Atelectasis is the closure or collapse of alveoli caused by reduced alveolar ventilation or blockage preventing air from entering or leaving the alveoli. This causes trapped air in the alveoli to be absorbed while outside air cannot enter, resulting in collapse. Symptoms include cough, sputum production, fever, difficulty breathing, and low blood oxygen. Diagnosis is made through decreased breath sounds, chest x-ray findings of infiltrates or consolidation, and low oxygen saturation. Management involves removing secretions through coughing, suctioning, chest physical therapy, and medications to improve ventilation and re-expand the lungs.
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1. Atelectasis
Atelectasisisthe closure orcollapse of alveoli.
- postoperative settingorinpeople whoare immobilizedandhave ashallow,monotonous
- Excesssecretionsormucus
- chronicairwayobstruction
Atelectasismayoccurinthe adultas a resultof reducedalveolarventilationoranytype of blockage
that impedesthe passage of airtoand from the alveoli thatnormallyreceiveairthroughthe bronchi
and networkof airways.The trappedalveolarairbecomesabsorbedintothe bloodstream, but
outside aircannotreplace the absorbedairbecause of the blockage.Asa result,the isolatedportion
of the lungbecomesairlessandthe alveoli collapse.
Clinical Manifestations
- Cough
- sputumproduction
- low-grade fever.
- respiratorydistress
- dyspnea,
- tachycardia
- tachypnea
- pleural pain,andcentral cyanosis(abluishskinthatisa late signof hypoxemia)
- difficultybreathinginthe supine positionandisanxious.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
- Decreasedbreathsoundsandcracklesare heardover the affectedarea.
- chestx-rayfindingsmayreveal patchyinfiltratesorconsolidatedareas
- pulse oximetry(SpO2) may show alow saturationof hemoglobinwithoxygen(lessthan
- Change patient’spositionfrequently,especiallyfromsupine touprightposition,topromote
- Encourage earlymobilizationfrombedtochairfollowedbyearlyambulation.
- Encourage appropriate deepbreathingandcoughingtomobilize secretionsandprevent
- Teach/reinforce appropriate technique forincentivespirometry.
- Administerprescribedopioidsandsedativesjudiciouslytopreventrespiratorydepression.
- Performpostural drainage andchestpercussion,if indicated.
- Institute suctioningtoremove tracheobronchial secretions,if indicated.