1) Civil air traffic controllers play a crucial role in supporting national security by detecting anomalies in flight behavior and alerting military authorities. However, with increasing air traffic, focusing primarily on safety means anomalies not affecting safety can be missed.
2) The article proposes introducing automated "security nets" to detect anomalies like deviations from flight plans, loss of communication or transponders, to expedite military response. This requires information sharing between civil and military air traffic control.
3) Examples from Germany and NATO initiatives show civil-military coordination systems providing real-time flight information to military controllers. The next step is incident coordination across borders and domains to rapidly share information and coordinate responses to security incidents.
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Winter 2014 | VOLUME 56, NO. 4
When Time is of the Essence
By Walter Strijland, 42 Solutions B.V.
Civil air traffic control officers (ATCOs)
play a crucial role in supporting nation-
al security. Breaches in national secu-
rity require a decisive and timely
response. A prerequisite to detecting
these breaches is the dissemination
of information from civil to military
authorities. However, the sheer amount
of information and the primary focus
on safety creates a whole new area of
blind spots.
Automated security nets and inci-
dent management systems are needed
to illuminate these spots and allow the
proper authorities to focus the attention
on the actual anomalies and to coordi-
nate the proper responses.
ATCO Support to National Security
Civil-military coordination is often
viewed from an airspace management
perspective. The ownership and use
of airspace is coordinated between
two distinct user groups. However, the
cooperation between the civil and mil-
itary bodies extends to a wide variety
of areas beyond airspace management.
Quite frequently, civil ATCOs play a cru-
cial role in supporting national security.
Safeguarding national security is
a complex process mainly because of
the overwhelming amount of informa-
tion on actual civil flight movements.
It is important for air defense to estab-
lish if a flight is cooperative. In other
Winter 201450
3. words, is the flight complying with
the standing rules and regulations,
the approved flight plan/profile, etc.?
Detection of a non-cooperative flight
would render it suspect. What fol-
lows is an in-depth assessment of the
probable cause(s) and risks in order to
initiate appropriate measures.
Unfortunately, to detect if a flight
is cooperative, air defense requires
knowledge about the active instruc-
tions issued by the civil ATCO. Such
information is disseminated to a cer-
tain extent (e.g., by means of flight
plan distribution) but often lacks real-
time amendments.
Even with full access to complete
flight profile information, scrutinizing
the air situation in search of non-co-
operative flights would be a tremen-
dous activity that largely copies the
role the civil ATCO is already fulfill-
ing. Consequently, civil ATCOs play
a crucial role in detecting anomalous
behavior. It is the ATCO who is most
likely to be the first to detect anoma-
lies - to investigate these and to alert
the appropriate partners where needed.
Thus, they hand over responsibility to
the national security domain.
Indicators show that air traffic has
shown fairly constant growth over the
past decade. The ever-increasing amount
of traffic implies that Air Navigation
Service Providers (ANSPs) and ATCOs
face the challenge of coping with the
increase. At the same time they are
challenged to improve performance,
reduce cost, and ensure safety. The
ATCOs extracurricular responsibility
of supporting national security con-
flicts with this challenge.
To deal with the increasing
amount of information, the ATCO has
to compartmentalize and focus on the
responsibility of ensuring safety (not
security). This implies that anomalies
that are not, or at least not evidently,
undermining safety can easily slip
the ATCOs attention.
The recent MH370 incident and
It is the ATCO who is most
likely to be the first to
detect anomalies to
investigate these and
to alert the appropriate
partners where needed.
The Journal of Air Traffic Control 51
4. the 9/11 attacks illustrate how factual
above challenges are. As the MH370
flight incident shows, compartmen-
talizing responsibilities, though
effective in terms of safety critical
decision-making, implicitly creates
blind spots with regards to accidental
or intentional non-cooperativeness. The
reports on the 9/11 attack show that
although the anomalies were detect-
ed at an early stage, interpretation
and consequential reporting to NORAD
took quite some time [1]
. In both scenar-
ios, ATCO awareness, alertness and
promptness play a crucial latent securi-
ty role in a safety mindset.
Note that the above statement is
based on the assumption that losing cov-
erage of MH370 could have been regard-
ed as an anomaly. ICAO, CANSO, and
IATA are investigating the possibility
to establish global tracking capabili-
ties to eliminate such coverage gaps.
Still, from the ATCO perspective the
MH370 was safely handed over to Ho
Chi Minh[2]
so a loss of coverage in
Malaysian airspace would no longer
have been of interest to the ATCO.
Introducing Security Nets
Most ANSPs provide ample mecha-
nisms to automatically flag safety
critical situations that require imme-
diate ATCO attention (safety nets)[3]
Similarly, military centers, which mon-
itor air traffic from a security point of
view, could introduce mechanism to
flag anomalies that require the atten-
tion of air defense, or even rescue coor-
dination centers.
The concept of security nets caters
to supporting the military controllers
with the detection of these anomalies.
Thus, this limits the active monitoring
requirement to the set of flights that are
The types of anomalies and the
required response are diverse. In gener-
al, the security nets should trigger any
breach of contract between the ATCO
and a pilot. This could be based on any
information that can be derived auto-
matically like deviation from the agreed
flight profile (route, cleared flight level,
ETO), unexpected transponder chang-
es, transponder loss, or even a lack
of voice communication (although this
would require a special infrastructure).
Of course, it could also cater for detec-
tion of security breaches (spoofing).
Automatic detection can expedite a
scramble of Quick Reaction Alert inter-
ceptors, or a swift SAR operation.
In the MH370 scenario, security
nets could have resulted in an instant
alert based on a loss of coverage (tran-
sponder loss), which could have led to
an instantaneous response.
The Need for Information
A prerequisite for such a security net
mechanism is voluntary information
dissemination from civil centers to the
military domain. The embellishment
voluntary is not superfluous as shar-
ing information on ATCO decisions
requires bilateral agreement to avoid
the impression of having a big brother
watching ATCO activities, but such
data dissemination is not unheard of.
Civil-military coordination in
Germany has been listed as an exem-
plary case in terms of flexible use of
. But the German Air Force
also has an impressive record of sound
coordination with the civil ANSPs in
terms of air defense activities going
back as far as 1979. At that time,
EUROCONTROL Upper Area Control
centers in Maastricht and Karlsruhe
provided real time information to the
military domain (CRCs), thus improv-
ing the actual situational awareness
and limiting the coordination effort by
effectively bringing the real time civil
ATC picture to the air defense sites.
In 2003, EUROCONTROL took the
initiative to equip the CDCs of the
French Air Force with a ported variant
(now called CIMACT) of the German
system to further improve civil-military
coordination in cross border areas. Both
systems showed real-time flight plans
Civil Air Picture illustrating the amount of information on civil flight movements Maastricht UAC ATCO
Winter 201452
5. and track details containing most of
the essential ATCO inputs[7]
In the pre-9/11 world, the above
examples of presenting the civil air pic-
ture to the military controller sufficed.
It enabled the air defense operators
to identify air traffic as known and
under civil control which rendered it
friendly (non-threatening). This, sadly,
has proven to be a flawed assumption
(though, in terms of pure civil-military
separation coordination it still suffices).
As the 9/11 attacks have demonstrated,
any flight, at any time, in or near sov-
ereign airspace could become suspect.
Introducing Incident Coordination
In 2006 the interoperability and adapt-
ability of CIMACT was recognized by
the NATO as a viable basis for the imple-
mentation of the NATO-Russia Councils
Cooperative Airspace Initiative. This ini-
tiative, conceived in the wake of the 9/11
attacks, focused on providing increased
transparency, early notification of sus-
picious air activities, rapid coordination
and joint responses to security incidents
in the European airspace, including ter-
rorists threats.[5]
This next evolutionary step added
the concept of cross-border (multi-
state), cross-domain (civil-military as
well as military-military) coordination
to the equation. Within the CAI initia-
tive this multi-state approach has been
demonstrated and validated in several
live Vigilant Skies events. The system
allowed operators in different coun-
tries to easily exchange informationand
coordinate responses, thus adding an
incident management capability to the
CIMACT platform.
It is interesting to observe that the
9/11 attack response was hampered
by the fact that NEADS did not know
where to send the alert fighter aircraft.[1]
The incident management capability
caters for this particular real-time relay
of information.
Still, as stated previously, enabling
coordination and information sharing
might just add to the workload. A more
active approach seemed required and
since actively monitoring all flights in
sovereign airspace is a near to impossi-
ble task, a solution was sought in estab-
lishing security nets.
It was in this context that a first
security net concept was demonstrated
to the CAI programme manager with-
in NATO. This demonstration, how-
ever, could offer tangible results only
because of the presence of regular-
ly updated information, which includ-
ed sufficient flight profile information
that could be monitored (current flight
plan, cleared flight levels, present/next
SSR, etc.). Obtaining this information is
where todays challenges lie.
The Next Step
Todays ANSP systems are closed
and do not readily offer this informa-
tion to the extent needed. Of course,
interoperability regulation ensures that
a certain inter-center level of informa-
tion is available but access to intra-cen-
ter information is not readily dissem-
inated. It often takes special legacy
interfaces to extract actual flight profile
information as defined by the ATCO
that is currently controlling the flight
from todays ANSP systems.
Within the scope of SESAR IOP-G
groundwork is laid for harmonizing
such information streams by disclos-
ing real-time 4D trajectory info (Flight
Objects) in a networked environment
(SWIM/PENS). By giving the military
access to this environment the possi-
bility arises to fully transfer the respon-
sibility of security related activities to
the military domain[6]
The Global ATM Security
Management Project funded by the
EU might offer the means to further
develop above security nets and estab-
lish real-time information gathering by
liaising with the SESAR IOP-G work-
groups. Within the GAMMA scope, the
incident management capabilities will
be expanded even further, bridging
the information sharing gap between
air defense organizations and ANSPs[8]
Additional security nets can expedite
responses and reduce the dependency
on civil ATCO vigilance.
Authors Note
This article is not meant as a scientific
paper but is meant to be informational
and expresses the authors viewpoint
on the topic. The author aims to estab-
lish wider awareness and promote a
Civil ATCOs play a crucial role in
supporting national security.
Interceptors during Vigilant Skies
The Journal of Air Traffic Control 53
6. common agreement on broadening ways for multi-stake-
holder cooperation to support national security organisa-
tions in coping with their challenges.
Walter Strijland has been working in the area of civil-
military Cooperation since 1994 starting with ADMAR
2000. As a founding partner of 42 Solutions, a Dutch IT
solution provider, he and co-founder Bert Brouwer have
supported and worked on several European initiatives in
the scope of security. Their work on CIMACT formed the
foundation of what later became the CAI system. 42 Solutions
endeavors to continue their work on the development of
incident management and security net capabilities within
the scope of GAMMA. They have developed a wide-area
situational display that allows for global coordination.
[1.] The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11
Report), July 22, 2004, U.S. Government Printing Office
[2.] MH370 Preliminary Report, 2014, Ministry of Transport Malaysia
[3.] Safety Nets Ensuring Effectiveness Guide, 2012, EUROCONTROL
[4.] ICAO CIR-330 AN/189 Civil/Military Cooperation in Air Traffic
Management, 2011, ICAO [5] CAI Fact Sheet for the Media, 2011,
[5.] CAI Fact Sheet for the Media, 2011, PANSA
[6.] Roadmap on Enhanced Civil-Military CNS Interoperability and
Technology Convergence, 2013, EUROCONTROL
[7] https://www.eurocontrol.int/services/civil-military-atm-co-ordina
[8] http://www.gamma-project.eu/
Concept gamma contribution
Winter 201454
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