking only with seasonal produce. Maybe it would be easier to get people back into the evening Rather than feeling deprived, I 鍖nd it satisfying to eat foods only when ritual of sitting down together around the table if they had a nice theyre at their peak seasonally, and then theres the sweet anticipa- collection of simple recipes to cook from. It seems that people think tion of enjoying them the next year. I actually appreciate it more that they dont have the time, or perhaps they dont realize how quickly theres only a few week period when I can bring home the perfect they can prepare a fresh, home-cooked meal. Whether youre cook- juicy nectarines or gorgeous ripe strawberries to make a pie, and ing for one or for 鍖ve, it isnt as dif鍖cult as it might seem. that there are bushels of tomatoes for summer salads and pasta Theres one great tip that has always worked for me. Whether sauces for only a couple of months . . . and then in the winter, you entertaining friends or cooking a weeknight dinner for the family, make stew. planning ahead makes all the difference. What I like to do is to spend some time earlier in the day preparing for dinner so that I can come in and cook quickly, but in a relaxed manner, in the evening. I chop This book is a long time in the making. After writing two dessert and measure garlic, onion and other vegetables in advance, grate books, Im really happy to 鍖nally put together a collection that cheeses, prepare a salad dressing, and just generally organize my includes not only desserts but a lot of my favorite savory food recipes ingredients and set them aside for later. For those of you who 鍖nd that Ive been copying down for friends and dinner guests for years. yourselves coming in from work at the end of the day feeling like Many of the recipes in this book are things I learned to cook as a youre too tired to cook, preparing before you leave in the morning child and Im still making today. But Im also always experimenting makes it much easier to put together a healthy meal when you get with new ideas and different combinations of ingredients. home. (xiv) introduction introduction (xv)
  • 4. And when Im entertaining, I 鍖nd that if I prepare things in advance, I can really enjoy the time I have with my guests, whether its a few friends from town, or the whole family up for a barbecue. Its less stressful for me, and so its more fun for everyone. Ive organized the book into sections for starters, soups, lunches, dinners, sides, vegetables, and, of course, desserts. The dinners have been separated into two categories, weekday and weekend meals, which are based on how complicated the recipe is, and how long its preparation might take. These categories are just guides, though, and quick dishes with a nice presentation could easily be made when entertaining guests. The recipes Ive gathered here re鍖ect the all-American sensibili- ties of my bakery and my home. My style is the same whether Im making something sweet or savorysimple steps, fresh ingredients, and classic combinations. Allysa Torey January, 2005 starters appetizers and salads (xvi) introduction
  • 5. corn fritters with chile-lime mayonnaise chile-lime mayonnaise makes 6 servings (1 dozen fritters) When I entertain I like to make something a little different that my makes about 1遜 cups This recipe comes from my friend Dave Cole, who owns Daves Big Eddy friends wouldnt necessarily make for themselves at home. Corn fritters 1遜 cups mayonnaise Diner, our favorite restaurant near my home in upstate New York. It can be are a great appetizer to serve in the late summer when fresh corn is at 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice served with crab and cray鍖sh cakes (see page 000) as well as corn fritters its best, but frozen corn works just 鍖ne in this recipe as well. 1 tablespoon minced jalepe単o chile (see previous recipe). pepper (seeds and ribs removed) 2 teaspoons grated lime zest Place all the ingredients in a small bowl and stir together until well blended. I cup all-purpose 鍖our In a medium-size bowl, combine the 鍖our, cornmeal, romano cheese, I cup yellow cornmeal baking powder, salt, and chili powder. cup 鍖nely grated Locatelli Romano cheese In a small bowl, beat the whole egg and egg yolk with the buttermilk and 1遜 teaspoon baking powder add to the dry ingredients, mixing until well combined. Stir in the corn and I teaspoon salt scallions. 村 teaspoon chili powder Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil and 1 H tablespoon of the butter in a large 1 large egg, at room temperature skillet over medium-high heat. Working in batches, spoon the batter 1 large egg yolk, at room (about 3 tablespoons for each fritteran ice cream scoop works great for temperature making these) into the skillet to make 3-inch fritters. Cook until golden, 1遜 cups buttermilk 3 to 4 minutes on each side, adding additional oil and butter as needed for 1遜 cups fresh or frozen corn kernels, blanched (see Note) each batch. Serve warm with the Chili-Lime Mayonnaise, garnishing with 村 cup chopped scallions the corn kernels and lime wedges. (green parts only) To blanch fresh or frozen corn, bring a medium-size saucepan of cold 村 cup olive oil water to a boil. Add the corn and cook until crisp-tender, 2 to 3 minutes. 2 tablespoons unsalted butter Remove from the heat, drain, and rinse under cold water. 1 recipe Chile-Lime Mayonnaise (recipe follows) About 1 cup fresh or frozen corn kernels, blanched (see Note), for garnish Lime wedges, for garnish (2) AT HOME WITH MAGNOLIA starters: appetizers and salads (3)
  • 6. cream of carrot soup makes 8 to 10 starter servings Theres nothing like a big pot of homemade soup simmering on the stove on a chilly afternoon. This rich soup is great served as an appetizer when youre entertaining. It can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. 4遜 cups chicken stock Combine the chicken stock, carrots, onion, garlic, basil, salt, and pepper 1 pound carrots, cut into in a heavy large pot over high heat. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce the 村-inch slices heat and simmer gently, until the carrots are tender, about 10 minutes. 1遜 cups coarsely chopped Remove from the heat and, working in batches (about 1 cup at a time), yellow onion transfer the soup to a blender, and puree until very smooth. Set aside. 2 tablespoons minced garlic 1 tablespoon dried basil In the same pot, melt the butter over medium-high heat. When the butter 1遜 teaspoons salt is completely melted and bubbling, add the 鍖our, whisking until well 遜 teaspoon white pepper blended. Let the butter and 鍖our cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. 6 tablespoons unsalted butter Meanwhile, in a separate medium-size saucepan, scald the milk (heat until 6 tablespoons all-purpose 鍖our just beginning to bubble on the sides of the pan). Add it to the butter and 3 cups whole milk 鍖our mixture gradually, while stirring constantly. Continue stirring until the mixture is smooth and thickened, about 5 minutes. Return the carrot puree to the pot with the milk mixture and stir together over medium heat until heated through. soups (7)