The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. It states that regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help alleviate symptoms of mental illness.
Gu¨ªa de uso software de eventos-Creaci¨®n de eventos departamentales y coordin...Eliana Santos
El documento proporciona instrucciones paso a paso para crear eventos departamentales y coordinadores delegados en el sistema de la Fundaci¨®n Red Colombiana de Semilleros de Investigaci¨®n. Explica c¨®mo crear un evento, agregar informaci¨®n b¨¢sica, establecer fechas l¨ªmite e inscripciones ilimitadas. Tambi¨¦n muestra c¨®mo crear cuentas de usuario para coordinadores delegados de cada instituci¨®n a fin de que puedan registrar proyectos y participantes.
Este documento presenta un plan para movilizar pr¨¢cticas educativas abiertas a trav¨¦s de la producci¨®n, uso, reutilizaci¨®n y remezcla de recursos educativos abiertos. El plan se enfoca en estudiantes, profesores y autoridades educativas, y propone utilizar un curso y grupo de Facebook para apoyar a los maestros en el uso de cuadernillos de matem¨¢ticas. El documento concluye que esta estrategia hace m¨¢s accesible la capacitaci¨®n docente al permitir la participaci¨®n flexible y a distancia.
Discapacitados, no: Personas con discapacidadMario Mejia
El siguiente trabajo, tiene como objetivo presentar el m¨®dulo III que contiene los siguientes temas: De los itinerarios de exclusi¨®n a las pr¨¢cticas integradoras. De las pr¨¢cticas integradoras a la cooperaci¨®n. Discapacitados, no: Personas con discapacidad, a trav¨¦s de mapas conceptuales.
Este documento define las redes inform¨¢ticas y describe los tipos de redes seg¨²n su cobertura, medio de propagaci¨®n y topolog¨ªa. Tambi¨¦n explica los dispositivos de conexi¨®n comunes como tarjetas de red, cables, concentradores, conmutadores y routers.
Students from several countries participated in an activity called "What are the trees talking about?". They wrote short stories from the perspective of trees. The stories covered topics like:
- An old olive tree in Greece telling the story of how olive trees helped Athens gain wealth and prosperity.
- A pine tree in Thessaloniki, Greece witnessing the city's history over many years, including its liberation from the Turks.
- The oldest known chestnut tree in the world, called the "Hundred Horse Chestnut" located near Mount Etna in Sicily, telling the legend of how it sheltered a queen and 100 knights during a storm.
- The oldest poplar tree near a river in
This document contains various student submissions related to Christmas, including:
1) A 2nd grade class story about a family not having Christmas sweets this year.
2) A 4th grade essay describing Greek Christmas customs in English.
3) A poem by an 11-year old student about Santa arriving and bringing presents.
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewisgulombahoum
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewis
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewis
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewis